Advice Is A Vice and Other Isms

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Advice Is A Vice and Other Isms



Sometimes our biggest vice is giving advice.

This is especially true for those of us who consider ourselves spiritual or enlightened. Just because we have found answers doesn’t mean those answers will work for others, and it definitely doesn’t mean that we have the right to interfere in another’s process of discovering it for themselves.

It is important to help when asked, but try not to forget that giving love inspires others to change more than giving advice ever will.


Sometimes we say we will try to be better just to feel better about what we’ve done in the past. It’s important to be honest with ourselves if we desire to be better and do better. Saying we will try doesn’t change our lives without actions to back it up.

It’s harsh truth, but there is trying, and there is doing.

Trying is what happens until you exhaust yourself, and decide it’s finally time to do.


Speaking badly about another may seem harmless in the moment, but it’s a spiritual law that what we give, we will get in return. Negative speech creates negative energy that follows us, and it can create chaos in our lives.

Why not save yourself the hassle? Change the topic. Exit the conversation.

By resisting the urge to speak negatively, the universe will react accordingly, and treat you with mercy.


How do you know you don’t like something if you’ve never tried it?

How do you know you can’t accomplish something if you’re not really giving it your all?

How do you know your enemy isn’t destined to become your best friend, if you haven’t yet approached them with an open heart?

Trying what we thought we’d never try leads us feel things we thought we’d never feel, broadening our horizons and creating a life far more enriching.

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