a short passage first from Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan, and then a following verse from his eldest son, Murshid Pir Vilayat Khan:
"When we study the science of breath the first thing that we notice is that breath is audible; it is a word in itself, for what we call a word is only a more pronounced utterance of breath fashioned by the mouth and tongue. In the capacity of the mouth breath becomes voice, and therefore the original condition of a word is breath. If we said, " First was the breath," it would be the same as saying, "In the beginning was the word,"….
….the first sign of life that manifested was the audible expression, or sound; that is the word. When we compare this interpretation with the Vedanta philosophy, we find that the two are identical. All down the ages the Yogis and seers of India have worshipped the Word-God, or Sound-God….All occult science, all mystical practices are based upon the science of the word or sound….There are words that echo in the heart, there are others that do so in the head. And again others that have power over the body.
— Hazrat Inayat Khan
Work with the sound until you are absolutely amazed that you could produce such a sound and it seems to you that you are just the instrument through which the divine pied piper blows the whisper of incantations of his magic spell….
Use the scale of overtones as a Jacob's ladder to climb. Jacob's ladder is like listening to the echo of an echo….
Become yourself pure vibration beyond space. If the sound generated by the vocal chords into the vibratory network of the universe has the faculty of tuning one, it is because it links one to the cosmic symphony. The repetition of a physical sound sets off a sound current, a vibration tidal wave in the ether, by building up energy….
We live on several planes at the same time. It is said in the Heikhaloth, the Jewish book of heavenly spheres, that each time a new soul descends in the ocean of the manifested realm, it generates a vibration which is communicated to the entire cosmic ocean….Each creature is a crystallization of a part of this symphony of vibrations. Thus we are like sound petrified in solid matter which continues indefinitely to resound in this matter
and the word became flesh
and the word became flesh
and the word became flesh
So you must become pure vibration and pass on through the other side.
— Pir Vilayat Khan
From Hazarat Inayat Khan we also get quite an ellucidation of the term HU, and with the instruction given in these two quotes, innumerable options to increase the state of awareness of one's own state of being become obvious~!
here are some of his words concerning HU
from this page: http://wahiduddin.net/mv2/II/II_8.htm
"This sound develops through ten different aspects because of its manifestation through ten different tubes of the body; it sounds like thunder, the roaring of the sea, the jingling of bells, running the water, the buzzing of bees, the twittering of sparrows, the Vina, the whistle, or the sound of Shankha until it finally becomes Hu, the most sacred of all sounds.
This sound Hu is the beginning and the end of all sounds, be they from man, bird, beast, or thing. A careful study will prove this fact, which can be realized by listening to the sound of the steam engine or of a mill, while the echo of bells or gongs gives a typical illustration of the sound Hu.
The Supreme Being has been called by various names in different languages, but the mystics have known him as Hu, the natural name, not man-made, the only name of the Nameless, which all nature constantly proclaims. The soundHu is most sacred; the mystics call Ism-i Azam, the name of the Most High, for it is the origin and end of every sound as well as the background of each word. The word Hu is the spirit of all sounds and of all words, and is hidden within them all, as the spirit in the body. It does not belong to any language, but no language can help belonging to it. This alone is the true name of God, a name that no people and no religion can claim as their own. This word is not only uttered by human beings, but is repeated by animals and birds. All things and beings proclaim this name of the Lord, for every activity of life expresses distinctly or indistinctly this very sound. This is the word mentioned in the Bible as existing before the light came into being, 'In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.'
The mystery of Hu is revealed to the Sufi who journeys through the path of initiation. Truth, the knowledge of God, is called by a Sufi Haqq. If we divide the word Haqq into two parts, its assonant sounds become hu ek, Husignifying God, or truth, and ek in Hindustani meaning one, and both together expressing on God and one truth.Haqiqat in Arabic means the essential truth, Hakim means master, and Hakim means knower, all of which words express the essential characteristics of life.
Al-Haqq is the sacred word that the Vairagis, the adepts of India, use as their sacred chant. "
… and this is what it's all about! Most people I talk to who don't know of Sufism will agree that the word (breath-sound) came first. Doesn't matter what their personal belief is, they just "get it." No fuss, no bother – that says something in my book.
Enjoyable read as always Shabda!
The importance of sound runs through all beliefs
You are probably familiar with this but In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, a Hindu spiritual treatise, a sage tries to describe Brahman, the indescribable force motivating existence, to a skeptically curious king. "There is a spirit in the sound of the steps of man, and that spirit I adore as Brahman," the sage explains.
The Maitri Upanishad, another Hindu reflection on consciousness, says "There are two ways of contemplation: in sound and in silence. By sound, we go to the End: immortality, union, and peace. Even as a spider reaches the liberty of space via its own thread, the mindful one reaches freedom via vibration and void." The sense of sound is a distinctive feature of human experience. Take a minute to stop and listen to anything — it can easily turn into a rather profound metaphor of life's experiences.
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