We like to think that we are sensible beings who base our actions on conscious decisions. The fact is, all of us are subject to the occasional irrational impulse, the “wild hair” that surprises us and those around us. Usually, this is not a problem – in fact, it can act as a safety valve for our creative abilities and a check against unnecessary self- restriction. But it’s not so healthy when we find ourselves driven by compulsions and obsessions that seem to take over our lives and consume our attention and energy. How can we discover the origins of these forces? Can we turn them into something constructive? – Niki Reeves
So, how’s your Italian? The quindecile (pronounced quin-deh-chee-leh – with Italian accentuation please – just kidding) is a little known 165° aspect (spatial difference between two planets) in astrology that reflects the psychodynamic of obsessive/compulsive tendency in an astrological chart. Most of us have some degree of obsessive/compulsive inclination wired into our instinctual databank which pops out in some sort of behavior or action or attitude – alcoholism, drug abuse, are a workaholic, a shopaholic, a serious gambler, have eating disorders, sexual addictions, body image concerns, perfectionism, idealism, use of manipulation and/or control etc. It can also present as a consummate drive to reach positive goals to complete fixations that block everything and everyone out of our lives. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, American Psychiatric Association, obsessive/compulsive disorder is defined as “recurrent obsession or compulsion sufficiently severe to cause marked distress, be time consuming, or significantly interfere with a person’s normal routine, occupational functioning, or usual social activities or relationships with others.”
In astrology, the general rule is that there are many factors that must be taken into account before a specific judgment or supposition can be made. The quindecile is only one of these factors. The natal astrology chart has a unique way of offering compensation or modification for some of those alleged dire aspects that seem to stand out like sore thumbs and which unfortunately some astrologers like to run off on in a negative way. Any horoscope must be analyzed and understood within the context of an individual’s life … it is after all a map of possibility and probability which can easily derail the inexperienced. That said let’s take a look at the quindecile.
This aspect was brought into astro-awareness by German astrologer Thomas Ring (1892-1983). He called it the “separation aspect” further defining it as disruption and upheaval that divorces an individual from the balance of his or her life according to the planets involved. The aspect basically faded into the nether regions until it was “rediscovered” by contemporary international astrologer Noel Tyl while he was researching the horoscope of Leonardo da Vinci for his book Astrology of the Famed. Through the use of over 600 horoscopes Mr. Tyl confirmed that the aspect lived up to its reputation. In the case of Da Vinci a well known “perfectionist” it certainly rang true … every facet of his life was handled with a compulsive meticulousness. In this case, not so bad as the result was a creative genius bar none.
The quindecile is a 24th harmonic aspect. In Western astrology we work with a 360° circle. The 24th harmonic would relate to the division of the circle by twenty-four with each section being 15°. Quindecile is the Latin word for fifteen. Most astrology software programs do not offer a setting for the quindecile but it is easy to find. Since the zodiacal circle is divided in half, which is 180°, the quindecile would lie at fifteen degrees from either side of the opposition. For example 15° Aries Quindecile point = 0° Scorpio or 0° Libra (if we add 15° to 15° Libra we get 30° Libra which equals 0° Scorpio. If we subtract 15° Libra from 15° Libra we get 0° Libra). We have merely added or subtracted from the known opposition point.
Okay mini lesson over so stop scratching your head. Let’s move on …
Planets in quindecile aspect will show themselves outwardly if they are connected to the angles of a chart; if connected to personal planets, they are incorporated into the personality and present as a singular dynamic through which obsessive compulsive tendencies are channeled; if connected to social planets there is indication of opportunity to take a stand within the current rules of society; if connected to outer planets they are part of the collective evolutionary cycle of the societies of humankind.
Famous assorted examples:
John Lennon: Uranus in Taurus (disruption of status quo via innovative ideas) quindecile Mercury in Scorpio (transformative communication). Always a bit unusual in getting his point across, his message was significant in ending the Viet Nam war.
Marilyn Monroe: her Saturn Rx in Scorpio quindecile her Mercury in Gemini was indicative of mental strain and depression.
Paramahansa Yogananda: founder of the Self Realization Movement blended scientific methods of meditation with the spiritual life had Pluto in Gemini quindecile his Mercury in Sagittarius.
Joseph Mengele: the “Angel of Death” had his Sun in Pisces quindecile his Moon in Libra – had an emotional need to be recognized via working with the intangible – the man had no conscience.
Prince William of England: North Node in Cancer (maternal relationship intimate and worldly) quindecile his Sagittarius Ascendant (philosophy and belief systems projected outward onto others).
Jeffrey Dahmer: Mars in Aries quindecile his North Node in Virgo = recognition and renown through personal and self- focused means.
*The United States has Pluto in Capricorn quindecile the Sun in Cancer = the ego of the people recognized through hard work and ambition.
Historic examples when Uranus, Neptune and Pluto came into quindecile alignment over the last 1000 years:
1043-1058: Upheaval in the Roman church that caused a permanent separation between Rome and the Eastern Church.
1215-1230: The Magna Carta was signed and implemented.
1389-1402: Turkish invasions were turned around ultimately leading to a Christian Europe (Uranus was also quindecile Pluto).
1556-1573: Queen Elizabeth took the throne.
1727-1743: The Age of Enlightenment began.
1898-1918: Wars between Spain and the US; the Boxer Rebellion in China; the Boer War and the beginning of WWI.
1022-1033: The beginning of individuated thought that eventually resulted in the upheaval of the Roman church.
1138-1147: The Second Crusade.
1278-1290: The beginning of innovative thought and technological discovery.
1392-1400: Beginning of the Renaissance.
1533-1544: Henry VIII fought Rome and founded the Church of England
1645-1653: The English Civil War and the upheaval with Scotland.
1790-1799: The Industrial Revolution. The French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon.
1898-1906: The modern world of invention – the telegraph, the end of steam and the beginning of electrical age, the birth of the theory of relativity, psychoanalysis is born, flight with the Wright Brothers, the automobile and the assembly line.
1139-1166: The Second Crusade, the first explosives used by the Chinese and the birth of Genghis Khan.
1633-1660: The founding of new churches including the Baptist Church, the Quaker Movement and the end of torture in England.
I don’t know much …
… about astrology but this was extremely interesting! Never heard of this before.