Courtesy Star Logic Astrodynamics
People can listen to me babble about their astrological life theme but nothing hits home as it were like the Rays. We have not as humans evolved enough to have the language or communication skills to convey the meaning of the Rays so we use the tools we have at our disposal. I also want to add that when I calculate and analyze someone’s Rays I consider it an honor because I am being allowed to glimpse their Soul.
The Rays are the custodians of the Universal Plan as designed by and depending upon individual perception, the “All-Knowing” or “Supreme Being” or “God the Father.”
Each Ray embodies energy through which a specific part of Divine Will is channeled in accordance with Divine Universal Intention. From this Great Source, they travel through time and space eventually attaining Galactic Synthesis and then on until they reach the constellation Ursa Major or the Great Bear.
From Ursa Major, they continue to filter through three Fixed stars Polaris, Sirius, and the Pleiades and then move on to Mother Earth. They are believed to have a monumental influence on all Earth affairs making it possible for mankind to flourish.
The MONAD of course is unchanging. It is your creation as designed by God. It is the droplet of God that is you or if you prefer, your essence. The MONAD can only be one of the first three Rays which are the Major Rays 1, 2 or 3.
There are seven planes. Simply speaking, the first plane is the Divine Plane or the Adi. The second plane is the Monadic Plane which is unchanging and where the essence of the Soul is found. On this plane there are three Monad rays. From the Monadic Plane, some essence from one of these rays travels down to the third plane known as the Spiritual or Nirvanic Plane and the fourth plane known as the Intuitional or Buddhic Plane until it reaches the fifth plane known as the Mental Plane. Here the Monad essence filters through one of the Seven Rays. This is known as the Soul Ray. From the Mental Plane, the Monad releases more essence where it travels from the sixth or Astral Plane on to the seventh or Physical Plane where it filters through the Seven Rays again to become the Personality Ray. To make things more profound, the Soul Ray and the Personality Ray are colored by subrays. The Soul Rays and Personality Rays can change over subsequent incarnations. It is thought that the seventh Ray aspires to the first Ray, the sixth Ray aspires to the fourth Ray and then the second Ray, and the fifth Ray aspires to the third Ray. The Soul, Personality Rays and subrays change every seven incarnations.
In a given lifetime, an individual should strive to complete the ideal of the Soul Ray. This requires an opening up of spiritual consciousness through awareness and service. Without spiritual awareness a person is most likely to function solely according to the dictates of the Personality Ray. With some spiritual awareness a person might at best be able to bend the Personality Ray to the will of the Soul Ray by using the energy and vibration of the Personality Ray and its subray to service the dictates of the Soul Ray (more later on this). With a high level of spiritual understanding, a person can accomplish the ideal or Will of the Soul Ray thus able to achieve a step toward evolution. So, what does your Soul want you to do in this lifetime? Once you know about your Soul Ray, how do you know if you are accomplishing what you should? Here’s a little test:
If you are still captivated by the “glamour” of Earth life and caught up in material advantages and/or the power connected to such glamour and advantages then you are only motivated by your Personality Ray and living your life through an insular energy unaware of your Soul’s desire and Will.
If you are cosmically curious and academically and philosophically thirsty for knowledge regarding more in-depth information about our Earth, solar system, galaxy, and even the Universe via science, expanded metaphysics, quantum theories, higher learning, and related human/philosophical studies then your Soul has begun to release its Will because you a seeking a way to love humanity through group consciousness. You are beginning to bend the energy of your Personality Ray to the Will of the Soul Ray.
If you feel you have gained all the knowledge you could possibly absorb coupled with what you feel is true information regarding your past lifetimes, then it is possible that you have caught a glimpse of your Monad Ray and your essence and are operating within the Collective Consciousness. With this comes a great responsibility to bring your acquired knowledge to others by teaching or example via group endeavor in order to help them elevate their own Soul Consciousness.
