Image by Pretty Sleepy Art from
There’s a Man in the Moon and he’s made of green cheese –
And if you lose something he’ll snatch it with ease –
For everyone knows all things lost end up on the Moon –
Never to be returned anytime soon –
So as you gaze at the lunar light –
Lock up your goods and keep them out of sight!
There are many strange and humorous superstitions connected to the Moon. Here are some of the most amusing…
- A form of madness known as being “moonstruck” will occur if you sleep under the light of the Moon.
- A great cure for warts is to wash your hands in a metal basin by Moonlight .
- Blowing nine times on a wart during a Full Moon will make it go away.
- A good time to cut your hair is when the Moon is waxing. It is especially beneficial if the waxing Moon is in the sign of Leo or Aquarius. Make sure the day is not Friday.
- It is considered very unlucky to point at the Moon.
- If you make a wish while looking at a New Moon your wish will come true by the end of the year.
- It is bad luck to bury a body or dig a grave during a New Moon.
- It is lucky to see a Crescent Moon over your left shoulder or a New Moon over your right shoulder
- Two Full Moons (the second occurrence known as a Blue Moon) in the same month means the following month will have severe weather.
- Being married during a Full Moon is very fortuitious.
- Children born under a Full Moon grow to be very strong.
- Women who stare at a Full Moon or lay down under its light will become pregnant and give birth to a monster (most likely a werewolf).
- Never try to commit robbery on the third day of a Full Moon – you’ll fail!
- Looking the Moon through glass or through tree limbs is bad luck.
- Lovers who cross the Moon line together will never marry.
- If you carry silver coins in your pocket and turn them over during the light of a New Moon you’ll never want for anything.
- The Full Moon is the best time for curing illness.
- All lost items that remain unfound are stored on the Moon.