Enjoy this potpourri of more fascinating than useful information …
StarLogic Astrodynamics
Did you know that there are literally thousands upon thousands of asteroids or “minor planets” on record? All of them can be identified by number and most of them can also be identified by name. To date, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) has “officially” named over 11,963 of these celestial entities whose monikers range from everything to cities to celebrities. There are some astrologers who cannot incorporate enough asteroids into their client readings particularly if there is an asteroid that bears the client’s name or one that correlates with the client’s current situation. The asteroids used in astrological analysis have individual sigils and meanings. The asteroid AMERICA uses a pyramid which encloses a highlighted eye with an arched brow. The pyramid has been thought of by many as a symbol of regeneration. This is why the pyramid was used by the ancients to bury their pharaohs and the pharaohs’ vast treasures. The highlighted eye generally represents ‘watchfulness.’ The arched brow above the eye suggests ‘attention’ and ‘concern.’ The pyramidal eye appears on American money and accordingly, the asteroid AMERICA is often related to issues of money and all associated subjects such as investments and other monetary propositions. Like everything else in astrology the asteroids have a polarity meaning and its chart status by placement and aspect will better determine if money issues are handled in a conservative manner laced by responsibility and a need for structure and a firm financial foundation OR if issues are handled via risk taking, lack of care, and a feeling that instances of lack are only temporary. Some astrologers will also view AMERICA in the charts of world leaders to see how their personalities will relate to the USA in general and to our government and economic system. For example, when Fidel Castro established the first Marxist government in the Americas, the asteroid KARL MARX was conjunct the asteroid AMERICA.
Inch By Inch
StarLogic Astrodynamics
The Great Pyramid has been a source of fascination for centuries amongst scholars and laymen. Conjecture about pyramidal structure has ranged from the edicts of Pyramidology which suggests that the “Pyramidal Inch” is equivalent to a calendar year and has a direct correlation with Bible prophesy or an encoded history of the Earth, to alien architecture, to New Age belief of extraordinary healing energies attributed to the shape and construction. Seer Edgar Cayce believed that the Great Pyramid was 10,000 years old and built by a consortium of Atlanteans, Egyptians, and Caucasian Russians. He further stated that the pyramid was a storage place for all of human history. Basing her theory on information taken from The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtek, numerologist Gina Eaker states, “The Great Pyramid on Earth is, in reality, in conjunction with a pyramidal energy field under the Earth which together form a diamond. From this central focal point there is a network of magnetic resonance which connects all of the pyramidal energy fields around the Earth into a relationship of an icosahedron.”
What do you theorize???
The “Lie” Of The Land?
StarLogic Astrodynamics
According to its modern discoverer author Katherine Maltwood (1927), and its original discoverer the infamous Dr. John Dee (300 years earlier), the Glastonbury Zodiac covers an area of thirty miles in circumference around Glastonbury Tor in England. The huge terrestrial figures are shaped by natural earth formations, roads, tracks, rivers, pools and a few areas that were filled in by ancient people to finish out the pattern. Each sign of the zodiac is represented in order and the entire work is believed to have been originally fashioned by a mystical society circa 500 BC. Both Dee and Maltwood attached astronomical significance to the zodiac but Maltwood never drew a conclusion of how it was used other than she believed it to have been used by Celtic Britons in pagan ceremonies. She also believed that with of the advent of Christianity, the many stories that were told about the zodiac turned into secret knowledge for initiates in pagan circles only.
Gort the robot heals his master in the 1950’s classic “The Day the Earth Stood Still.”
Klatuu Barata Nikto
How should we expect extra-terrestrial life forms to look and is it possible to have intelligent contact with them? According to UFOlogists there are six basic alien life forms: human, humanoid, hybrid animal, robotic, exotic and apparitional that have been reported by contact witnesses. The most commonly witnessed aliens among these groups are the humanoid branch which has been popularized in movies such as Close Encounters of the Third Kind. They tend to run anywhere from 3½ to 8 ft. tall with large eyes, fair skin, angular features and large heads. As far as intelligent contact which is considered an Encounter of the 4th Kind, there are plenty on record.
