I Am 0

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By Syd Alrruhi

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I have been asked many times where I felt my standing was on the ladder of spiritual experience/expertise. If I had to choose an aptitude number for my spiritual prowess I would have to say 0. Personally, I have a great deal of trouble categorizing such a notion since as a realm walker for most of my life (having broken through the matrix of alleged realities in 1974),  I can tell you everything in this universe is in a state of flux including the planes so nothing is the same. The Astral Plane in particular is a sneaky lil cuss forever shifting its many levels and appearances. Everything expands up in those worlds and nothing shrinks … it is endless. I have experienced many levels of the Astral Plane in my travels from positive to negative and have seen myself in other lives,  parallel and reversed,  too numerous to mention here full of “unusual characters” including talking animals. It is always a good rule of thumb to realize that ‘nothing ever stays the same’ as the old adage goes. For the most part, we all start out with a very immature attitude based on structured concepts and constructs until we too do not ‘stay the same.’ This is a good thing.

Why 0? Well, why not? Think about it – is 0 nothing, nada, and zilch or is it everything … every single manifestation and vibration that it has bloated and burst into nothingness or would that be infinity? No quantity yet much quality. Let’s ponder this.

The ancient teachings say that 0 represents the Alpha and the Omega – the beginning and the end. Actually, there is no beginning or end – all is an endless cycle. Many ancients thought of 0 as the God Force, a type of circle with no circumference. Indeed we can consider that 0 encompasses all numbers and dissolves them into a nothingness that grants freedom from restrictions. Pythagoras, for example, viewed the zero as the container for all things and the birthing place of all other values.  On the Collective level, 0 represents the level or awareness and how it might be regrouped for the current reality and how it might reach higher. 0 is the birthplace of all creation.

Just Remember The ‘below’ or material world has limitations. The “above’ or upper world has none.

0 can represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and the end of it as well. To walk this path you must rely totally on your higher self and nothing else – zero else. 0 then is wholeness because it is the connection to God or Higher Power via the higher self. Within 0 a person is transformed into something never expected – something so great that the earth life and its meaning changes. This has been my experience. I have never regretted it or cared what others thought about it. You alone will decide if my self-analysis is humble or vain.

Yes, I am 0 and so are you if you so choose.

Go ahead – add another 0.