The following is a SAMPLE chart and analysis:
Holy Spirit/Divine Intellect
SOUL RAY 4 – Harmony Through Conflict
subray 2 – Love and Wisdom
PERSONALITY RAY 1 – Will and Purpose
subray 6 – Devotion and Idealism
ASTRAL RAY 3 – Active Intelligence
1 2 3 <- 4 -> 5 6 7
“I” am center of BEAUTY and HARMONY
Helps others to penetrate the Laws of the Universe and to find Harmony
Heals by teaching others the value of Rest and Equity in Relationships
Attracts those seeking Cultural Expression
The Fourth Ray is the Ray of Harmony through Conflict. It is the Ray of Beauty and is the counterpoise of the other Rays. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces unity, artistic expression, culture, balance, and diplomacy. This is the Ray of the Artist and Creator and under this Ray are found psychologists, musicians, artists, writers, and mediators. This Ray is connected to the base chakra and adrenal glands. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is Taurus/Scorpio/Sagittarius. The Ray color is yellow. The Archangel for this Ray is Gabriel who controls Light, the Waters of Life, and Influences and the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is Serapis Bey. Since this is the Ray of struggle, Fourth Ray people often find themselves “in the middle” of different situations whether they intend to be there or not. They are especially connected to color and form. They should avoid duality as this makes it hard to focus.
SOUL subray
“I” am a center of Love and Wisdom
Offers Counsel, Teaches and Loves ALL others
Heals with Love and by Touch, Group Involvement and Religion/Spirituality
Attracts those who feel unloved, neglected and those in need of counsel
The Second Ray is the Ray of Love and Wisdom. It is the Ray of pure Love. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces virtue, patience, endurance, desire for truth, brotherhood, and strong intuition. This is the Ray of teaching and goodwill and under this Ray are found healers, scholars, philanthropists, teachers, counselors and sages. This Ray is connected to heart chakra and thymus gland. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is Gemini/Virgo/Pisces. The Ray color is blue. The Archangel of this Ray is Zophkiel who governs Instruction, Mastership, and Divine Affairs and the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is Dwjhal Khul. The Second Ray individual is often a healer who evokes higher consciousness between people. They are often the “peacemakers” on Earth. They are also very responsive to the needs of others and need to guard against over sensitivity.
The Leader
“I” am a center of strength and power”
Asserts Confidence to Lead and Heal
Heals by Natural Means, Magical Means and Prayer
Attracts those who lack Courage
The First Ray is the Ray of Will and Purpose. It is the Ray of Power. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces strength, courage, steadfastness, determination, authority, and broadmindedness. This is the Ray of leadership and under this Ray are found politicians, executives, explorers, soldiers, administrators and occultists. This Ray is connected to the crown chakra and the pineal gland. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is Aries/Leo/Capricorn. The Ray color is red. The Archangel of this Ray is Michael who governs Power, Cause, and Magistration and the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is El Morya. First Ray individuals often display natural leadership qualities, confidence and directness in personal relationships. Even the more subdued types at the very least exhibit an urge to give direction to others. They are often called upon to make decisions on some level. First Ray people must avoid misuse of power and arrogance.
“I” am center of Idealism and Devotion
Appeals to the Idealism of Others and Attracts Devotion
Heals with Prayer, Religion, Group Involvement with Devotion to Cause
Attracts those needing to Center their Devotion
The Sixth Ray is the Ray of Devotion and Idealism. It is the Ray of Abstract Idealism. The higher manifestation of this Ray as a Soul Ray produces humanitarianism, faith, devotion to cause, sacrificial love, single purpose, and revolution for spiritual evolution. This is the Ray of the Devotee and Reformer and under this Ray are found orators, crusaders, missionaries, mystics, ministers, zealots, and religious leaders. This Ray is connected to the solar plexus chakra and the pancreas. The zodiac energy triad for this Ray is Virgo/Sagittarius/Pisces. The Ray color is magenta. The Archangel for this Ray is Madimiel who governs Purpose, Zealous Readying, and Quiet Desire and the Ascended Master connected to this Ray is Jesus. Sixth Ray individuals are often philosophical idealists with focused expression. They must work to avoid self righteousness and narrow-mindedness.
