6. Karma – The Law of Cause and Effect ©2014 – Matt Sharpe

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

  6. Karma – The Law of Cause and Effect ©2014 – Matt Sharpe

 6. Karma – The Law of Cause and Effect ©2014 – Matt Sharpe


   karma (n.)


 1827, in Hinduism and Buddhism, the sum of a person’s actions in one life, which determine his form in the next: destiny or fate, following as effect from cause. from Sanskrit karma “action, work, deed; fate,” related to krnoti, Avestan kerenaoiti “makes,” Old Persian kunautiy “he makes;” from PIE root *kwer- “to make, form” (see terato-). Related to the second element in Sanskrit.

terato-  before vowels terat-, word-forming element meaning “marvel, monster,” from comb. form of Greek teras (genitive teratos) “marvel, sign, wonder, monster,” from PIE *kewr-es-, from root *kwer- “to make, form” (cognates: Sanskrit krta- “make, do, perform,” Lithuanian keras “charm,” Old Church Slavonic čaru “charm”).


     Karma is considered a law in several spiritual paths, including but not limited to Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Eckankar. The Law of Karma is the law of cause and effect, action and reaction, justice, retribution and reward which is applicable to life in the lower or psychic planes. This law of universal compensation is under the Law of Vibration, which is to say a matter of vibrations or inflow and outflow. This is one of twelve laws by which the lower universes are sustained.



    Throughout the various paths that have a karmic system within them, there are always four different types. The first of these is Adi or Primal Karma, an initial dose of karma given to the first physical incarnation which begins the lower existence into Samsara, which is the cycle of birth, death and rebirth in the lower worlds as well as the actions and reactions that take place in each lifetime therein. The Lords of Karma decide upon and attach this Adi Karma to the individual as that Soul descends into the lower bodies. This alone provides the beginnings of experience that will teach that Soul various spiritual principles that it may develop into a more experienced and balanced state of experience, and love. This type of karma is a type that is not actually earned by the free choices made by that Soul. Being that this Soul is at that point barely aware of Itself from within the physical form, it does require much work to eventually acquire a state of Self-awareness. This initial karma serves to begin the cycle of the eighty-four until Soul becomes aware enough to advance at Its own volition.



    The second type is Sinchit Karma. This type is Reserve Karma, and is drawn upon by the Lords of Karma as opposed to by the will or actions of the individual Soul concerned. At this point one might easily feel as if the cards are stacked against them, having not much of a choice in the things to be dealt with and learned from in the first several hundred lifetimes, but this is done ultimately for the benefit of Soul.


    The third type is Praabdh Karma which is Fate Karma. This type of karma is that which has been earned in one or more previous lives and is that which the present life is based upon, and this sort of karma must be paid for by the individual so that he learns the lesson he earned when he caused the cycle to begin. This type of karma is what mankind most often refers to as destiny.


     The fourth type is Kriyaman or Diurnal Karma, and this is daily karma that we create from moment to moment in each day through our thoughts, words, choices and actions. It must be burned off but can at times also be put off until a future date to be re-balanced, otherwise it is added into the reserve karma to be balanced in a future incarnation.


      Karma is inexorably tied to reincarnation. As things progress, the individual tends to react to what happens to it, and this often causes bad choices to be made which do nothing to resolve karma as much as they do to add to it instead. As that Soul goes through various states that are extremely unpleasant, the individual begins to tire from it, and this is what initiates him making a change in behaviors. Ultimately, one finds that the true motivation is the deciding factor in what actions, whether they be thought, words or physical actions, become karma. The Lords of Karma as well as the Mahanta can see clearly any individual’s true intents in any actions taken, or words spoken. Any attempt at deception on the part of the individual will only fail.


