Ode To Hypatia

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By LOGOS - Overseer

Ode To Hypatia


<Dedicated to all those who seek  truth>


The Heavens should be simple

They are not

The once independent walk by faith

Not by sight

Others question not

But I must

My mind is my only view


Awakening of knowledge and quest

Challenged by theory

When the river becomes too deep

They shall be divers

When the mountain becomes too high

They shall be climbers

I will lead


Discovery requires courage

I fear not

Should the Sun shine too brightly

I will bask

When the Moon eclipses with shadow

I light candles

Conquering the deepest dark



Answers come to those persistent

Burdened by consent

Hypothesis not intent on movement

I content to wait

As seconds split the art is lost

I despair not

Old voids shape new truths

Consummation entangles human odyssey

Never to be freed

Beloved ideals strangled by reality

Nevermore upheld

Rewarded by the apostate of victory  

Devoid of Brotherhood

False prophet regaled yet despised



With hastened hands they gird themselves

Raiments of despair

And now the clash has ensued

Pulses beat of death

Seized at length and tightly bound

No escape

No relief



Proud men thinking they are gods

Forbidden secrets loosed

The walls crumble and burn

With them my ministry

With them my mind

With them my soul

Cessation of destiny

Crystal dreams turn into dust

All is lost

Enveloped in anguished sheen

I am finished

The blade strikes swiftly

I am free

But Agora lives in memory and mind

Hypatia was a legend ahead of her time. She was a teacher of astronomy, mathematics and philosophy in Alexandria in 391 AD during the Roman rule of Egypt and the fall of civilization. She believed in the secrets of the Universe including the movement of celestial bodies and was a strong advocate of  brotherhood. The prose is based upon a rendition of the life of Hypatia.

"Reserve your right to think, for even to think wrongly is better than not to think at all," she is credited with saying. "To teach superstitions as truth is a most terrible thing."


3 thoughts on “Ode To Hypatia”

  1. I’m always a bit concerned

    I'm always a bit concerned when ever Hollywood picks up a piece of history, and it's often "entertaining" to watch. Thanks for posting this, though, L! :o)

    Have you ever come across the German production "Vision" about the life of Hildegard von Bingen? It's actually a very beautiful and bright movie that feels quite conceivable.

    As for the good old female vs. male contemplations that somehow arise when ever women are featured for such sake, we are both fitted with the same powerful machinery as bodies and minds, while our fundamental focus enables us to perform respective duties for all the right reasons. To discover, to contemplate and to share revelations we are fitted equally. The nature of distraction that is imposedly employed by our civilization's simplifiers is different though, because it focuses on the former, the natural differences between what each gender cares for by trait.

    We just shouldn't let those powers convince us to seek power through association, especially not with polarizing qualities such as women to women and men to men. To rise above the foolishness that layers the ways behind us we should consider forgiving ourselves for having fallen for the manipulations of those who took charge. Move forward with the right understanding for how to support all aspects of nature that manifest in us. Don't deny a man the maskuline and the woman the feminine! Let a father be a father and a mother be a mother. This civilization is in the process of destroying that with such relentlessness. This is not about any confinements or constraints, this is about the hideousness of permissions, as if anybody had the right to permit or "not to" permit that we can follow what we truly, honestly love. Denial is being propagated, inculcated and used as the key to dehumanization, dematuring (if that's a word) the world of humans and turn all genders into youth-obsessed narcissistic children, regardless their age.

    Ugh, how did I get here? Darned, sorry, L. Just got me thinking about it all.


  2. Nice work Logos.

    Nice work Logos.

    I enjoyed the film 'Agora'. Which is surprising to me. Yes, there are some innaccuracies in the movie, done for creative license I imagine. And yet, I was intrigued by the character of Hyapatia. You want her to succeed, and can relate to her so easiy.

    As for the prose you included here…….are you the author of it? I know you do some writing yourself, and the prose here is extremely well done I think.


  3. yes indeed

    Hi Taron!!!! There are always liberties taken in movies and I do have this movie and found it very moving. The idea here of course is to draw attention to the real historic Hypatia who was a ground breaker ahead of her time. Your statements mirror my own thoughts … keep thinking … thinking – it is contagious!

    Yes, Digger tis my prose and thank you so much for the compliment! The funny thing is I bought the movie because it was brought to my attention, via an astrology magazine that recommended the movie for its "astrological implications." Meager as they were, I got so caught up in the story that I wrote the blog!

    Thanks gents!

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