In the esoteric theosophy of the 7 RAYS, it is believed that during the hours of sleep the Soul exits the physical body and travels to the Astral Plane where it engages in a special brand of work that is correlated with an individual’s personal plan of spiritual evolution. It remains attached to the body by a silver chord governed by the planet Neptune so that it can return safely once the “Soul Work” has been completed. Very few individuals will remember the experience of working on the Astral Plane and those who do may simply remember any incidence as simply a strange dream underscored by strong feelings of dedication connected to the theme of the dream. According to 7 RAYS theosophy, work on the Astral Plane is conducted in compliance with a specific Ray and the assignment of that Ray.
Ray 3 –
This is the Ray of abstract understanding, idea conception and problem solving. Working through this Ray the underlying principles of the Universe are understood and taught and “handed down” to others in order that the information become eternal. Respect is paid to “interpretation” of Divine thought and both older and younger Souls focus attention on the “word.” The ability to teach or learn varied subjects and their application is the assignment of the influence of this Ray. Tact and diplomacy of communication and mastering the art of contemplation are the tests for the Soul working under this Astral Ray. Dream themes or Astral travel are often filled with ancient concepts and places where the individual is shown the wisdom of lost cultures whose traces will never be found upon the Earth. Themes with philosophic overtones or meetings with Ascended Masters or other inter-dimensional light beings also can occur.
Your Soul Ray is the most important because it is the reincarnating “you”; it is the dominant impulse if you have acquired spiritual discipline. However the Personality Ray forcefully shows itself in outer world matters. Only with determined effort can the Personality Ray become submissive to the Soul Ray. Bear in mind how the Soul is unfolding through change, eternally striving to return to the Monad and the bosom of its originating source. The Soul reminds us through conscience and the aspirations to which we are inclined. The Soul is the permanent repository of collective experiences, life after life. Unless your Soul and Personality Rays are the same, you involuntarily will to blend them that they may focus through your nativity harmoniously. The 7 Rays deal with man’s link to his God. If we could set down the complete truth of it, we would fill volumes. Basically you will express the need for constant change via a route of love and wisdom and the worldly need to express your will and power through a zealous avenue dedicated to cause.
Each Ray has a Sacred Triad consisting of three zodiac signs and a Sacred Planet. The Sacred Triad and Sacred Planet of your Soul Ray apply directly to you. The Sacred Triad of the 4th Ray is Taurus, Scorpio, Sagittarius. The Holy Spirit aspect of this mighty trinity is the underlying factor. More than any of the other Rays, an individual born under this Soul Ray feels encumbered in the earthly human form. He needs mental quietude if he is to enjoy insight. Here is found the creative darkness before the light, but, once the light is seen, there is naught but beauty for those who see all as it was truly meant to be, godly and good. The Sacred Planet of this Triad and Ray is Mercury. The Sacred Planet describes the Soul’s “needs.” Under Mercury, dreamers who seek perfect “expression” are motivated and found along with the will to annihilate dissonance. From Natus planets occupying the signs of the Triad is found the Soul Power Planet. It works exactly as it is named – the energy powers the Soul Essence. Your Soul Power Planet is Pluto and it like all Soul Power Planets bestows the power to serve.
Most people view Pluto as the place where the walls come tumbling down. In reality, it is the great Truth Bearer. Pluto does not start out by always destroying our fundamental perceptions of reality but it does show us the areas of our lives where we will have to surrender “control” and let go of our need to cling to our illusions and allow ourselves to be completely transformed. Pluto tears down what has served its purpose and is no longer of use to us. If we can let go, then we free up a vast reserve of energy that we can use to build new structures that will support us and help us through each phase of the journey.
