Ignorance, rejection, revelation…these three stages summarize the path between believing a lie and grasping the truth. Consider them a problem-reaction-solution sequence toward divine ends.
Ignorance is essentially false belief reinforced by mental and emotional programming. By ignorance, it is meant unwillingness to seek greater understanding. This can come from a lack of intellectual application and/or absence of intuition.
Rejection occurs when one glimpses all the fallacies of the first stage but is shocked into losing balance and perspective. This stage requires intellect, but suffers from an absence of intuition. Rejection is just a logical inversion of the first stage, a negative image so to speak.
Revelation is when one sees the fallacies of the first stage, the contextual shortcomings of the second stage, and the constructive truth residing beyond both of them. This requires intellect and intuition—intellect to see the fallacies, intuition to gnostically leap into a higher level of understanding.
Most of mankind never makes it past the first stage, existing instead as mainstream mouthpieces for the Matrix Control System. Many of them lack the higher chakras and are thus incapable of revelation. Some are simply too busy with body and ego survival to care for rocking the boat.
Then there are the smart ones who awaken from the first stage. They think they’re pretty clever in seeing the flaws in some mainstream institution or belief system. Those who get fixated on rejection tend to plunge into cynicism, skepticism, and negativity because all their energy is devoted to pulling weeds rather than planting seeds. A negative image indeed.
During the second stage people are emotionally shocked and frustrated, which leaves them vulnerable. Shocks can stun the intellect into adopting an immature binary viewpoint, that if something is a lie then its logical negative (opposite) must be the truth. For example, those who awaken from the lies of Catholicism but get stuck on the second stage either become rabid atheists or satanists, trading one stupidity for another.
In the third stage, one comes full circle. Atheists may once again believe in a higher deity but nothing like what is propagated through mainstream religion. Those who rejected the naive positivity of New Age fluffism in favor of cynical “objectivity” may once again believe in the value of positivity but this time only when matched with awareness.
These stages are therefore three points on a helical spiral where a full 360 degrees brings one upward to the beginning of the next turn. One starts at 0 degrees, ignorance, runs madly to the opposite side at 180 degrees, rejection, and then completes the turn at 360 degrees, revelation. This is ascension, the cyclical raising of consciousness through increasingly less distorted manifestations of the same archetype.
For those with two dimensional minds, 360 degrees is 360 degrees and elements derived through revelation seem just as foolish as elements mired in ignorance. That is why the Wanderer is said to travel the Way of the Fool. Those with wisdom are seen as fools by any who stubbornly occupy the 180 degree position of rejection.
Unfortunately most of mankind is plagued with a two dimensional and binary view of reality, and this makes them total suckers for the Control System. The devil has two arms…if you move away from one but stay in proximity, he’ll swat you with the other. Disinformation takes many forms, but these generally fall into two main categories: 1) direct programming for those of the first stage and 2) diversion and capture for those of the second stage.
Disinformation for intellectuals requires associating the third stage with the first due to their angular similarity, then discarding the third along with the first and placing their angular opposite, the stage of rejection, on a pedestal. Any lie can be sold as truth when placed beside the shortcomings of another lie.
There’s no chance of ascending up the spiral if one fails to make a complete turn. This, of course, is what the Control System wants. Too many turns and people might just spiral completely out of the prison. And so people are kept at 0 or 180 degrees, a false dichotomy if there ever was one.
Ascension up the spiral can only happen when one uses both the head and the heart, intellect and intuition. It is not enough to see what’s wrong with the old; instead, internal revelation must also open one’s eyes to the new.
Tom Montalk – http://montalk.net/metaphys/108/triad-of-progress