
Photo of author

By Holmes


Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

Lately I have been finding things abhorrent … politics, the news, pharmaceutical ads, clothing designers, school boards, food commercials, FB memes (on endless topics) and even some of my neighbors just to give you an idea of my distaste of current reality.

Before I get into this diatribe let’s clear up the difference between abhor and hate.

To abhor, implies an aversion to which we have a natural antipathy. One would immediately turn away from a situation, person or thing. We abhor, what we cannot endure.

To hate, implies an aversion actuated by revenge. We are apt to hate the person, who injures us usually emotionally and certainly one who injures us physically but we also hate the person who insults our intelligence.

Loathe, disgust and detest are also generally thrown into the mix but I am at the point beyond that and have reached abhorrent rejection of all the human nonsense that currently exists because let’s face it a human of one type or another is behind all the crapola. Something dark and evil has crept into the mind of mankind and is having a field day. For this I have extreme repugnance.

I have stopped racking my brain trying to figure out why people have moved over to the darkside. There is no mystery about it. They chose it because they like it. Simple human psychology … THEY … LIKE … IT. Forget all this baloney about brainwashing or fitting the personal narrative of belief. For either of those circumstances to even happen there has to be an attraction or appeal – in other words … THEY … LIKE … IT. For those Souls who don’t like it, well, they end up like me – wondering WTF happened to humanity? Common sense and common decency are lost in the avalanche of ego complete with fear and a stilted desire to survive, be right and belong. Recruiters are everywhere – especially rife on social media where your one of your best buds could be peddling poison in a rather buoyant manner. Admit it, at times you sat there shrinking back in horror only to nod your head like the obedient bobble headed dog that sits on your car dashboard. But remember – It’s always been easier to just ignore what is clearly and obviously evil and just follow the current trend and join the popular crowd because hell man, it is the safest place to be. You belong because you agree and have signed that invisible contract. As the saying goes. “No bond is stronger than two or more people who hate the same thing.” Everyone is equal there. Right? RIGHT?

I have no desire to go spelunking in the dark cave of someone else’s psyche but that does not excuse me from understanding what is in fact the simplest of human desires which is, come on, say it out loud with me and don’t let the devil get your tongue,  THEY LIKE IT.

Maybe I am just arbitrary – they LIKE IT so then I must ABHOR IT. The last time I looked it wasn’t opposite day so I’ll just stick with my abhorrence of what I know is morally and humanly incorrect. Perhaps some of this can be corrected which is why I refrain from downright hatred. Keep hope alive.

Want to call me a hypocrite and say I’m not acting any differently than those I am accessing? Or maybe you want to be lazy and use one of those popular “out of context” catch phrases du jour like racist, xenophobe etc. etc. Go ahead. Be my guest and show the world what an idiot you have become. Come talk to me when you have learned how to abhor what is immoral. In a valueless society that might have some value.

Abhorrently yours,