Pluto is under the 7th Ray Zone as are all Sacred Power Planets. Pluto in Scorpio under the 7th Ray provides the taxing episodes for eliminating the personality. It should be expected that you will be involved in the proliferation of group special interest groups. If you hold yourself ready for change and are open to the urges for learning activity the doors of experience will open and shut softly. Willingness to develop is key to your growth. Groups of your choice should be of the type that express radically, progressively and for universal rescue missions of varying degrees where special training and expertise is necessary.
Your Sacred Planet Mercury in Leo is in the 1st Ray Zone. Organization and love for minute detail are virtues of this planet. Both universal and childlike, you can lead the young in mind and spirituality. You are one with Source and together you are the way. Fiery power accelerates communications which buoys the ability to reach the masses. Confidence is directed by an evolutionary consciousness and so creativity can generate a chain reaction spiraling ideas into destined motion. You are an instigator of creative causes.
In many Esoteric Astrology concepts and constructs the Moon is considered a body that veils some of the other planets. It is usually not considered via 7 Rays Theosophy but I do consider it. The Moon is Virgo under the auspices of the 1st Ray Zone and at Karmic degree in the Natus in concert with your higher self and its energy can help you to develop human agronomy that is based on clear spiritual intent, service and lovingly shared wisdom. Conversely, the Moon is connected to the idea of attachment. Since that concept is basically neutral since a certain level of attachment must be maintained in order for us to function and learn our lessons in Earth School; problems arise pursuant to one’s degree of attachment to any level of form (whether a person, a memory, or a cherished idea). Attachment by definition binds energy fixing it at some point on the space-time continuum of the Earth; thoughtforms, which are subtle bodies created by persistent thinking (usually accompanied by strong emotion), can then rob life if vitality and direction. Reality in its fullness can be obscured or diminished, and it can seem like one is wearing blinders. This constitutes “veiling” for when a powerful attachment (with the consequent accretion of substance around a central idea) is allowed to flourish, the essential truth of one’s being literally goes undercover. When this happens, the Moon which positively life on Earth and connects us with our shared humanity, can become so absorbed in the shadow life of thoughtforms that it is incapable of reflecting the Light of Spirit. This means that a thoughtform, visually represented by the Moon stands in the way or “hides” a spiritual truth represented by a higher octave planet such as Vulcan, Uranus or Neptune. The Moon has long been associated with karma or the outworking of the cosmic law of Cause and Effect. In this case the Moon can represent the prison of the soul which is any set of deeply eternalized conditions and response patterns which inhibit the Soul’s ability to express. Karma and attachment are intimately related through the principle of resonance. If one cannot release a powerful emotional dependency of any kind that state will reverberate throughout the substance of which it is made, attracting similar conditions until such time as there develops a greater ability to act with wisdom. For you, spending some time unpacking your emotions is time well spent. You are encouraged to open yourself up and to communicate your true feelings. Issues with your mother and/or females will be prevalent in this lifetime and here many resolutions must be made. This is a major part of the Karma you will be working through in this lifetime. Observe your attachments to females and make the changes for yourself. There is great potential here toward world service but the Moon in Virgo can mask or veil the presence of the Christ within – the Child of Heaven.
Being hidden behind the solar logos’ reflection Vulcan holds tantalizing hidden knowledge, the revelation of which comes only to those whose consciousness has been raised enough to receive it either by development of super normal powers or a crisis type experience. Vulcan aids the Soul as it leaves one plane to move to another, by evolution, by will and by death. Vulcan is the way of return, Revelation and acceptance serve that end. Vulcan rules those matters on Earth that are densely hidden and difficult to detect on Earth. This can be accomplished through various ways – illumination, intuition and even by experiencing death itself, overcoming it and returning to life. Vulcan in Leo under the 2nd Ray Zone indicates those tests which serve to free you from self centered attachment to the creative potentials of the lower self. Egocentricity must now yield to a focus of group consciousness.
Sun in Leo under the 2nd Ray … “My will to Do Good will be exercised creatively”
You are a willing cosmic servant and know how to love through adversity. Your ability to intuit keeps you in good stead along your chosen path. This allows you to minister to the needs of others in your own dramatic style creating harmony as you go. It will be important for you not to get stuck in pettiness because your love is meant to be given on a universal scale.
