4. Dealing With Negative Entities, Thoughts, Emotions and Psychic Attacks © 2014 ad continuum – Matt Sharpe
Negative entities and their attacks, negative thoughts and emotions and any psychic attack perpetrated by a human are all very much related things, although at the time they happen this can seem to be untrue. The first area that needs to be addressed, regardless of the reason, is one’s own self-control or lack thereof, and accompanying mental and emotional states. In a majority of cases, the first blame is almost always going to be one’s self. The way one looks at things has much to do with everything one has coming into their lives. A simple change in the way or point of view of seeing a thing, accounts for an easy ninety percent of it. Nothing has the ability or power to do us harm without us first allowing it to do so to us. This is exceedingly important.
Regardless of the sort of opponent or the nature of the confrontation, one’s own point of view on it is a thing that has much to do with the effectiveness it will have. One must in the first place have a good degree of self-control. That is, control over the emotions and thought processes, and being wise enough to recognize a negative or harmful pattern as it emerges within yourself. Controlling these things is by no means easily done, but it begins with the ability to discern what is and what isn’t a harmful pattern. To be able to do this one must be brutally honest with one’s self and be willing to admit when one has begun to follow a motivation that isn’t worthy. Looking at the true motivation makes any situation easily identifiable if one is being honest and avoiding making excuses to one’s self. It is very useful to be able to identify what you want out of any situation, as well as why you want it. This is exactly what determines the karma and fault in any decision we might make, and this can also make the tendrils of an entity’s attempt at gaining control of one very visible.
It is not necessarily selfish to have wants, but the reason for wanting is the easiest way to identify whether a thing is a thing that Soul can benefit from the experience of at all, or whether there is a lower desire in existence that is driving one towards that goal. Another factor to be constantly aware of is whether you are reacting to a stimulus that was provided by another individual, whether living human or a discarnate entity of any sort. Reacting to anything is being the effect of something else and this is why it is considered a bad choice. One wants to learn to be the cause in their own life rather than the effect of another’s cause. That is the only way to achieve self-mastership. If you are the effect in a situation, then in a way, you are not in control of yourself, and there is a potential for another to easily manipulate you. When the individual is acting as cause in their life, then they are in control of themselves. Therefore, being cause is a positive action, an active role in one’s life, and being effect is a negative, passive role to play. Reacting to anything is being effect whereas acting upon new information or a situation, or the words or actions of another is a more positive way of remaining in control of one’s own self and life.
Now we come to the options to be used to turn the train of thought or emotion around, to end the descent into the negative. No Master, Guru, Prophet or Saint will ever come along and end it for you. The best they can do is offer their wisdom on how the individual themselves may successfully change or end the negative and typically habitual behavior. Regardless, the individual must always take the steps into doing the work for themselves, for thus is freedom, and responsibility is the less often mentioned other aspect of freedom. The two always walk hand-in-hand with each other, and this is key to achieving balance.
First and foremost is always the act of asking for help with a problem. Because the Sugmad (the Godhead) has granted us all free will, we must come to the decision on our own to freely decide to ask for help, for if we do not help will simply not be available simply because we ourselves have not yet allowed it to be possible. This is what asking for help brings. Be not too proud and self-reliant to humble yourself and ask for help. Be not afraid to admit that you were unable to accomplish a thing by your own efforts. Both things are simply manifestations of ego, the lower self, refusing to release and allow help to become available, and when one can utilize this in a balanced state, they will try to work things out for themselves, but are willing to turn it over to the Divine when all else has failed. This is the danger of pride. As it is said “Pride goeth before a fall.” So it truly is.
Now, depending on one’s spiritual point of view, there may be several ways of asking for help, but regardless, it is best to address it in the way that one is most comfortable with. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, the Sugmad, the ECK, and the Mahanta, or perhaps the use of other names for these three aspects of Divinity. This can at times be somewhat confusing, especially when considering religions such as Sikhism, which denies any trinity saying that God is One. While this is indeed true, I believe it was merely a way that Guru Nanak used to set his way apart from Hinduism, which has some thirty-three thousand gods and goddesses and what was seen as its opposition, Islam, at that time. The problem with this is that in reality, those are all simply aspects of what Hindus consider the One God, Brahma. In Hinduism there is also a trinity, Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. Again this merely shows differing aspects of the Divine Will, and a trinity has been used in many spiritual paths around the world since time immemorial. In Islam there is Allah, al-Ruh, or to the Sufis Saut-i Sarmad, and of course the Prophet (pbuh) though they also tend to be very clear that there is no trinity in Islam. Historically there is none in Christianity either, it was added later and was never actually accepted as a major tenet of the faith. Use that which suits you and your own religion or spiritual view best.
