Introduction to me.

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By Gravedigger

This is a blog just to introduce myself to the people here on the site.

I am the Gravedigger. Digger for short. There are some that have already commented on the name, and for those of you that are curious, its an actual nickname I go by in the real world that I decided to use as an internet name. I do have a magical name, which I might share with others when I get to know each of you a bit better.

My mother is a Pagan Witch from a long line of Witches, and in the old days they would have called her a 'Seer' as well. Try being a rebellious teenager with a woman like that for a mother. Its frustrating. My paternal Grandfather was both a Scotish Rite Freemason and a Rosicrucian Knight Templar. So occult views run long and deep in my family.

For a while, I was living my life as a Fundamentalist Christian. Even to the point of being in one of their bible colleges. Which I was expelled from for telling one of the professors there that he coulld go to his own hell. Why would I say this? Eve in the Garden of Eden. According to Christians, she ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge.

My question on this was:
 "Why are women in gerenal considered cursed because Eve wanted to learn? It wasn't that she wanted to be superior, because she shared the fruit with Adam. So why are women punished for this?"
The answer shocked me.
"Digger, do you really want you wife to be equal with you?"
Between my mother's strong views, and my Grandfather's teachings that women made just as good a warrior as men, the idea of equality had never been a question for me.

So now, I follow a path that is both Pagan and Hermetic. My Pagan side is somewhat general, but due to preference, I tend to enjoy what most people would call "Darkness and Shadows." My Hermetic side deals primarily with Spiritual Alchemy. Alchemy is one of those studies that requires a person use a certain amount of logic, and I base my own logic on the principle of "As Above, So Below". Because of the combination of Pagan with Spiritual Alchemy/Hermetics,  I reject the concept of good vs.evil. I also reject the ideas of "Sin", "Satan", "Hell", and that the person known as "Jesus" was any kind of God or "Ascended Master".

The end result is a form of magic that says:
"If it walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and flies like a duck, stop calling it a chicken."

That's about it for now. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, but I'm reserving the right to answer them in PM.


6 thoughts on “Introduction to me.”

  1. Great piece of work

    Awesome Digger. I can relate much of what you say to myself. I for one appreciate your candor. Questions, questions – I will have plenty as we speak more!

  2. A likable shadow dweller…

    Waha, Digger, what a delightful introduction! Thanks and welcome!  8)))

    I do believe that eventually you'll come to see it all melt at its core, since only human confusion slashed a gap between the different teachings. After recognizing the purely kabbalistic teachings of the New Testament and acknowledging its genuine agenda to shine a light on insights that had been obscured and kept within the occult, I began to respect them for what they truly are. If you know about the Tree of Life and the approach it represents to explain the composition of existence, the universe and creation as a whole, if you have learned about the meanings of each Sephirah and the paths between them, you must have a look at John's revelation to find your key to the true meaning of the whole New Testament and what "Jesus" represents. It is not some physical master in the flesh, but the attempt to teach people about the center of the Tree of Life (Tiphared) in which we all merge and through which we all were turned into a multitude out of the one super-soul, still fully aware of its origin and the source definition of our core.

    Hermetic teachings quickly find the same root, but are a bit more technical in their method of delivery than the highly personified narrative of religious scripture for the masses. Not that hermeticism isn't personifying with just as much passion than them. We deal with symbols, because the content of all teachings is so far beyond language, so far beyond any verbally deliverable clarity to any broader audience, that a common ground had to be found to offer the information in an interpretable way to anyone.

    Alchemy teaches us that the best we are able to share is still silver and that only true masters manage to turn themselves to gold by which time they turn silent, knowing that anything they could try to share through words of their time would have to become tarnished and could not be golden.

    Only within us we can transcend the withering of uncovered wisdom. Only there we can work with a purity of understanding that cannot truly be shared as itself, but whose fruit might nourish those in need. And I can see that you, too, would not want to withdraw from that courtesy or duty for that matter. I'm already excited about your flavours, hehe. ;o)

    As for Eve, who ever reads the Torah properly will find that Eve is the mother, who brought existence to the next level and only her engagement could bring about the subsequent manifestation of matter. She is "Geburah" on the Tree of life and led creation over the next threshold (knowing "good" from "bad", which only means the ability to distinguish and define/refine, judging to some extend.). The Torah, too, teaches equality between woman and man, alone through its original wording of Eve being made out of the half of Adam, not a rib. But I always find it funny that people need to read about things first before they can truly accept what they already know. If men and women were not equally necessary to bring forth the next generation and their traits were independent from each other, it would be alright, if we continued to f..k ourselves, but unless we begin to acknowledge what that truly means we will continue thus with dire consequences. (Hmmm…a bit weird in the wording, but- eh- hope it's forgivable?!)

    There you have it… a scary big welcome, haha…Lots of Love, though!

  3. thanks

    Thank   you Logos, ADMoon, and Taron, for such a nice welcome. 🙂

    *Logos. You and I go back a bit, so you already knew how my blogs work. hehe..

    *ADMoon. 'christmas card list'…..what a pleasant thing to say. Thank you.

    *Taron.  Its clear you''ve had some dealings in Hermetics, if its not your own field of personal study. But its also clear to me that you and I have indiviirually chosen to approach the study from different angles. I believe your word was "flavors". Its a very good word for the issue. Perhaps we could continue such a conversation in PM, if you wish. I do work thngs a different way. 🙂

  4. HUh?

    hi there…i respectfully disagree with everyone lol, go figure! i won't waste time on differences, but i'll say welcome just the same!

  5. Welcome Grave Digger!

    Welcome Grave Digger!


    We share a common interest in spiritual (mental) alchemy.


    I hope you feel welcome in this sacred space!!!


    ~Green Moon~

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