Jupiter in Cancer under 2nd Ray … Through your many paths of reincarnation you have developed a cellular memory that is highly stimulated and illumination streams. It is very easy for you to succeed with little effort. The sign of Cancer and “cause” are synonymous and while you impart wisdom to others you need to be mindful of how you are presenting “truths.” Are they “truths” or “truisms?” You can easily teach, heal or guide since you are concerned with the welfare of all.
Venus in Cancer under Ray 3 … Clearly seeing into the mysteries of life and the livingness within all creation, this energy combination makes it possible to reveal what is sought through contemplation. You are in essence a visionary who is versatile and creative with fecundating power capable of shifting from one state of consciousness to another. There is also a gift for mental retention. You invariably love to ponder on the significance of things as they relate to your own state of consciousness. Remember – your wishes are fertile magnets.
Mars in Taurus under the 4th Ray … This is the chilling calm before the storm, the darkest hour before the dawn or the inertia felt before the creative hour. It is the resting impulse after the inward work is done and with your artistic temperament you attempt to work outwardly BUT your efforts are punctuated with conflict. Strive for balance in maintaining your equilibrium. Mars in Taurus is unobtrusively capable for handling this combination. The epitome here is to fuse inward and outward forces and full development of intuition.
Saturn in Capricorn under the 6th Ray … “I am single-minded in my useful service”
Note: This energy is the devotion/idealism energy responsible for the Piscean age, Christianity and its teachings of the Christ. It is also the will energy of war and conflict especially that which arises out of prejudice and persecution.
In essence it produces a “fatherly figure” that finds it difficult to be a parent. You are concerned with where authority lies and in divisions and boundaries yet you allow your personal faith or mantra guide you. It is important that the stratum of your faith find agreement within your psyche.
Uranus in Capricorn under the 6th Ray … The revolutionary side of Uranus has full sway under the 6th Ray of potentially high pitched emotions. You will have to guard against the rebellious side of your nature and it may take living into the golden years of wisdom before you see the light of your ways mostly concerning exterior glamour. The faster you acknowledge, the faster you will avoid becoming a puppet to worldly ambition. Resort only to the power of your spirit so you do not waste precious “will energy.” You may or may not experience a series of spiritual crises that involve humiliation and/or fall from power but if you, do tremendous growth will be derived. Remember – it is human to have feelings; it is godly to control them.
Neptune in Capricorn under the 6th Ray … You are equipped for the business of social affairs for humanity. This is the Ray of Sacred Neptune through which mysteries are unraveled and you can easily study your astral experiences for a taste of the afterlife – they are pleasant and an easy way of sensing death and the freedom of earthly encumbrance. The singular type devotion associated with this spiritual predisposition will have to do with the socially needy – you will define the extent of that!
How was this chart set-up?
Obviously this chart does not reflect a normal birth chart set-up or calculations although the planets in their natal sign posits are used. The sample chart depicted here uses the method as explained by Mae R. Wilson Ludlum in her book Interpret Your Rays Using Astrology. Basically the first house cusp of the chart is determined by the Sacred Planet of the Soul Ray which is the Soul Power Planet. This person’s Pluto was calculated to be the Soul Power planet. It appears in the natus as occupying the sign of Scorpio, so accordingly Scorpio occupies the first house cusp with Pluto posited within. In the natus, the individual has a Leo Ascendant but the esoteric Ascendant is Scorpio. The rest of the house cusps follow according to the line-up of the signs with the second house cusp designated as Sagittarius and so on and so forth around the wheel. Natal planets are placed within the new wheel according to the signs they occupy in the natal chart. Planets are further placed in “zones” to discern their Rays according to this method and read esotericaly. As this is a rather complex endeavor it is strongly suggested to consult a professional astrologer who specializes in the 7 Rays OR to refer to Ms. Ludlam’s book (ISBN 0-86690-003-9). An individual would need an above knowledge understanding of their own natus to be able to tackle the calculations.