On the morning of April 24, 1964 in Newark Valley, New York, a framer by the name of Gary Wilcox claimed to have not only seen extra-terrestrials but to also have had an intelligent conversation with them. The aliens claimed, “Don’t be alarmed, we have spoken with people before.” Their physicality was covered up by a type of white overall making it impossible to discern any features. They told Wilcox that they were from the planet we know as Mars and were quite interested in what he was doing which was spreading manure. It seems they were desirous of learning more about Earth’s organic materials because of the rocky structure of Mars. They left on a friendly basis and made no attempt to harm Wilcox. So, could this be true? Wilcox was examined by a psychiatrist who found no evidence of mental illness but who did note that his interpretation of the incident was rather complex and uncertain. A look at the event chart for this incident for the time given of 10:00 am is not supported by the classic astrological stricture for this type of event. Transiting Mercury was retrograde however and that might explain the confusion!
The Unknown, The Unforeseen and the Unidentifiable
What astrological forces are at play during a paranormal or supernatural event? Forensic Astrology is a fascinating branch of astrology that deals in the specialized investigation of topics ranging from criminal investigation including ongoing and unsolved cases, to paranormal investigation including hauntings and things such as alien abductions to queries regarding specific cases involving Quantum physics such as time travel. Of course as with any type of enquiry, the most important single factor is to know where to start looking. Astrologers who specialize in forensics might use a variety of means, birth charts, event charts, and even location charts or horary charts to discern the truth of a matter.
The first item to be discerned is the condition of the transiting Moon. Some paranormal investigators often consider the condition of the Moon along with all of their statistical and scientific data when investigating hauntings. The most common astrological conditions that show up regarding the Moon in forensics are often a Full Moon or a Void of Course Moon but things can happen during any phase of the Moon. Astrologically speaking these are the conditions that represent an undisturbed open channel for energies. The Full Moon in particular represents a time of peak paranormal activity. The Void of course Moon often represents a period when time stands still. The aspects made by the Moon are very important. The next item is to look for an emphasis on the 1st and 7th houses basically representing the self and others or “me and them” by either heavy planetary load and/or aspects made to those house cusps. This always seems to show up prominently in cases of alien abduction. The Occult house 4, 8, and 12 are discerned in the same manner. Since the planet Neptune represents intangibles, it too garners a close examination. Depending on the specifics of an event some of the other planets represent specific items. For example if poltergeist activity is suspected one would look for an active Mars. Menacing Fixed Stars also figure heavily into the supernatural mix. And what about The Unknown, The Unforeseen and the Unidentifiable? They are represented by Pluto, Uranus and Neptune respectively and should be discerned carefully!
One Of Our Planets Is Missing!
StarLogic Astrodynamics
Everyone knows that thousands of broken fragments of rock and metal known as asteroids exist between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It is no surprise that since the discovery of asteroids astronomers have wondered if all this cosmic debris is actually the remnants of a long ago exploded planet. The Titius-Bode Law of 1776, implemented by German mathematician Johann Titius and later popularized by astronomer Johann Bode supports this theory. The law is based on a series of numbers – 0, 3, 6,12,24,48 and 96. Note that each number is twice the preceding number with the exception of the first two numbers. Now adding 4 to each number the series becomes 4,7,10,16,28,52 and 100. Marking the Earth’s distance from the Sun in units, this series denotes an great accuracy of the distances between the planets Mercury through Saturn and the Sun – Mercury at 4, Venus at 7, Earth at 10, Mars at 15, Jupiter at 52 and Saturn at 95. All of these are in very close agreement with the Titius-Bode Law. The problem is there is no planet at number 28 marking the space between Mars and Jupiter. This early astronomers gave food for thought and circa 1800 a group of astronomers met in Lilienthal, Germany and agreed to search the skies for the missing planet. Although many asteroids were discovered named and numbered no other evidence was found in what became known as the asteroid belt. In contemporary times interest still exists regarding the missing planet theory and a Russian academician Sergei Orloff has even named the missing planet Phaeton after the son of a Greek god who was destroyed by the gods because he drove his chariot so recklessly he scorched the Earth and would have annihilated it had he been allowed to continue. Adding to the story, Russian writer Aleksandr Kazantsez and his friend Professor Felix Zigel further theorize that the civilization that once populated Phaeton invented thermo-nuclear weapons millions of years ago and its misuse led to the destruction of the “missing planet.”
The Lunar Diet Guide
StarLogic Astrodynamics
Have you put on too much weight? The ever versatile art of Astrology can give you a few tips as to why it may be so hard for you lose weight via the Moon’s hard aspects in your chart. Check and see if you have a square, quincunx or opposition between the Moon and Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or the health asteroid Hygeia in your natal chart! It can tell you quite a bit about your attitude towards food and perhaps help you make some healthy changes…
MOON/MARS: “The Gulper.” This combination usually indicates that the individual eats too fast and often doesn’t enjoy food or give much consideration to food choices. Digestive issues are pronounced usually because the digestive tract cannot process the intake (consumption) at the speed of light!
