Developing Psychic Awareness 101

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By LI - Executor

Developing Psychic Awareness 101

Psychic  powers can be used on many levels – for personal development, to help others  via healing or insightful counseling  and also to attain what it is we really need.

More and more people are discovering that they have become more spiritually aware and able to tune into or download information that comes from unknown sources. This seems to occur from seemingly unconnected normal and paranormal factors often related in some camps to Jungian synchronicity and in other camps to fate. For example, did you ever need  something desperately that you could in no way afford and run into a friend who just happened to have what you needed but did not need it themselves so they gave it to you? Did you ever find an item you had long been searching for in a strange shop or store you had never been in before because you took a wrong turn driving?

Do you realize that when these things happen you have actually engaged in a bit of psychic bargaining with the Universe? It would seem that when this happens, we have pushed back the boundaries of possibility and our own efforts have amplified the creative powers within us to manifest.  In other words, we have an urgent need and a strong belief that our request will be granted. There is a hitch though and that proviso is that we in turn must be receptive to the “unspoken” needs of others.

Since psychic powers can be used anywhere at any time, I used to think that creating a sacred space to focus my abilities was rather pretentious but after many years I learned that having my own special place fulfilled me emotionally and spiritually and most important of all gave me a stronger sense of myself. Such a space does not need to be grand – it can be in the corner of a quiet room with nothing more than a pillow on the floor for one to sit on (very Zen) or a whole room filled with some of your favorite things such as crystals, incense or other personal items. Simply create a space that makes you feel comfortable, relaxed and happy. Start out by spending a few minutes every morning or evening in your space and let it gradually become imbued with your personal essence so it can become a repository of energy and calm.

Some of the most prominent and powerful psychics neither consciously relax or meditate before “tuning” in. With experience comes the ability to be able to trust our intuitions or “read cold” when faced with sudden dilemmas or conversely, opportunities that demand instant decisions.  However, many people find that a more gentle transition is necessary if psychic work is unfamiliar or decisions are more complex so a bit of informal preparation may be necessary. Here are some tips:


  • Choose a time when you can have peace and quiet for at least 30 minutes.
  • Eat a simple meal before practice to avoid light headedness or dizziness.
  • Take a leisurely bath or shower and put on clean and comfortable loose-fitting clothes.
  • Light a candle for atmosphere and focus (if you need it).
  • Once settled, inhale deeply in through your nose and exhale out of your mouth three times. This harnesses pranic energy that is tied to altered states of consciousness. (Prana is a term from Hindu philosophy and is widely used to represent the life force. Western spiritual healers regard prana as healing energy and view it as the vital energy that allows our etheric or soul bodies to travel astrally.)
  • If you need more time to relax and focus try counting backwards from 100 or imagine seeing the letters of the alphabet backwards from Z-A.


  • Play a pleasant CD of music or ambient sound.
  • Repeat the first three steps of the informal procedure.
  • Seat yourself cross legged on a pillow on the floor OR on a chair that supports your back and arms.
  • Consciously tense your body and then slowly release the tension.
  • Inhale deeply in through your nose and exhale out of your mouth three times.
  • Either close your eyes or fix your gaze on a point on the wall opposite you.
  • Block out immediate concerns or worries or things “you need to do” and become aware or your body and the “you” inside the body.
  • Understand that you are safe and protected.


  • Walk on a straight road or path through the woods or a nice field.
  • Look only straight ahead until the scenery blurs into colors and images.
  • Walk at a rhythmic pace so you can free your unconscious.


  • Seat yourself on a bench and observe the clouds OR
  • Concentrate and listen to the wind in the rustling of leaves.

Time to visualize …

Visualization involves using an internal focus rather than an external object to represent an urgent need or desire.

  • Draw the image slowly into your mind.
  • See the entire image down to the minute details.
  • See yourself in the situation you want to be in or with the thing you need.
  • See yourself functioning within the situation or using the thing you need.
  • Feel that you are fulfilled, safe and happy.

Developing psychic awareness can help you make your life more fulfilling but more importantly once you learn to use your intuitive processes and tap unconscious wisdom you can gain opportunities connected to what destiny may have to offer.

2 thoughts on “Developing Psychic Awareness 101”

  1. Part 2?

    Miss LI will there be a part 2?

    Do you realize that when these things happen you have actually engaged in a bit of psychic bargaining with the Universe? It would seem that when this happens, we have pushed back the boundaries of possibility and our own efforts have amplified the creative powers within us to manifest. In other words, we have an urgent need and a strong belief that our request will be granted. There is a hitch though and that proviso is that we in turn must be receptive to the “unspoken” needs of others.

    This is a very important statement!

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