2. All Magic Is For Amateurs ©2014 – Matt Sharpe

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

2. All Magic Is For Amateurs ©2014 – Matt Sharpe
            2. All Magic Is For Amateurs © – Matt Sharpe 

Magic, or magick, is a practice that has many users and followers, originating within many varying sources, cultures, and time periods around the world. It makes an appearance in several ways, some of which are not always so apparent to the outsider who may be less able to discern the intent and purpose of a thing being directed at them or their area of concern. Shamanism is a spiritual practice that predates almost every specific religion on the planet, and this being the case, is in some ways the point of origin for what becomes magic; however, it would be inaccurate to say that shamans themselves, or their way of spirituality is the actual source of this. In many cases, it is other folks who believe they are emulating the way of the shaman, who practice magical spells or incantations, mistakenly believing that this is what shamans do, even to the point of considering themselves to be actual shamans after paying for a class out of a book, as opposed to spending personal time in the company of one. The idea of a “magic word” did in fact originate with shamans and their awareness of the fact that reality and life itself sprang from Sound or Spirit. From this they learned that uttering commands for specific purposes which could vary from the tribe’s need for food or water, to protection from predatory wild animals or malevolent non-physical entities. They learned that uttering commands could have certain effects upon forces of nature, or other beings in the world.



   Many times, when magic is referred to, it is broken down into a dual nature, of white and black-magic, positive and negative magic. The truth of the matter is that both are basically very much the same thing, regardless of name, an attempt to subvert the forces of nature to an individual’s personal will or desire. In many cases this is done without asking or consulting the individual(s) it is being directed at, resulting in a flat denial of free will. Denying another a choice in things they are involved in, is a form of control, or enslavement, regardless of the supposed reason behind it. Every time it results in the attempt to exercise one’s will over both nature, and other beings, it matters not whether it is called black or white, neither actually allow God to have ITS will in things. For this reason it can hardly be considered otherwise than an egotistical attempt at power, and this is why although magic can work, at the end of its cycle, the practitioner will inevitably find it extremely costly. Such is karma.



   Many mystical paths speak of the goal of the mystic as being that achievement of dropping all notions of the self to realize the true Self, and then beyond that achieving the realization of God.  Every type of magic craft that exists, exists with the purpose of manipulation the environment or other persons within one’s environment, and for this reason, exposes itself as the dichotomy of spirituality rather than an actual degree of spirituality, and this one fact alone also exposes the fact that magic is, itself, a thing of the lower planes of existence, having nothing to do with God, or any of the highest states of consciousness or being. The mystic surrenders his own will to the will of God, allowing IT to lead him through the challenges of life successfully, as well as to learn every step along the way. Magic, being an art of egotistical exercise, is unable to provide the same level of learning and experience. One simply cannot use a dualistic tool to bring one’s Self to the realm beyond duality. That would be trying to use a three foot step-ladder to reach a thing on a shelf that is sitting fifteen feet high. An exercise in total futility.



   When an individual is unwilling to surrender their complete affairs to Divine Being, always desiring to instead, control things themselves, this shows not only a lack or complete inability to trust, but also that this person’s relation to the Divine is begun with, and based upon, falsehood. A relationship based on lies is not one that is honest or one that has any ability to last, and if it is unable to last within the constraints of time, a feature of the lower planes, then it can obviously not even approach the non-dual world of the Absolute and is therefore faulty. And in such a case, the human individual is always to blame, not God (by whatever name) . This is the specific reason i often say “Magic is for amateurs.” Not only is its use based entirely on the desire of ego for power, such an individual has yet to learn the right way to address or approach the Divine Being, not to mention putting in the time practicing methods that work as well as discernment so as to distinguish between true or false representations of, or true messages from, the Godhead.



   Often, those who are using magic find it nearly impossible to honestly admit they had done anything wrongful in any way regarding anyone else. This lack of honesty and personal responsibility is an unfortunate side-effect of doing a thing for a less than honest reason, and one who is unable to honestly and in a detached manner regard their own choices and doings, is unlikely to admit them later. In a majority of cases, they view it as impossible for them to ever do anything that is wrong or creates “bad” karma. This is a trait so many share. Yet the situation always balances the same way, and that makes things hard for the magician, as their karma teaches them not to interfere with Life by insisting on imposing with their will on other people and the situations, they are in. Regardless of the type of magic, it is always and egotistical pursuit of power, and those who claim otherwise are merely making excuses in their laziness to accomplish anything themselves, by their own mental and physical efforts. It is a simple affair of doing the work, and there is no substitute for that.