MOON/JUPITER: “The Stuffer.” This combination indicates eating habits that are emotion based and of which food serves as an instant gratification “fix.” Everything in sight will be gobbled up to release the tension of stress, loneliness, sadness, or boredom. Weight gain is a given.
MOON/SATURN: “The Drooler.” Allergies to certain foods such as sugar, dairy, wheat, potatoes or corn can lead to dependence on substitute foods that are bad for the body such as artificial sweeteners and other foods that are high in carbohydrates.
MOON/URANUS: “The Wolfer.” Bet you can’t eat just one! Compulsive over-eating is the signature connected to this combination which is engaged by the individual just because they can!
MOON/NEPTUNE: “The Denier.” Maybe I’ll diet tomorrow! This combination often signifies eating disorders that are ambivalence or denial based. Overweight makes the individual feel “safe” or powerful.
MOON/PLUTO: “The Addict.” Food addictions and binge eating are common with this combination. If the planets are in the signs of Cancer or Virgo the addictive quality is stronger.
MOON/HYGEIA: “The Struggler.” Physical and chemical imbalances lead to poor eating habits that run extreme from gorging on junk food OR conversely starving oneself.
Angelic Cosmology
StarLogic Astrodynamics
SUN – Michael, the perfect reflection of Divine Light. The energetic representation is health, vitality, energy power, creativity and organization.
MOON – Gabriel, the patron of doctors, nurses, midwives and teachers. The energetic representation is sensitivity, feelings, dreaming and intuition.
MERCURY – Raphael, the patron of translators and interpreters. The energetic representation is skill for language, writing, communication and speed. Raphael helps mankind cope with the sudden changes in life.
VENUS – Hagiel, the patron of counselors, artists, musicians. The energetic representation applies to easing pain, reconciliation and family support and bonds.
MARS – Camael, the patron of firemen, sportsmen, surgeons and those in the military. The energetic representation applies to courage, passion, strong will and also the brutality of war.
JUPITER – Zadkiel, the patron of judges, lawyers and mariners. The energetic representation concerns justice, fairness, generosity, grace and friendliness.
SATURN – Cassiel, the patron of teachers, archeologists and dentists. The energetic representation applies to time and the natural aging process, discipline, acceptance, humility and wisdom.
URANUS – Uriel, the patron of inventors and “genius.” The energetic representation concerns freedom, independence and new ideas. Uriel is also responsible for retaliation and revolution.
NEPTUNE – Asariel, the patron of idealists. The energetic representation supports imagination and mysticism as well as deception.
PLUTO – Azrael, the patron of those with “second sight.” The energetic representation concerns prediction and death. In many scripts Azrael is known as the “Angel of Death” because he killed all of the first born sons of Egypt during the plagues.
Dream Sending
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay
Dream Sending is defined as a magical ability to enter the dreams of another person in order to deliver a message, alter the content of the dream or influence the dreamer’s actions and behaviors. It is a very old magical art dating back to the ancient Egyptians and its most common use is for love spells. It is best accomplished during a waxing Moon and by invoking the Moon goddess Selene or the archangel Gabriel who rules the Moon and Monday considered the day of the Moon.
The ancient Egyptians used Dream Sending combined with sympathetic magic in special rituals to cause an individual to have a specific dream that suited what they were trying to accomplish which was often political in nature. In legend Nectanebo, the last native of Egypt used Dream Sending to cause the Greek queen Olympias to dream that she would bear a “god” fathered by Amun. He next used this magical skill to influence Phillip of Macedonia by casting a spell over a hawk which flew over Phillip while he was asleep and whispered in his ear that queen Olympias would bear a child who was the son of a god. The result was Alexander the Great who always attributed his divine origin to Dream Sending. The ancient Greeks and Romans were thought to be skilled in this art. They performed rituals for sending dreams by petitioning the aid of intermediary beings to serve as messengers. These messengers included 12 spirits who were know to govern the hours of the night and who were under the control of the goddess Selene. The entities were summoned in the middle of the night at the ‘appropriate hour’ during a special ritual.
In contemporary times those who work with dreams or dream therapy have discovered that they can successfully send a dream message to others however, the recipients are very unlikely to experience coercion and take action against their will. Psychical researcher Harold Sherman found that he experienced the best results when he would “send” and “receive” impressions during the relaxed state bordering on sleep. When “sending” he would make sure the other person was sound asleep thus ensuring their “receptivity” to his sent messages. Sweet Dreams!