    Karma teaches certain very basic concepts, regardless of which type of karma it may be. One of these points is that desire brings about our willingly becoming enslaved to the world and those things that we sensually desire. One must never look for rewards, for doing this causes us to become bound by that “reward”, and in such cases it is karma that is our master. Only by going through the rounds of Samsara do we learn in the harshest and quickest way possible, that we have demanded our own slavery and that nothing other than the acceptance of responsibility for our actions can bring about our earning freedom from them. Soul lives by giving and never by receiving. He who gives the most also receives the most by the virtue of giving freely and without prejudice. Soul goes through a great many experiences and lifetimes in the lower realms before learning how to do this.


    The Mahanta, the Living ECK Master seeks always to aid humanity in the acceptance of its own responsibility in thought, words and actions. These are the reason that World Karma, Racial Karma and Family Karma exists. While these other types of Collective Karma do certainly exist, they are usually created by a series of choices made by individuals. In some cases of a group of individuals deciding to exploit a thing for personal gain, is obviously an exception to the general rule of individual actions and choices, and it is sad to say, that these sorts of group efforts are in fact done much more often than we would like to believe. Therefore no true Master will ever try to change or resolve the karma of the human race. It is a thing that each individual must first accept responsibility for, and then willingly try to change to resolve the individual karma, and in this way the karma of the whole race will at some point be completely resolved, but each in its own proper time. If an ECK Master, or one of any other type were to try to resolve the Collective Karma of the world, he would only acquire more for himself, and still not be able to remove humanity’s debt to any measurable extent.


    Another factor that I cannot fail to mention about any Collective Karma, is that it is always a form of Fate or Reserve Karma, and many times it is both. Whether it be Racial, National, Cultural Karma, or if it be tied to a geographic region whether on a large or small scale, these two sorts of karma will be brought to bear on each individual concerned with achieving karmic balance, which is a way of saying that often as karma comes to us within our life experience, we are generally unaware of it, unless we happened to have been born into a path or religion that has it as one of its conditions of living, whereby it is an accepted reality. So when our positive karma has brought us ahead to a life in which we are set to make great strides forward in the spiritual sense, this is when the karma, whether positive or negative, will be brought into our lives, as this is the time when it can provide a very clear realization of its reality and the bearing that that has on our life experience, and degree of awareness. Whatever name one calls the Divine Voice, no one with any degree of actual experience with IT would ever call it inefficient, as IT wastes no opportunity and certainly makes the best use of every opportunity IT has of bringing the next greater state of awareness to the individual.


    In this way the individual can make their way along their chosen spiritual path into an ever-greater expansion of awareness as well as direct experience with the ECK, which is literally Life ITSELF. It is worth noting that the Divine Voice, or the ECK or Shabda is not only the Voice of the SUGMAD, but IT is also the ABSOLUTE in action in a very literal sense. The difference in rate of vibration between the GODHEAD and life on the Physical Plane is so vastly different that IT cannot come directly here, for to do so would be such a great shock to the forms of life on the Physical Plane that it would eradicate all life. And this is why by divine law Soul is the conduit that SUGMAD acts through to enter into all of the lower planes, and this makes it very clear, that what so many mystics of all the ages and of all cultures have always stated that the True Knowledge of Self, is the way to know God, as this is where the individual Soul can consciously meet with, and interact with the ETERNAL.


    As one climbs the ladder of spirituality through these varying realizations, sometimes the personal struggle to re-balance karma can very hard to accomplish. This is, of course, no accident, as each struggle strengthens the individual and builds a spiritual stamina that is required to achieve the higher states of consciousness. It can be said that one can tell how far they have progressed on the spiritual path by considering the strength of the adversity they face. Those two factors will always be relatively equal, although at times adversity can seem to throw an extra ration of effort into the struggle. This is always a challenge that the individual must conquer, one that will test their inner strength, their faith, and the way in which they viewed their previous struggles. This is necessary for spiritual growth, and each step along the way is not easy, and can also be a defining moment in the struggle between the ego, or the will, and one’s ability to surrender to the Divine Will and allow IT to guide the way. In this way the struggle with karma is also a struggle that will develop and hone the capability for love in its many varied forms. This is also, as mentioned, a struggle between the Higher and lower selves, to see which way one will choose to go.


