No Longer A Demon?

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By Dichotomy

Image by Gerd Altmann from

How does one tell the difference between an evil entity and a parasite or fallen angel demons?

Comment by Irina Nola, Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist

In hypnosis – I just ask, they tell me who they are. Mostly we deal with attachments – these are human souls who did not cross into the Light and often do not understand that they died. I chat with them, they tell me about their lives – where they live, what they do, what was the last thing they remembered, what year it was. And then I have to explain to them that they are in the current year, and they are in the body of my client, and they are causing the client a lot of problems. They get very apologetic, so I ask if they want to go to heaven and be with their loved ones? Most of them do, so I call their Spirit Guides and Angels and ask to bring their family – they see their loved ones coming to get them and they leave.

There are some unpleasant souls – dark magicians or evil people, who do not love anybody, are mad at everybody and do not want to go to heaven – so we have to call Archangel Michael to take them by force, plus the client has to push them out and demand that they leave. All attachments are parasitic, even nice ones, even small children who were lost after death and attached to a ‘nice lady”. The problem is – clients want to keep these kids souls as they feel motherly towards them, so I have to persuade both the client and the kid to part ways…Also if an attachment is a family member of the client – the client might also want to keep them around…We can’t ‘evict” an attachment without the client’s desire to get rid of them.

I only dealt with ‘demons’ a couple of times – they seem to come from Devil and obey him, at least that’s what they think. But if they look inside – they find the Light inside them, and Angels take them away, I am not sure where… I guess to a Healing Place since they are not demons anymore. Most likely these are confused souls who were captured by darkness, but now they are free to go into the Light.

Do you think narcissists are mentally ill or demon possessed and why?

Comment by Haytam Rayan, Demonologist,spiritual master and body healer

Just radical and low intelligent people deny things they dont see, you no need to see every thing you believe in it for your human sense are unqualified to judge every thing going around you, with science we believe in many thing we dont see or couldnt believe before we just need to understand the phenomenon to believe in it , would humans from 500 years believed that small living virus or germ can kill healthy strong man? now humans believe in it , who knows maybe demons are also working against the human body in the same way or in other ways like ultra vision radiation or electromagnetic waves, lately the scientists found out that some intelligent forms energy as they already found out that some viruses are changeable according to the situation, any how this is not our subjects but what i want to say is life is not what just you see now there is many forms of lives or creation which you still dont understand or realize.

Now this is very good question, now if we take in consideration that most if not all people calling them selves now a days paranormal experts, or shamans, or witches or exorcists or psychics are either fraud or fake or mentally disabled we will understand why we have such lots of misunderstanding about demonic possession and other related issues,in most demonic cases I investigated or called to give my analysis or report about it appeared to be fake claims or hallucinating, but we should understand that if the case is purely human like mentally or emotionally illness this doesnt mean that there wasnt there ones a demonic influence, the demon energy or radiation or influences can cause in some cases some emotional break down ,depression or mental disorder but it is easy for some one like me to know it I can give you some reasons, normal stable happy man or women with good position and no any mental illness history with healthy and some how stable emotionally and socially let us say the age is 40 or little less suddenly this person start to develop mental illness and aggression or suddenly his behavior changed in negative way like getting lonely, love to be isolated, eat less seeing things hearing things having nightmares etc,,,, specially if we know that this person moved to new house or what ever reason, it doesnt matter if the people around him seeing the same thing o not, in some possession or demonic influencing cases the victim might see alone things specially if it was kind of black magic, not just me even any spiritual beginner should realize that there is some thing demonic going on here, in this case this situation needs very careful spiritual investigation and consideration, of course there is many other factors and motivations, I'm just giving easy example for whom might investigate such situation.

But the healing process in this case should be spiritually and psychically by taking medics or seeing a doctor

Demonic possession could take many form, means and symptoms most of it are not yet discovered by humans, the demonic influence could damage things inside the human way of seeing things around him and could create images or illusion, it feeds on the fear and the weakness, the demon in general makes you weak mentally and destroy your self trust by causing delusions the influence could effect the brain or the thoughts or the receiving information cells or the human conscious or the dreams it depend on the possession level and how strong is the demon .

But in most cases there is no any demonic influences and i can say it is pure human illness without demonic engagements, I tried to heal such cases and i succeeded in some ways, it took the patients to high spiritual level letting them leave their physical body and reactivating or resetting the mind to its original functions, to be honest in many cases I knew it it wasnt demonic cause but for some legitimate reasons I have I didnt tell the whole truth because if I said the person is mentally ill they would took him to the mental clinic and there he will lose what left to heal so in this case I could help the person.

I must say that most cases I investigated of people claiming to be possessed appear to be fake or hallucinations or mental disorder, very few cases appear to be genuine, we should also remember that in half cases of demonic possession the symptoms are similar to any mental illness , direct demonic possession can cause lots of mental problems and I can explain it scientifically if you wish, but now let me go back to your question about possession, most kinds of demons whom they able to possess humans should have reason under their lows to possess, what I want to say is that this kinds of demons dont possess without a reason their should be reason at least for them, these kinds of demons are mostly low and following satanic rolls, for example trying to perform black magic or demonic rituals, having fun in grave yards, going to isolated dark haunted places taking photos or having fun, playing with ouija boards, reading magic books, and many other reasons,it doesnt mean if you done one of these actions you will be possessed but you will be more vulnerable under these conditions than other places to be possessed.

Well I dont think any normal mentally stable human would like to be possessed purposely unless he is really ill or misinformed about the whole thing, asking or calling entity to possess you might lead to death directly or indirectly, and it is more harder to remove such kind of demons was invited by your own wish that removing other kind of possessions .

Humans never seek the truth humans follow imagination and made up theories,humans will never understand the unseen world because they are manipulated by religions and fairy tales and fake theories,Satan is the father and the leader of all SATANIC DEMONS types but not all demons are satanic or following him,some demons like jinn are neutral andsome are even believers and many are helping humans in different ways but humans want to judge all demons as evil creatures, the word demon and the conception behind it is human invention and carry many wrong understanding to the nature of this entities, yes maybe most demons are evil or following the satan plan but not all demons are satanic some even fighting the satan and his soldiers, the satan and the satanic demons are similar entities which they follow the satan principles but in their own way.

This fallen angel theory is just human invention and have been misinterpreted beside that it is misunderstanding to the whole chapter of Lucifer, there was no fallen angels it was fallen demons who disobey God, and Lucifer or Azazael was their leader or the army prince they have been driven out of God mercy and not fallen and since then they become human enemy number one.