3. Psychic Space and the Law of Non-Interference © 2014 – Matt Sharpe

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3. Psychic Space and the Law of Non-Interference © 2014 – Matt Sharpe


One thing that can often make for problematic situations amongst groups of people is the idea of, or lack of, recognized psychic space by which is meant the emotional and varying mental aspects of space, both on the inner planes and relating states of consciousness, as well as the inner states of every human being in the Physical Realm. The boundaries of these are often not recognized or shared between any group, and that only becomes harder between different groups of people, one often refusing to respect the space and freedom of choice, as well as the basic right to make a choice of any other. In Eckankar we refer to this as the Law of Non-Interference, which states ” Anyone who uses any means of change or influence on another’s mind, including prayer, is violating a law of spiritual consciousness.” *

     A person’s space is no different than a home owned by one, no one can enter it unless first invited or allowed by the owner, and any who enter under any other circumstance, is a criminal. And this works to the same extent in reverse. It can be said that a person’s space extends right out to the point where another’s begins. Any individual who is minding their own business, and is not stepping out into another’s, may do as they see fit, so long as it harms no other. A situation where a person wants another to do a thing that they have said no to, who then proceeds to attempt to talk the person into doing that thing, is quite literally attempting mind control. There are no exceptions within that framework. Not many would recognize such a simple, everyday situation such as that as being an attempt at mind control until it is done to themselves, where it suddenly becomes far more obvious.

     One who has perceptive “gifts”, that can perceive more deeply than the average person must also be very careful not to invade another’s space without first gaining permission. While they might well have a flow of information incoming that can be turned off, also if one hasn’t yet learned how to do that, the very least they can do is be respectful and remain silent. Not everything that comes in necessarily needs to be said aloud. This is often a matter of self-control, and if one says something that causes a disturbance, they may find themselves rightfully to blame for that.

     In any such case where one’s psychic space has been invaded, there will always be a karmic debt incurred. This is simply another way of saying that that individual that used the invasive behavior has chosen to learn the principles of the lesson in a harder way, one that is generally referred to as “bad” karma. When this happens, the individual themselves have made and are responsible for, the choice that brought the karma into being. Because of this, they and they alone can re-balance the scales, and in every case, the way this occurs is by completing the cycle of karma and learning the lesson, also putting into being a more evolved choice which proves the lesson has indeed been learned. Thenceforth the individual can recognize the same circumstances in a great many situations and have better options to deal with them and by doing that, avoid a cycle of repeating the same mistakes.

     Where the psychic space of others and the Law of Non-Interference are concerned, the Golden Rule applies: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” And after applying the Law of Karma to it, one might add to the quote: “Because they WILL!” Those that consistently indulge themselves in following a double standard will undoubtedly find that karmic law is very detailed and accurate. It cannot be dodged or outrun, and it never falls victim to trickery and cannot be deceived.

     A thing as simple as talking someone into something, is nothing less than an attempt at mind control as well as an invasion of another’s space that might not seem so obvious at first glance. The fact that a person needs to be talked into a thing denotes that they are not willing to engage in it to begin with, and thus, an attempt to change that person’s decision is invasive. Many have no idea of this fact. It is no different when a child seeks to talk a parent into giving them a liberty, they might otherwise not have available to them, however, in such a case generally no grudge is held and rightly so, however, after a certain age, such things will most often no longer be tolerated. It lasts as long as does that child’s cuteness and is outgrown quickly.

     One aspect of “space” in general that isn’t often considered at all is whether a person is extending their own space outward to include things they would rather not include or be affected by. Often this can be causing a reaction unconsciously for one. A thing one had never thought of as having any effect on them can be having an unknown effect that isn’t so easily recognized by all. It pays to become aware of all the things one’s attention is extended to include. Some of the time problems can actually be drawn towards us by ourselves acting in an unconscious way. What I mean is that we don’t always realize the true effect a thing might have upon us, so that we continue onward never realizing that a thing we have extended our attention in some way out to include might have a negative effect upon us, and the only way to remove that is to become aware of it, and removing our attention and thus our state of consciousness away from it, and in this way becoming better aware of the true effect a thing can have in this way, so that we can look out for this happening again. For example,  one might think something not so nice or considerate about a friend, based on a prejudicial attitude one some aspect of that person’s life, one which is completely within their rights to have. By not having been aware of in the first place, our mistake in judgment, and in the second place, the effect of said judgment, we can bring negativity into our purview that we would rather not have to deal with.

     In this case a more honest and complete view of the self is needed, as well as the development of a less judgmental view of others and the choices some might make. Nothing less than adapting in this way will begin chipping away at the formation of a less than advantageous point of view of others. It is generally not a terrible way of looking at a situation, by placing ourselves in that other’s position to gain a notion of what it would be like were positions reversed. This can go far for developing degrees of consideration that may not have been so easily come by before then.

     The idea of psychic space is on one hand a very familiar concept to some, but on the other hand, almost unheard or thought of by many others, and because of this the rules regarding it are often unclear to many. Healing of any sort is a thing that falls very much within the area of an individual’s space, and stands at risk to be possibly invaded by those unaware of the limits of their own free will, which are of course up to the point at which another’s space begins. Any average doctor would never begin medical treatment until any potential patient came to them willingly, seeking medical help. This obvious situation is many times much less obvious in the area of psychic or spiritual healers, and most often this is the specific area where invasions occur.

     This area shares a considerable amount with various religious groups that proselytize. If one hasn’t asked or expressed interest in the “help” it simply cannot be given to a person, especially under the guise of doing a thing deemed (by another) to be for their own best interests. A happy Muslim isn’t likely to enjoy having Jehova’s Witnesses coming to their door weekly attempting to “save” them by convincing them to change their religion. In the very same way, any healer will find it not only impossible to heal a person that hasn’t yet asked to be healed, but also that if they go forward uninvited with such an action, there will be a heavy karmic burden to bear. These things, regardless of motivation, break spiritual law and bear a karmic price.

     And on the positive side of this, if a person is unwell and asks for a healing, or for further information on a different spiritual path than the one they had been on, an interested person can certainly offer aid and information that they might have the capacity to perform. And the very same standard applies to inner spiritual teachings, one who considers themselves, or is considered by others to be a teacher, and who has the ability to channel spiritual teachings and experience to a student, cannot ever do so without first asking permission, or being invited to do so, this is a part of the Law of Non-Interference, the same law governs all three of those various but similar circumstances.





   *  ECKANKAR – The Key to Secret Worlds – Paul Twitchell, p.219


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3. Psychic Space and the Law of Non-Interference © 2014 – Matt Sharpe
This in its entirety is and remains the property of the author and Light Force Network Publishing ®. No copies can be made or posted at any other location without first obtaining written permission. Note that a link to this site and original article does not imply permission granted.

2 thoughts on “3. Psychic Space and the Law of Non-Interference © 2014 – Matt Sharpe”

  1. yeah, ditto, glad someone said this —

    Quite a few points covered here that was unexpected but welcome … personal space extending outward, mind control, karma, walking in another's shoes.

    Good lecture piece this is.

    For all else – try applying this simple three letter word — ASK.



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