    Patience and perseverance are the qualities that will see that Soul through as It gains greater direct experience with the struggles of burning off karma, and learning new ways to give and receive love, and these are the things that will expand the individual’s awareness, stretching it to ever greater levels that he had never experienced before. It is in this way that karma demonstrates its true purpose, that of propelling Soul forward through multiple learning experiences that are hard to bear at times but are extremely valuable for that one reason. This isn’t a story you read about in a book. This is your life experience, showing you in a very clear manner that it has value and purpose, and that God interacts with Soul, a thing that can only be learned from direct experiences. The eventual attainment of this state of true Self-Realization, also known as Moksha, Jivan Mukti, Samadhi or Nirvikalpa which is that state of consciousness that exists beyond duality, the first stage of actual and literal enlightenment. This leads to detachment which is the quality that enables Soul to continue rising eventually into the beginning stages of God-Realization.


    Now, in the context of those who have become Self-Realized, what we call in Eckankar a Madhi or High Initiate, there is a point of interest. Many misunderstand because the Eckankar teachings specify that there is no karma in those higher planes, and this is true, however, the thing that must be remembered is that one is also living within the body. Therefore, an individual who has achieved the Higher Initiations can still be creating karma for themselves. Some in this position are found to be not living up to their full potential, which means that they are holding themselves back from entering that state of consciousness that can be called a Sant or Saint. The Initiation is a very hard thing to earn, but just because one does accomplish this, that by no means ensures their safety in easily remaining in that state. It does take work and constant effort as well as constant vigilance, detachment, and right discrimination, to be aware enough to choose the thoughts, words and actions that will not step in Soul’s way as It ascends in state of consciousness. This is a far easier thing to describe than it is to do or maintain.


    One who has attained this state must never become lazy thinking they have already won the race and that they can relax. If anything, the challenge is now even greater than it was ever before. As the saying goes, the higher one climbs, the further they can fall and the harder they will hit the bottom if they allow this to happen. One should know better and be perfectly willing to practice self-control and restrain themselves the thoughts, words and actions that are the hallmarks of the lower states of being.








   dharma (n.) 1796, in secular sense, “caste custom, right behavior;” in Buddhism and Hinduism, “moral law,” from Sanskrit, “law, right, justice,” related to dharayati “holds,” and cognate with Latin firmus, all from PIE root *dher- (2) “to hold firmly, support” (see firm (adj.)).

(/ˈdɑrmə/; Sanskrit: धर्म dharma ; Pali: धम्म dhamma) is a key concept with multiple meanings in the Indian religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. There is no single word translation for dharma in western languages.


Hinduism – In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible, and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living.’’


Jainism – Jain texts assign a wide range of meaning to the word dharma. The word Dharma encompasses the following meanings in Jainism:


   1. The true nature of a thing


   2. Rationality of perception, knowledge and conduct


   3. Ten virtues like forgiveness, etc. also called ten forms of Dharma


   4. Ahimsa – protection to all living beings


    5.Two paths – of the monks and the laity


   6. Dharma as a dravya (substance or a reality) (the principle of motion)


Buddhism – dharma  in Buddhism can have the following meanings:


    1. The state of Nature as it is (yathā bhūta)


    2.The Laws of Nature considered both collectively and individually.


    3.The teaching of the Buddha as an exposition of the Natural Law applied to the problem of human suffering.


   4. A phenomenon and/or its properties.


Sikhism – Dharma refers in Gurmukhi to righteousness, piety, religious observance; spirituality; morality;


   English Translation: Religion, righteousness, duty, virtue, merit, honesty, sect, justice, characteristics, faith.


   in Sanskrit also means right; justice; religious merit; that which is established; statute; ordinance; law; practice; customary observance or prescribed conduct; duty.

