2013 Blessings

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By INDIA - Exec. Admin.



From http://www.chhathpuja.co/home

Lord Rama New Year 2013 Blessings

Happy moments praise god
Difficult moments seek god
Quite moments worship god
Painful moments trust god
Every new moment in the New Year 2013 thanks god
Lord Rama gives you all the desire and happiness throughout new year 2013!!!

Lord Jesus New Year 2013 Blessings

Closer than a touch
Deeper than a breath
Stronger than a hurricane
Is the place of abode of god within
May god Jesus give you peace & joy whole the year 2013!

Maa Saraswati New Year 2013 Blessings

Kind words can be short and easy to speak,
But their echoes are truly endless.
On the eve of New Year Maa Saraswati gives you true vision and lovable wordings.
Happy New Year 2013!

Lord Buddha New Year 2013 Blessings

God moves in a mysterious way
We wonders when perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And ride upon the storm.
So never break trust on them
On New Year 2012 Lord Buddha gives you joy & serenity.
Wish you a very happy new year 2013

Lord Vishnu New Year 2013 Blessings

What shall we do, if all my love,
My hopes, my sweat, are shine away,
If there be no God above,
To hear and bless me when I pray?
God Vishnu is all around us so don’t be afraid
Enjoy this New Year 2013 with blessing of them. 

God Narshimha New Year 2013 Blessings

Bravery believes in yourself, and that thing nobody can teach you except god
so on the eve of New Year 2013 God Narshimha give you bravery and power to fight with untruth and selfishness. 

Lord Ram New Year 2013 Blessings

When you turn your heart and your life over to Lord Ram, when you accept them as the savior, it changes your heart.
May lord Ram give you serenity of life that you accept new challenges and peace on the New Year 2013.

Goddess Sita New Year 2013 Blessings

As for goals, we shouldn’t set ourselves those anymore, we take things as they come and find that patience and persistence tend to win out in the end.
On the eve of 2013 may Goddess Sita give us patience and serenity to do best in our life.

God Hanuman New Year 2013 Blessings

Angels are like diamonds.
They can’t be made, you have to find them.
Each one is inimitable.
May God Hanuman provide you spirits, flames of fire that enables you
to have wider connections with decency.
Happy New Year 2013!

God Hanuman New Year 2013 Blessings

Pay attention to your dreams – God’s angels often speak directly to our hearts when we are asleep so on the eve of new year 2013 may be lord hanuman speak to you and bless you.
Happy New Year 2013

Lord Ganesha New Year 2013 Blessings

God’s always within us in his paradise with the rights, something can’t be touched but feel them with splendor of presence and on this New Year may Lord Ganesha give you prosperous life with wisdom.Happy New Year 2013.

Lord Natraja New Year 2013 Blessings

The flame of my life may be burns low
Under the jumbled days,
Like a fire of leaves.
But always a little blue, fragrant smoke
Goes up to God and always wished that
Everyone nearer & closer to me get the pious soul.
May Lord Natraja fulfill all the desire in this New Year 2013

Lord Shiv New Year 2013 Blessings

Our life is like the’ unstable wave,
Our flower of youth decays.
Our joys are brief as lightning blaze
In summer’s cloudy days,
Our riches convoy as swift as thought;
Faith in the One Supreme
Alone will bear us o’er the sound
Of being’s stormy stream.
May Lord Shiv fulfill your all the desire.
Happy New Year 2013

Lord Shiva New Year 2013 Blessings

Do what you want to try
Be with who make you smile
And please convey as you want to take
And see that how much Lord Shiva will gives you
Happy New Year 2013

Lord Vishnu New Year 2013 Blessings
God makes three requests of his children: 
Do the best you can, 
where you are, with what you have, now.
Lets we celebrate New Year 2013 with this resolution &
take this Lord Vishnu voice into our own life and perform best. 

Goddess Lakshmi New Year 2013 Blessings

God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine.I wish you all that on this New Year 2013 may Goddesss Lakshmi gives you name, fame and prosperity. 

Goddess Lakshmi New Year 2013 Blessings

The easiest way to double your money just fold it in half and you see that your money will be doubled and put it back in your pocket.I wish you all that on this New Year 2013 may Goddess Lakshmi blossom your life with prosperity and joy.  

God Vishnu New Year 2013 Blessings

Lets we deepen our experience of God through prayer, meditation, and forgiveness and see how much God Vishnu care us & love us. Happy New Year 2013

Goddess Radha New Year 2013 blessing 

No matter how big the world is, if we are meant to be together, love will lead us to be together may this spiritual thought leads your path of life with the blessing of Goddess Radha. Happy New Year 2013

Lord Krishna New Year 2013
Innocent means, sacrifice ownselves for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world so lets we try this and do our best. May on the eve of New Year lord Krishna will lead us for that.
Happy New Year 2013

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