Image by Gerd Altmann from
The Theory of Seven Ray Healing maintains that all life is governed by the Seven Rays. Every life form, be it animal, plant, mineral, or human, is aligned with the Seven Rays.
An introductory …
A person’s Ray or Rays can be determined through their birth data. Some schools of healing say a person does not need knowledge of astrology to determine their Rays however it is strongly suggested that the individual seek guidance from a professional astrologer who specializes in the 7 Rays for it to be properly calculated. According to the basic theory of 7 Rays Reiki, once a person’s Ray is determined, the treatment plan needed to realign them with their Ray is configured. To understand the Rays more fully, please refer to
A word of caution – exactly why a person would need to be “realigned” to their Rays personally makes no sense to me. Your Rays are your Rays granted by God at birth according to His plan. They are what they are. Most forms of this Reiki propose that as the Rays are connected to the Chakras and the Chakras connect to body parts (which can use energetic boosts), signing the Rays into one’s aura should provide assistance.
Archangel governed Rays are connected to the chakras. Some esoteric theories state that the Rays are connected to specific parts of the body via the chakras.
In that case, the following may apply:
RAY 1: Archangel Michael
Ray Color: Red, Chakra Color: White/Gold
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) – Top of the head. Pituitary glands, cerebral cortex, the central nervous system. Control of the mind.
RAY 2: Archangel Zophkiel
Ray Color: Blue, Chakra Color: Green/Pink
Heart Chakra (Anahata) –Heart are of chest. Heart, lungs, blood and circulation.
RAY 3: Archangel Raphael
Ray Color: Yellow, Chakra Color: Blue
Throat Chakra (Vishudhi) – Throat area. Thyroid gland, mouth, teeth, tongue, jaw, respiratory organs, throat, neck, and shoulders
RAY 4: Archangel Gabriel
Ray Color: Orange, Chakra Color: Red
Base Chakra (Muladhara) – Base of the Spine. Genito/urinary system, large intestines, bones, back, hips, legs and feet.
RAY 5: Archangel Zedekiel
Ray Color: Green, Chakra Color: Violet
Brow Chakra (Ajuna) – Center of the forehead between the eyebrows. Eyes, skull, pineal glands, and secretory functions of the pituitary glands.
RAY 6: Archangel Madimiel
Ray Color: Magenta, Chakra Color: Yellow
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipurak) –Navel Area. Liver, muscles, digestive system, pancreas, and adrenal glands.
RAY 7: Archangel Haniel
Ray Color: Violet Indigo, Chakra Color: Orange
Sacral Chakra (Svadasthana) – Lower abdomen. Genito/urinary system, testicles, prostate, ovaries, womb, kidneys, and circulatory system.
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If you wish to engage this type of healing modality for yourself please do proper in-depth research as there is plenty of fraud out there and I have found a good degree of fallacy in much of it. Do the same if you are already are a Reiki practitioner and wish to learn or be attuned to 7 Rays Reiki. Look always for responsible teachers and information.