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Explore… Experience… Know…
The Light Force Network is an Esoteric Universal Path open to anyone whose quest is evolution of Self through exploring, learning, teaching and sharing metaphysical concepts and philosophies. We are a community of Souls striving to preserve Ancient Knowledge and Arcane Mysteries while promoting new concepts in the Sacred Sciences as the path forward. Freedom of expression is honored here. Opinions expressed by authors are not advocated for good or ill. That lies in the path of personal discernment. Explore the mysteries. Learn through experience. Write your own script.
“Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring!” – Lilly Pulitzer
The Runes constitute one of the most ancient forms and means of divination. Used in concert with the daily nature of the Moon, the Ancients discovered the perfect guide for personal conduct and timely action.
~March 30, 2025~
Virtues: Intuitive Wisdom, Rhythm, Attunement
Daily Theme: LAGUZ is known as the Rune of FLOW. This is a very alchemical Rune that speaks of the transformation of the Self. Today is for reorganizing and realigning all facets of life and the SELF. Immerse yourself in living without having to analyze every little thing. Success lies in your being able to tap into your intuitive side for the answers you really need. Just go with the flow however, going with the flow also includes not going too fast. If you outstrip the current you are moving too fast, not seeing all that is about you. Your forceful intent for movement negates the flow. Don’t negate the flow of the energy of the Universe in your life. Connect with the energies around you and use their flow to your advantage. Far distance travel is sometimes connected to this Rune. If so, be sure to absorb the opportunities connected to a new environment.
Today, crystal practitioners and advocates should work with all forms of Pearl (enhances personal integrity, brings truth forward, promotes faith).
LUNAR ASPECTS FOR RIGHT ACTION: Avoid excess – Don’t act rashly about your own agenda and avoid allowing others to cause you to over-react. Breakthroughs can be made if you keep an even keel.
Armanen Runes are useful in not only discerning the root causes of bodily conditions and complaints but can also be used as a deterrent in the prevention of ailments if you work with them by heeding their health messages. This is because their healing comes from beyond the time-space continuum and because they are not subject to man’s self imposed limitations or theories. Today’s advisor is:
THORN – Thorn refers to the health of the Aura and balancing mind, body and soul. Meditation, contemplation, physical exercise and/or yoga will be helpful today. Breathe.
Advice From La Strega …
It is wise to acknowledge that the Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth. To say otherwise is ego and not wisdom. The goal of life is to live in harmony with nature. If you look deeply into nature, you will gain an understanding of everything that exists. If you can adopt the pace of nature, you will find her secret is patience. With patience you can accomplish all. If your life is not working – change it. How? Focus on what IS working. What nurtures you? What small thing gives you joy? Don’t tell me it’s nothing. Don’t tell me you no longer care. When you do that, it lets me know you are lazy and have allowed yourself to slip into a toxic space. Examine it. You have a choice. You have always had a choice – To do or not do – To accept or reject. Why are you accepting what is dark within you and without you and denying what is light and fresh? It is time to align. Only you know what that is. Push out from the inner you. Stop moaning and bitching. Change what can be changed, work with what cannot. What do you want to learn? What do you want to share? What do you want in your spiritual practices? When and how do you connect with your others? Seek the balance even if you have been leaning heavily in one direction for a while. Care for your body as well as your mind and spirit. Let your inner self express itself. As the expression goes, ‘dance as if no one was looking’. Learn to read signs and omens in nature. There is magic within them. There is magic within you. Use it.
Check Daily for the Daily Collective Missive/Messenger.
The Missive: The Collective Messenger is CROW.
Personal Integrity are your watchwords and your guide in Life. How is that working for you? If you see a Crow or hear it cawing for your attention your prime path is to be mindful of your opinions and actions throughout your life. You must be willing to walk your talk, to speak your truth and to know your life’s mission. Many cultures consider crows to be the keepers of the Sacred Law, for nothing escapes their keen sight. Cunning is definitely part of the game of life. The crow is associated with many a god and goddess. Do some research.
- Life magic; mystery of creation
- Destiny, personal transformation, alchemy
- Intelligence
- Higher perspective
- Being fearless, audacious
- Flexibility, adaptability
- Trickster, manipulative, mischievous
With Renowned Astrologer Alan Oken
It is said that our greatest challenge individually and collectively is to create channels for the Soul’s expression in our daily lives. As we create these avenues for the outer expression of inner life, we also consciously co-create our own destinies.
In the process of reorientation to the new archetype, ask yourself if you are experiencing any of the following:
- Consistently seeking methods of self-improvement that give you a feeling of greater wholeness.
- Expressing interest in methods and/or processes which serve to heal other people from negative and addictive patterns.
- Becoming increasingly aware of others outside of your immediate family and/or social circle.
- Finding it easier to relate with people connected to you through similar belief or ideological systems.
- Becoming exhausted (emotionally or mentally) by civic, social, or spiritual activities that at one time used to be enjoyable or at least tolerable. Do these activities represent a distinct drain on your vitality?
- Increasingly finding yourself attracted to love and less attracted by desire OR are experiencing a conflict between the two and trying to unite them.
- Growing increasingly dispassionate, detached and discriminating. Does sometimes his make you feel guilty, fearful or at a loss?
- Definitely searching and maybe even finding a greater purpose for your life’s energies. Is “service” becoming an important factor or even a dominant theme in your life?
- Seeing through and growing dissatisfied with “game structures” tied to non-regenerative egocentric habit patterns. Do you desire to become more detached from these magnetic traps?
- Sensing, perceiving and experiencing another aspect of Love which is more impersonal and detached – one that is unconditionally supportive and demands nothing in return – one that has an attraction beyond all differences like gender, ethnic/religious/social orientations.
- Feeling a growing need to be part of a group of people who are working towards these same inward and outward goals.
- Becoming increasingly impersonal to all things that are personal and increasingly personal to all that is impersonal.