Image by 철수 박 from
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.” – Neil DeGrasse Tyson
“Sometimes we go through life feeling really supported and that the Universe is on our side. Things flow, synchronicity happens, but other times this feeling couldn’t be further away from the truth.” – Tanaaz
Life doesn’t always work out the way we expect. How can that be so when we have been told we are perpetually supported by the Universe and all will be well?
The truth is what the Universe has actually supported was growth … and THAT is rarely pleasant. This can manifest anywhere in life – a broken, painful relationship, losses of material gain and even death. These things affect self value, but the important thing is maintaining your self worth through these life episodes because they will happen time and time again.
You ask yourself, “What did I do wrong? I followed all the rules and I get totally slammed like this?” Look at it this way – whose rules were they to begin with? Ahhh and therein lies the rub. They were merely the rules you thought you should play by. This is your life script you are writing and the Universe isn’t going to give you the answers or add any lines to it. You’ve heard this a million times and may shake your head in disgust and roll your eyes but the answers really lie within yourself and not in some omnipotent vast beyond the beyond entity. And when you actually do figure things out and move in new directions that’s when that omnipotent vast beyond the beyond entity supports you and with a giant hand lifts you up. Somehow when that happens you feel better and do better and live better until the next upset. That’s right, It will happen and you will handle it because you have figured out how to reinvent yourself and your circumstances. This could be large or it could be small and you probably won’t even know you are doing it. The only thing you know is that it feels right. Even if that right doesn’t quite go eaxctly as planned, a little rethink will help you trim those ragged edges.
“The Universe won’t always have your back, but that’s just because you no longer need someone to catch you.” – Tanaaz
We all have a compass that guides us through the Universal vastness. Your Soul is your compass. It knows what you should do regardless of what anyone else thinks. People who are strong of soul have the greatest challenges – remember that. There is no such thing as a Lost Soul but there are lost humans who ignore their compass and may reincarnate to finally use that compass another time.
So guess what? You really will finally get it right.
“It ain’t over til it’s over.” – Lenny Kravitz
Yes …
Good thinking put into this as far as recognising "what is."