To accommodate our ever growing community, the Light Force Network has a new bolder look, expansive design and a new contemporary mobile platform.
As always, our thanks to our ever-growing LFN community for their interest and support. Special gratitude to our writers, artists, poets and Proficients for sharing their expertise and knowledge! Also an extended thanks to non-members who have stopped by just to read! You are ALL appreciated.
The pulse of all things esoteric – metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, science and the arcane can be found here. There is so much more to see and learn and enjoy by joining!
It’s easy! Any visitor can become a member by filling out a registration application. Click on CREATE ACCOUNT in the upper right sidebar of the Homepage. Applying is fast and simple and there is no interrogation or long form to fill out. There is no membership fee and donations are never required or requested at any time.
Isn't time you came home?