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Being a dumbass is actually a metaphor for “miraculous process” –
I AM not a dumbass because I ask questions but I will become a dumbass if I cease to ask them –
If I fear looking like a dumbass then I will never try or say anything different or challenging –
If I have in fact acted like a dumbass, it is not the end of the world, rather, it is a prerequisite of enlightenment –
If I constantly cover up my dumbassedness then I can never learn how to differentiate or innovate –
Dumbassedness is only an event; it is not me, it is not an aptitude and it is not an outcome –
It is a powerful person who has the ability to be a dumbass, for he who thinks he is never a dumbass is the biggest dumbass of all –
When I am criticized as a ”dumbass,” the ensuing feedback is full of ideas that I can use –
Being a dumbass helps me recognize my courage, dignity, graces, clumsiness or cowardice –
It is not hard to admit that I actually enjoy moments of dumbassedness –
When I increase my willingness to accept being a dumbass I also increase my chances for success –
Making dumbass mistakes is actually creativity –
Being a dumbass is the epitome of honesty –
I have nothing to lose because I have acted like a dumbass –
What am I if not a glorious dumbass!
Funny …
… except I feel like this all the time. Haha,,,
And True.