   It matters not which type or method of magic one uses; all are the same in that they refuse to surrender the ego and its desires. For this reason, none are a profitable action to take, regardless of circumstance. Many times, a person uses the excuse of mysticism and expansion of awareness or state of consciousness for the use of magic. What they either don’t know or refuse to believe is that the only way to expand one’s state of consciousness is by the act of paying karma for using it, and by the severity of the karma, they eventually learn, the hardest of ways, that it is a useless pursuit that cannot offer any degree of lasting benefit. Some use the excuse “I am what I am, and I won’t allow you to change me!” and this again is mere ego, asserting its right to exist, even if at the cost of another’s free will or happiness. Some use magic to break a couple up and cause a divorce, all in the hopes of bringing one of those people into a relationship with themselves, but this never works out that way. Most often such a one finds that they are literally shunned by the one they had hoped to draw to them self. I have personally witnessed people insisting that someone is sending demons at them or trying to other wise attack them, when in reality it is simply the karma they created for themselves, coming to collect on the debt, and it simply cannot be stopped from collecting. Karmic law does indeed have Lords that govern it, and beyond that it is very much an automatic function, a law of the lower worlds, and belief in its existence is not needed, nor is it required, it will work the way it does regardless of any human’s opinion of it, belief, or lack thereof.



   When it comes to spirituality, or any other thing, there are always groups who will endlessly attempt to circumvent the rules of the thing, to arrive at a successful end without the usual hardship that others had paid for results before. Therefore they are referred to as amateurs, and also for the fact that it simply does not work out. Results may occur, but regardless of that it creates karma which always comes due. When such an amateur attempts to throw a spell at any spiritually realized Soul that has surrendered their will to the Divine, so as to act as ITS instrument, these attacks are naturally repelled and very easily. Then they always return to the point of origin, tenfold. This brings us to the truly realized Soul, what we might call the “professional” only because one of these never seeks the quick and easy way out. They have the capacity, experience, and understanding to literally do the work that needs to be done to repel such a thing, and to them, it is hardly work at all, such is its simplicity. All the while this Soul remains utterly detached from the results, not particularly caring what course they might take, only that the attacks be repelled and taken away from themselves or others who are being attacked in this way. This lack of a need to control factors, and willingness to surrender the entire affair to the highest power, is exactly what allows one to turn the course of magic attacks and provide protection to other intended victims that ask for it. In every case, the Absolute’s will is the only will that determines the course or outcome of things.



   Time and time again, another often used excuse can be seen. This is the so-called requirement to balance light and dark. Implying that the dark has some imagined right to exist, if it is balanced with the light, and this is completely ridiculous. Balance is a very necessary thing as it is nigh impossible for one in the human body to attain one-hundred percent perfection, however, this is not the same as allowing a fifty percent of darkness or wickedness. Those that utilize this train of thought will always come into hardship due to them because of it. In every case, the individual truly chooses those unpleasant realities for themselves through some action, or intent that they alone chose to have. Truthful intent or motivation for a thought, word, or action is specifically what determines what sort of karma will be due because of it. the Absolute cannot be fooled, IT knows the truth of every situation and the true motivation for every choice made in all the worlds. And ITS karmic law addresses the truth in a very direct manner, therefore, the only way to be free of the harsher forms of karma, is to not utilize a negative reason or intention in one’s choices, thoughts, words and actions. There is absolutely no truth to the idea that a balance of light and dark will lead one beyond the duality of them, that is a state that is completely beyond duality, and there simply is no dark whatsoever at those levels. One does well if they are able to discern truthfully what is dark, and what is simply something being returned to them by the Divine Will, in recompense for a previous choice they, themselves made.



    Often one will claim some code of honor has been broken as karma comes to collect its due, all the while forgetting they broke this same perceived code themselves to begin with. It is notable that honor is purely a mental creation, the definitions of which vary from individual to individual, and is a thing that is not important to, and has no effect upon, the Soul or the Godhead. They are never troubled by such lower concepts, nor do they concern themselves in any way with the concept. Rather, they are only concerned with Truth, a thing not so often recognized, and much more difficult to live by as a standard, than the average person would ever believe. The fact that honor can take either side within a dualism, demonstrates very clearly that this is true. One can keep and value an honor to the negative just as easily as to any positive, and a dual thing cannot a thing of the non-dual reality.


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3 thoughts on “2. All Magic Is For Amateurs ©2014 – Matt Sharpe”

  1. tsk, tsk, tsk …

    Does  this mean I have to give up my magic wand? Oh darn!


    Great points!

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