Derivative Images
Note: Opinion piece based upon research and varying modalities of inividuals interested in the access to the Akashic records …
I’ve been filming people under deep hypnosis for over a decade, and in the 50 or so cases that I’ve filmed, I’ve had a number of them talk about being “in their library.” When I come across an account, I often slip a note to the hypnotherapist (I’m filming the events, not conducting them) to “ask questions about the details of the library that is being seen.”
So far I’ve heard of libraries that have scrolls instead of books, desktop monitors with virtual reality screens, a filing system that looks like microfiche (index cards with all the information contained on them). I’ve heard of people taking out large print books – reading some words on the cover, and asking “what do the words mean?” and hearing “It’s the story of my life.”
I’ve heard of people opening a book and seeing moving images within (a bit like the old video game Myst) and the person can “dive into that page” if they want to, and explore variations of choices made. I had one woman explore different lifetimes that had been offered to her – she remarked that she could “step into the shoes” of the lifetime that had been offered to her, which she rejected for her current one.
I’ve heard guides explain that these “options” are like CGI – created environments so that people get a sense of “what it would be like if they chose that lifetime.”
I’ve had people describe book stacks that “reach to the ceiling” as well as observing the books themselves are “just energy” – that they can “put their hands through the books” or “step through the walls” because they aren’t really walls, but etheric energy. (by the way, Akashic is Sanskrit for “etheric.” It just means “invisible structure.”)
Apparently anyone can get a library card. You don’t need a special guide, or a religious fellow, or someone with a hood on – anyone can access their own library. I’ve not done it in my conscious mind, but I’ve filmed many people doing it with the help of a hypnotherapist (I’ve worked mostly with people trained by the Newton Institute who are adept at it, but any good hypnotherapist could do the same.)
But there is a caveat.
Which is if you’re not supposed to see your library; you won’t. If you signed up for a lifetime where this information is to be kept from you, there is a reason for that. That if you want to go to the library and seek out someone else’s book – that’s not allowed either. Can’t look up the lottery numbers either. (Although that would make an interesting concept for a book or a film – “breaking into an askashic library to steal information”).
You could say it’s the ultimate search engine. It’s beyond google, beyond any idea or concept that anyone has had or given to access these places. I know that there are people who claim to have library cards – and you need to access them to access the library – but that’s just somehow translating their gift into cash. Anyone can access them. There is no hierarchy in the “afterlife.”
Question is; “What do you want to know?” If you know what it is that you want to know, then there is a way for you to find out that information. And depending upon your guide or guides, they may or may not give one more rein to explore the library than someone else. I’ve found that if I’m speaking to someone who is no longer on the planet who is giving me a tour, it’s easier to get them to ask questions and explore answers than it would be for me to directly ask a guide, or someone who spends their time looking over access to the library. They tend to be a bit more jaded, taciturn and not willing to give up the secrets of the library.
But if you know how to ask, you can get answers. – Richard Martini, Author
From David Fox. Shivnetra Yogi, Father, Author, PhD(c):
- I learned that through my body and mind I could summon up an energy, something akin to increasing my natural BTUs. How many joules did I wield? I don’t know, but learn to wield them I did. How was this energy put to use, you ask? Another answer for another question.
- I learned that through particular breathing patterns I could make my physical body light and levitate where I sat. This was funny and intriguing, but I had little interest.
- I learned that there were maps of existence that could be read and that would take me to any destination I fancied. I’d had a fantastic hankering for Atlantis once upon a time, but I did not use the knowledge to check upon that miracle.
- I learned that a man could be a master of himself, and that in said mastery came fierce responsibility and power. With such power one might move mountains, governments, yea anything at all. What I did with that is again answer for another question entirely.