The point of this is to demonstrate the three aspects very clearly, the Creator Itself, Its Will, which is literally the Spirit or IT in action in the lower planes, and the third is the fully realized Soul that achieved this state whilst still alive in the body, to be the Creator’s chief principle to bring ITS ways to humankind and help humankind to understand ITS ways and how to work within them. This human is never actually considered a God, but is rather seen as Godlike, and able to be in direct communication with the Absolute and able to hear ITS Voice and interpret ITS will for humankind in a way that is relevant to the times; to be able to have the means of finding their way back to IT. In Eckankar this is the Mahanta, but many other religions have their own Messenger or Prophet occupying that place as the human channel for the Divine to that group of people. The international minded Sufis of the world agree that God ITSELF has no religion, and thus all subsequent religions spring from IT as a way of reaching and bringing home all Souls throughout the world. I myself agree most with this view.
When one is asking for Divine Aid in a matter of dealing with negative emotions, thoughts, or entities and attacks, one wants to use the three names as this is the best way to cover all possible forms that this aid could take, thereby leaving it open ended for God to decide the best course of help or action. Very much related to this is the necessity of willingness to surrender one’s will to that of the Divine. By addressing the Absolute, ITS Voice, and ITS primary channel here on earth, we can communicate with all of ITS aspects directly, and able to interact with IT. When it comes to clearing out one’s own negative emotional states and mental habits, what better channel can there be to bring the methods that will work into one’s awareness? When it comes to dealing with, fighting off, or shielding against the incursions of negative entities, why would one ever play around with any lesser means when they have an opportunity to go directly to the Creator and be given ways and means to accomplish what needs to be done by the unending virtue and strength of ITS Divine Love?
Whichever sort of attack is being directed at you, self-control of the emotions and modes of thought are of a supreme importance as this is the very first line of defense. If you are controlling your thoughts to not sink into any negative mood or state, you are keeping yourself impenetrable not only to other humans that might seek to do harm, but also by any entities that are doing so. Their primary way of doing harm is by putting ideas into your head that stand a chance of setting off the emotions, and once this is accomplished the individual is providing food for them as well as a widely opened door into their psychic space. In a great many cases, any such entity will already be riding upon a person and will use them as the mouthpiece to start trouble of some sort, even if the individual bearing the rider is completely unaware of it. Usually, they are unaware of it. Maintaining a calm and detached self-control not only keeps one free from the influence of that entity, but also provides a wall that is used as a shield, and the longer this is maintained, the stronger the shield becomes.
After some time has passed and the entity one is concerned with is unable to bring about a state whereby it can feed, it will begin to starve, and when this happens it will turn on its host and feed from that person. In this way one can protect themselves not only from the entity’s attack, but also from being bothered too greatly by the human it rides, as that human will show outwardly a very strong dislike for the one not allowing the feeding. They will make claims and accusations against that person and often try to play the victim, but this only displays that the tactic is working in a very effective manner.
Another factor to the state of one’s personal emotions or mental states, is that they can have a very strong effect that we are unaware of. Not only do strong negative emotions serve as food to negative entities, but they can also actually create more negative entities that sort of gain a life of their own and will act upon the one whose consciousness brought them into being by trapping that person into a negative state where these sustaining energies continue to be given off, thus feeding the entity. Of course, when this is happening the person isn’t going to have a very pleasant time of it. The habit of thinking and feeling negatively will create entities that will thereafter seek only to sustain their food source, therefore the individual’s happiness isn’t a thing that produces what they consider to be food, so they will work to keep happiness or any degree of contentment away.
These entities that are created by humans are not literal “demons” in the usual Christian sense of the word as they are created by humans and their lack of self-control, whereas an actual negative entity exists and chooses to be negative in whichever way. Both types will generally attempt to manipulate a human and their emotional and mental states, that much, at the very least, the two have in common. The actual living entities do have Soul, but because of the negative choices they made, and the actions they perpetrate against humanity, they incur a karmic debt also, despite being a part of the “balance” within the duality of the lower planes.
Now, after gaining mental and emotional control of one’s self, and maintaining it, there are also more direct means of dealing with any sorts of entities and their attacks and interferences, and these are all pretty much the same methods that can be used to ward of any sort of magical attacks as well as the majority of psychic attacks also. First, one needs to identify any humans that might be willingly attacking personally, or wishing and intending interference, or being used by an entity to do the same. If there are any people that fit into this category, a person would need to get rid of all photographs of that person, as well as all items that the person had ever given them as these serve as doorways that must be closed fully. One must also cut ties with any mutual friends, and while this can be a hard choice to make in some cases, it is very much a necessary one if one truly wants to close the door on any such potential influences.
