Steps On the Inner Path

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By SHABDA - Preceptor

Dealing with varying states of consciousness along the way to the kingdom of Heaven. Discerning between the Psychic and Spiritual planes.


From Paul Twitchell's The Spiritual Notebook with further explanation added.

There is much that happens in our present time that shows clearly a lack of discernment between spiritual experiences and planes verses psychic ones. It is far better for a chela to think of the allness of the true spiritual worlds and experiences. This is because unlike in the lower, psychic planes, we are working with the whole rather than parts. The lower worlds have many planes that are more akin to states or territories than actual planes, whereas the spiritual worlds are each complete and whole unto themselves. The awareness apparatus we use works differently on the various planes we must go through in order to reach the Godhead. Therefore, we are never without some state of awareness, even in the mineral stage of consciousness. This awareness is one pointed in the lower planes but upon reaching the true spiritual planes it becomes omnipresent, or multiple.

In other words one can see in all directions from the viewpoint of Soul, a true 360 degree view. It is for this very reason that the Mahanta, who is the living Eck Master, leads the student through the psychic planes first, before going gradually into the state of God realization rather than immediately. The purpose is to allow the chela to keep balanced in physical life. Too many have been pushed and shoved into the higher state only to return and find themselves unfit for life here in this world.

Fanatical religious figures have at times dominated history, such as Rasputin, who touched the God consciousness state and then reduced himself to the psychic element, due to the nature of his times. They lacked a Master who could've carried them safely through the psychic planes and on into the spiritual worlds. It is said today that we are confusing psychic experiences for the spiritual state. This occurs because no one has a measuring rod by which to discern one from the other.

The faculties within Soul actually correspond with the invisible planes. The planes are then influenced in turn by these faculties of Soul. It is a give and take affair, and unless we are able to understand what is going on  within Soul, the individual is apt to become lost and flounder about.

Contrary to widespread belief among those studying various spiritual works, these planes do not lie one above the other. They are simply different modes of existence and awareness and can, any and all of them, occupy the same place at the same time, just as light, sound, and temperature do. The different aspects of consciousness are built up out of these different forms of existence. The spark of the Divine Eck, the innermost core and  nucleus of every Soul, is also a part of the God realm. Thus mental power with its force and images is part of the kingdom of the mind, the mental plane. Memory and recall of past lives belong to the causal plane; our emotional and instinctive nature is part of the astral world, and the physical body is part of the earth kingdom. 

We are influenced far more than we realize by the unconscious states of  those around us, and this is why good morale is valued in any organization. Likewise our own mental states also exert more influence on those around us than we generally are aware of, so care must be taken and self control used at all times to avoid unconscious karma creation. These factors are overlooked by the chela whose main interest is focused on himself. Should he become powerful in his mental forces without proper discipline, he could bring ruin on himself and those around him. Rasputin, the mad monk of Russia, is an outstanding example of this. Napolean is another whose tremendous mental powers and influence caused a major upheaval of Europe and changed the map of the continent.

Rebezar Tarzs said once in a visit, " Nothing should move the dweller in Eck! He must live in God and nothing else. The influence of the psychic worlds shall not touch him. " 

The chela does not want to get into areas of meditation that carry him only into the psychic regions. So many of the Oriental religions hardly let a person get above these planes. Naive people, posing as religious leaders often lead their  even more naive followers into areas of danger by not being able to give them spiritual assistance in the psychic worlds. We can never have peace on this planet because it is impossible; earth is definitely ruled by the Kal, or negative forces and they will never allow it to happen.

The Kal Niranjan misleads man. It makes him believe that he can change his environment and bring about peace and happiness for all mankind, but this is a falsehood as what one considers to be peace, will never match what his various neighbors consider to be the same. Our definitions never match and thus none can change the environment to suit themselves without hurting others. It is only when man learns to gain control of his own reactions and rule his own inner self that peace and happiness are possible. This is the answer, for he has then accepted individual responsibility for his own reactions and self control. The other individual has not learned this. 

Once the chela has grasped this point he has gained great knowledge about entering the kingdom of Heaven. Unless we have such discipline it is impossible for Soul to travel and explore the spiritual universes, for God leaves all matters of this nature up to the individual.

This being true, there are two things necessary in the Eck chela's training in order for him to enter into the spiritual worlds and enjoy bliss and happiness that come with his travels. The first of these is that he must never allow mental and emotional conditions to have any power to affect him. The second aspect necessary to the chela's training is that he must never allow his reactions to these influences run riot. He must take charge of them. To perceive the influence of some negative nature and to react to it is not enough. We must learn to counteract it. The whole process of controlling the environment starts with control of self. Until we cease to be influenced by surrounding conditions, we can never hope to exercise any influence over them. The paradox of this statement is that when we cease to be concerned about the environment, we will have the power to change it. We must reduce our efforts towards spiritual principles and start from there to control the inner self. No responsibility for any act should be blamed on another, but accepted fully by ourselves.

This is the first Eck principle in seeking self-discipline. The next step is the daily practice of spiritual exercises. Once we begin working on these, the inner changes start, and our spiritual eye begins to open enough for us to see into the beyond. It is then that we are able to start taking control of our environment. Only through continued practice can we bring ourselves to the point of total control, and through that reach total awareness, which is the fully expanded awareness, or the God state of awareness.


3 thoughts on “Steps On the Inner Path”

  1. Marvelous post!

    Well, I am still learning about much of this but I do seem to like Paul Twitchell very much. I take it a "chela" is a student so that would be me! Cannot spiritual exercises lead to psychic experiences?

  2. Answers!

       Yes, a chela is a student, that is a term used in many Eastern spiritual paths….and yes, spiritual exercises can and do bring psychic plane experiences, however, the point of what was said is the discernment between those which tend to be flashy and full of wonder, which in iitself is misleading and not necessarily so spiritual, and true spiritual plane and consciousness experiences, which are far greater and filled with an added and undeniable depth of wisdom…when one first begins to have experiences, those flashy ones of the psychic planes can be very misleading and their importance or lack thereof not necessarily immediately apparent…so it is the job of the Master to aid the chela in the discernment of which is which…the eventual goal of each cheal is self Mastership, where they no longer have need of a Master to hold their hand and guide them through the planes, but can go on their own and make their own way, with complete freedom through the worlds of God, and at that point guide others themselves. It is also notable that the psychic worlds are dualistic, so for every good, there is a balancing negative, therefore those things are merely lessons along the way, but are not the goal….the purely spiritual truths of the pure spiritual planes are the goal, thus the reason for learning discernment between the two.

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