Social Media, Psychic Vampirism – A Collective Epidemic

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By Syd Alrruhi

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Most people today are familiar with psychic vampirism and the effects of negative people draining their energy but few rarely consider the social media as having the same effect. Psychologically,  people are drawn to media programming that seems to fit their own personal agenda and personal ideology. So they literally get ‘sucked’ into those daily televised media products and internet platforms that “fit” by alleged agreement. And just like an experience with a real vampire they might feel euphoric and inclined to run to Facebook or Twitter or Instagram and repeat what sounded so good and would be sure to change the minds of others. They do this until they notice they are exhausted yet keep going back for more. Their minds have been consumed, discernment has been obliterated and worst of all they don’t even realize they are being sucked dry and turned into mindless advocates for politics, scientific theories, fantastical ideologies and in some cases ruthless laws.

The smart ones eventually come to their senses and turn off the TV completely or limit their viewing time.

Here is what some others who have also recognized and studied this assault have to say:

“Psychic vampirism comes in a variety of unsuspecting guises. We see it all too commonly between individuals as one-on-one vampirism, but feeding on the energies of another person is only one of its many forms. For instance, anyone who exploits a lover, spreads malicious rumors, ruins a reputation, or betrays a trusted friend is a psychic vampire.

On a much broader scale, psychic vampirism can occur in a vicious, collective form as sometimes seen among organizations that feed on prejudice and hate, or corporations that blatantly vampirize their employees through deception and greed. Narcotics trafficking, organized crime, and so-called “ethnic cleansing” along with discrimination based on age, race, gender, or sexual orientation are examples of collective psychic vampirism on an alarming scale. In its most widespread collective form, psychic vampirism can exist at a global level. Reckless pollution of the environment, irresponsible disregard for endangered species, and exploitation of the globe’s natural resources are examples of global vampirism that affects everyone and literally puts the future of the planet at risk.”1 Joe H. Slate PhD, (Licensed Psychologist in private practice, Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Athens State University and Honorary Professor at the University of Montevallo.)


“One of the most common places that energy vampires hang out is on social media. Facebook for example, is a place where many post photos, quotes, vent and share the events of their lives. People often post in order to receive a reaction and will often check in to see how many and who liked their post. It is not uncommon for many to use social media in this way. Now some of you may be saying to yourself: “That is me sometimes!” Chances are we have all done this in the past, but now that we have a deeper understanding of an energy vampire, hopefully we will not use social media in this way in the future.” 2 – Laurie Barraco,( professional intuitive counselor, medium, author, recording artist, teacher and the owner of The Mystical Moon, a healing center in Fort Myers, Florida.)

So, how does it work?

“If we look at my description of how an Energy Vampirism works, we can begin to discuss how other energies and consciousness, such as social media, relies on the same parasitic behavior and mechanisms to feed.

“The continual creation of drama, the heightening of fear and anger, the provoking of continual outrage. Even the glistening pictures, the masks of success, the reliance on incredibly wounded people to continually participate in sharing their wounds with other wounded individuals resulting in a consolidation of said wounds. The nimble distractions and quizzes to distract and anesthetize, the continual wars and interpersonal conflicts.”3Mary Mueller Shutan (L.Ac, CST-D, CZB, ABT, is an author and spiritual teacher, holds a Master’s degree in Chinese Medicine (Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine, Pacific College of Oriental Medicine), and has certifications in Craniosacral Therapy (Diplomate/CST-D, Upledger Institute), Zero Balancing, Biodynamic craniosacral therapy, Usui Reiki Ryoho, Karuna Reiki, Massage Therapy, and Asian Bodywork Therapy, ABT).

What to look out for in the media experience:

  • Feeling exhausted after engaging TV viewing or social media involvement
  • Noticing a crisis only a daily basis
  • One sided views, rhetoric and no balance
  • Finding yourself to fell like the victim and martyr and a strong need to act
  • Allowing others to get a rise out of you or yourself getting a rise out of them known as circular control

My advice? Get outside and enjoy nature. Read a novel. Extricate yourself from media victimhood and/or stop trying to be Bela Lugosi.

Bela Lugosi as Dracula, anonymous photograph from 1931, Universal Studios  – This work is in the public domain


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