After the human element is identified and dealt with, there is that of disembodied entities that must also be addressed. These can be somewhat difficult for the average person to not only correctly identify, but then to also deal with in an effective manner. This is because entities always prefer to deceive and cause anyone to believe that there is no such factor at all involved. A quote from the French poet Charles Baudelaire in his 1864 short story The Generous Player in which is the quote, ” The devil’s best trick is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist!” and this quote accurately states the situation as it is when it comes to negative disembodied entities manipulating humans for entertainment or profit. For this reason, one must never jump immediately to the conclusion that any occurrence in their life is necessarily the fault of an entity other than themselves, or even of another human. All of the typical reasons for unfortunate outcomes are always just as possible as any other and must be ruled out before one progresses to the outcome of a thing having been caused directly by an entity.
Despite the beliefs of the best of skeptics, there are situations that involve entities influencing or interfering with the outcomes of things. So it becomes a question of the ability to discern one from the other, those actually caused by a malevolent entity from those that are simply caused by an individual’s poor choices and judgments. In this context it is extremely important that one be willing to identify and admit their own mistakes or failings when they are discovered or realized. One who has the strength of character to be able to take responsibility for the errors they have made will undoubtedly have an easier time of protecting themselves from the machinations and manipulations of a negative entity or those under their control. A person’s ways of acting, their words, actions and moods are all things that can be used in part to identify the presence of entities, in a case where one hasn’t the ability of inner sight.
Knowing the various defilements of the mental and emotional states is very important here. In Eckankar they are called the five passions of the mind, in Hinduism they are the six arishadvargas, which means passions, the Sikh path identifies five also, calling them the five thieves or weaknesses, and Buddhism calls them kleshas, and while originally there was no set number, the contemporary path now lists three as being the root cause of all others. Eckankar is the set that I find most useful, and I also find that the sixth of the Hindu passions, envy or jealousy is rooted in pride, vanity, hubris, or ego. That being the case we list them as lust, anger, greed, attachment, and the greatest of these five as vanity. When one can recognize each of these the true motivations of an individual become very easy to see, and often without realizing it that individual will actually state in one way or another what exactly their motivation is. At the very least, certain terms used will exclude some of the options narrowing down the list of potentials.
Being able to easily discern what the motivation is for another individual goes quite a long ways towards making clear the intent that one holds, and thereby one may act in whichever way is best for the situation presented. Whether that be by shielding, asking for aid or clarification from within, or by taking a defensive posture to outright action, whether inwardly or outwardly, one must become adept at literally using what they are given to work with, even if at times this is not much at all. Becoming fully aware of, and understanding in a thorough manner, all of spiritual law, is also of great help in choosing the best course of action in a confrontational situation.
Regardless of the situational challenges one may find themselves confronted with due to the influence or interference of negative entities, a great amount of boldness and tenacity is necessary. They virtually count on people being too impatient overall to bother doing a whole lot to impose on their attempts at control over us, and in many cases this is true. Also, once again I will emphasize personal emotional and mental control. These situations make it clear why patience is considered a virtue, and these are the times when one seriously is challenged to avoid happiness but where such is extremely valuable. Learn how to be content despite not getting your way as this is an invaluable skill.
There are always several spiritual warriors who fight these entities and defend others against them, but realistically one never has a guarantee that they can find or come into communication with one, therefore, this piece can be used as a guide for the common man or woman to use to identify such mischief and ways which they can defend themselves against such intrusions. At the very least this will provide a few options for those that have need of them.
© 2014 ad continuum Matt Sharpe, All rights reserved.
A webpage on the topic of banishing demons in the internet:
By the description and the reaction described, it fits all of the criteria for being an actual and accurately described experience. I wasn’t aware of this before yesterday. It must be noted, that the method these people iused to combat what are sometimes known as egregores or mentally created entities, is the use of magic incantations, and this is never a good way to take ANY sort of an action and WILL, without any doubt, always create karma regardless of intent and is NOT recommended by me in any way or under any circumstance.

This blog made me feel good …
This is a very empowering blog Shabda. I hope many read it and heed it. Where have you been hiding it?
It’s been here since 2014 when I wrote it. You just didn’t ever bother to look. Sometimes things hide beneath your feet waiting for you to notice them.
This certainly isn’t your everyday slap on the wrist take on this subject, is it? Most posts on this topic are banal and repetitve and I wonder if the advice actually helps anyone. Saving a copy of this for myself if you don’t mind.
Please do.