Aliens And Demons

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By Paranorman

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Are demons using the concept of aliens as a disguise for their actions?

Demons are spirit beings who inhabit the darker levels of the astral planes, the hellish nonphysical realms. As such they have no physical bodies, physical environments, and don’t make use of technology. They can exert physical force in a telekinetic manner, and are able to possess/inhabit people, if they are powerful enough. But the main point being that they are of an occult, metaphysical, nonphysical, ghost-like nature for the most part. They are also opportunistic feeders who run around like sharks for victims to torment.

Contrast this to aliens who show up on radar, leave trace remnants on the ground, implant physical devices, use real technology that the government has attempted to reverse engineer with some success, can be recorded on video camera (UFO vids), and show up in ancient mythology, religion, and folklore as various sky gods who came down to kickstart civilization. So with them, there’s a more physical, technological, long-term agenda. They aren’t necessarily opportunistic feeders, but more like long-term manipulators. Also, there are alien groups that teach a pro-Christ (not in a religious sense, but the same ethics Christ promoted), pro-Wisdom, anti-Demon type of philosophy.

But, I know of examples where demons pretend to be aliens. And they have limits, so they can mimic but not pull it off fully. For instance, they can’t manifest physical ships. So if a target who’s being harassed by demons pretending to be aliens, they might induce in him hallucinations of ships flying over the city, etc. but what he sees never actually affects the environment in terms of radar traces, actually cutting through the air, being seen by others, or showing up on video because it’s mostly in his head.

Also, the demons doing this have only one goal in mind, which is psychological and emotional torment. I know this one guy who fell into this trap and they told him he was being tested and had to obey everything they said… they commanded him to chase after the ship he believed he was seeing, across rivers and fields, through swampy areas, thorns, etc. and the ship would keep moving running him ragged. That’s an example of sadistic torment.

The highly negative aliens are either possessed by, or in league with, demonic forces. But there is a difference between the two. As I said, the demons are fully nonphysical, while aliens are sort of like us in the sense of having bodies and technology. Imagine if humanity continues as it does, often possessed by demons… what if mankind “evolved” another four thousand years and became physical legions that are technology-enabled subordinates to the demonic hierarchy? That’s perfectly possible. So you see, future negative humanity is on the level between current humans and demons. Likewise, right now there are aliens that are in that in-between state. And I have reason to believe there are positive aliens between the levels of humans and angels.

Angels and aliens also have their differences. I’ve had some experiences with angels, demons, positive, and negative aliens; therefore I know there’s a difference between them. So if aliens don’t exist, then angels are also pretending to be aliens, which I find ludicrous. When demons pretend to be aliens, it’s just window dressing without actual real content. Like they might tell you empty words about coming from this or that planet, but they don’t have any real technology or wisdom content to back up the idea that they’re actually alien-like in their advancement. A lot of channeling nowadays is done by negative beings like demons pretending to be ascended masters or whatever.

The line between negative aliens and demons is very blurred, however. But away from that line, I do see there are definitely demons, and definitely aliens as well.

Tom Montalk –