2 Julian Johnson Books About Sant Mat

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

These books were the primary introduction of Sant Mat into the western world, and that was via a split off faction from the Radhasoami Agra Satsang….Jaimal Singh split off under Babuji's Mastership and started his own satsang at Beas. The last Master of the Beas line, that had any association or initiation under an Agra Guru, and thus an actual spiritual connection, was Sawan Singh, initiated by Babuji, and an initiator himself, but never once called himself a Master. From this school, another student started a split off statsang, Kirpal Singh, who was initiated by Sawan Singh, started the Ruhani Satsang, which is the group Paul Twitchell became acquainted with Radhasoami from, but, in writing his own books, actually hit much closer to the spiritual heart of the Agra line's teachings…

The Path Of The Masters


With A Great Master In India


2 Julian Johnson Books About Sant Mat

1 thought on “2 Julian Johnson Books About Sant Mat”

  1. Sant Mat

    "The Divine Sound is the Original Unspoken Word-Sound of the beginning. It is the special Name of the Supreme Sovereign. This Name makes apparent Its reality to the person who perceives it. By this Divine Sound the direct knowledge of the Essential existence of the Supreme Sovereign may be attained."(Maharshi Mehi, Philosophy of Liberation)

    All souls (jivas) are in essence drops of love from the Ocean of God.



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