   This following quotation from Gurbani highlights the importance of Naam Simran for people who wants to adhere to the path of Dharma


    My Guru gives Naam, the Name of the Lord, to those who have such karma written on their foreheads. He implants Naam, and inspires us to chant Naam; this is Dharma, true religion, in this world. (SGGS page 680)


   For Sikhs, the word “Dharma” means the “path of righteousness”. What is the “righteous path”? That is the question that the Sikh scriptures attempt to answer. The main holy scriptures of the Sikhs is called the Guru Granth Sahib or SGGS for short. It is more than a holy book of the Sikhs. The Sikhs treat this Granth (holy book) as a living Guru. The holy text spans 1430 pages and contains the actual words spoken by the Sikh Gurus and various other Saints from other religions including Hinduism and Islam.


   Sikh Dharma is a distinct religion revealed through the teachings of ten Gurus who are accept by the followers as if they were spiritually the same. The Gurus are considered “the divine light” and they conveyed Gurbani (the word of God) in the form of the Guru Granth Sahib to the world. In this faith, God is described as both Nirgun (transcendent) and Sargun (immanent). Further, God pervades in His creation and is omnipresent, but cannot be incarnate. The principal Sikh belief lays stress on one’s actions and deeds rather than people’s religious labels, rituals or outward appearance or signs.


   Eckankar – the law of life; the righteousness of life; doing what is right; the code of conduct that sustains the right ethics in life. Tied directly into karma, in the sense that when one lives by dharma, doing all in the name of the Sugmad, the ECK, and the Mahanta, they will live and act in a way that creates no further karmic debt while being able to re-balance the personal scales of their karma so as to attain Jivan Mukti or spiritual freedom in this life from karma and reincarnation.


   As can be seen, the various interpretations of Dharma amongst several spiritual paths, are overall not greatly different. Some have added interpretations that are recognized within the structure of that path. In a general sense, it means the right way of thinking, speaking, and choosing or acting in regard to all other forms of life that might be encountered on any day in the Physical Plane.


   Dharma can be noted as one of the primary standards that the Lords of Karma use to judge the thoughts, words and actions of a person. While each Soul does indeed have freedom of will and the right to choose, they happen to be constrained within the limits of both Dharma and Karma. Actions that are not rightful according to it will be charged to that individual’s karmic account and will need to be rebalanced properly before they may pass beyond it into an ever-greater expansion of awareness. The only shortcut available is directly through the center of it, dealing with the karma and the lesson it entails directly and without trying to escape the responsibility of it.


   By thinking, speaking, and acting in a rightful manner, a Soul does not incur any karmas beyond that of good karma earned by having recognized the benefit from acting honestly and in a rightful manner. While this does add to one’s karma, in this case it is a permissible thing as good karma shows up as an opportunity to grow, to move forward spiritually speaking, from the place one had occupied previously which is to say in state of consciousness. And there are never any excuses, regardless of how challenging one might find any situation they are faced with. If anything, the level of challenge one faces, only demonstrates how much they need to overcome and move beyond that scenario, but always with a calm detachment and never failing to rise to the challenge a situation presents.


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5 thoughts on “6. Karma – The Law of Cause and Effect ©2014 – Matt Sharpe”

  1. Quite complete …

    It seems this is an ever continuing process. We may burn off some karma but also under a constant "cycling" create new karma that must also be dealt with soomer or later. As you have stated it acts as spiritual strenghtening and a building of stamina.

    This is a great blog Shabda. Thanks for presenting.

  2. Wonderful blog Shabda …

    I would like to know a little more about the new karma we create in the current life and what if we take steps to eliminate it based upon our awareness of it. Thank you in advance.

    • Your Question…

      Contains the answer! If you are aware of a karma you have created you could certainly change that way of being or pattern of behavior so as to avoid creating any further cases of it, and also can set out to make the proper amends that might be needed…it is also important to specify that one becoming aware of a karma they created is the first step in rectifying one's way of being, breaking that bad habit….Dharma or right action is very much tied into karma for this very reason, it is the way to prevent constantly creating new karmas…also, the only non-karmic action is doing a thing in the name of God, the Absolute, Sugmad, Allah, or whatever name you happen to feel most comfortable with, this allows God to assist in guiding your thoughts, words and actions!

    • I think

      That one will certainly be necessary and useful in this context, thank you for suggesting it!

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