Talking to the Sage
By Jurgens PieterseThe Sage meets the crowd...
The crowd stood around the old man who was teaching them about his wisdom. Some people picked up stones, ready to stone him, others wanted to know more with sincerity. Few really could understand the wisdom he was imparting. Among the chaos the old man was calm, allowing each, a time and directing his mind to the most pertinent of questions:
“Tell us what it means to be a modern human being” asked the manager
“Being a modern human being, it is easy to fell out of harmony with the planet, to our own detriment. You must think about how you, live in harmony with the earth and whether you are taking accountability for being eco aware. Indeed going beyond that part of our own wellbeing is to enjoy beauty in whatever manner she bestows upon our path. Standing still, to admire a flower or to marvel at the clouds, is always uplifting the soul. After all such admiration is the seed that lead us to fully enjoy art and a human refinement of beauty.”
“Why are you here to argue with us?” asks a teenager boy full of arrogance.
“The benefits of objective discussion is that it frees the mind to explore and enrich itself. Taking up a position and attaching emotionally to the defense of a particular argument always stifles personal growth. Even if you are convinced of an argument, why not suspend your own logic for a while to simply entertain another line of thinking as a means of exploration? A few people have the wisdom and maturity to think objectively.“
“You are a funny old man!” shouted a little young girl from the back
“I enjoy a light-heartedness with some humor in between. We must also seek out times where we simply enjoy a moment of life. I would love to hear what makes you smile. I would love to hear what makes you laugh. Humor and laughter is such important elements of relating with another person.”
“Tell us about gender equality, I want to hear it from a male perspective” says the house wife, with a child on her hip, in a more serious tone
“My opinion is seldom a good version of a male's opinion since I am not a typical - war, beer and naked girls- type of man. I do agree that males and females as a generalization has different skills and qualities of strength that can be applied in a complementary manner. The key lies in understanding that the difference does not make the one more superior to the other. Both are in essence human and have something unique to offer. When it comes to a specific relationship then the general falls away. In general, we may say that woman are better nurturers. However, that does not discount a relationship where the man is more into nurturing than the woman. In a relationship, the key is to know each person's strengths and weaknesses and how to best make use of each one's qualities to make the relationship more for both rather than what can be gained individually. Communication and mutual respect should be core to a relationship based on specifics rather than the general. In a relationship of any kind, the relationship must free the other person to express their uniqueness with confidence and know they have the support of the other person. Allow the opposites to complement each other, combine strengths and know where weaknesses are shared. Whenever our freedom impart constrain on another it works to the detriment of the relationship. A relationship is about seeing and acknowledging the outstanding qualities in the other person and not be biased be sexuality.“
“Have I heard that you call yourself a mystic” questioned the priest with the Bible under his arm.
“The mysticism I subscribe to does not define God as a concept for anybody but calls on each to explore his or her own understanding and connection with the divine. I depart from faith as the key criteria and rely on subjective experience as a basis for knowledge. I am saying it is subjective since experience can be interpreted in multiple ways and unfortunately, it cannot be easily replicated in a scientific manner. We each must be accountable to verify our experience of the Divine in our lives. The books through which I discover my understanding of God is nature, humanity and the inner self. Given the diversity, we see in the material world God is not a God that pattern people to one pattern but rather assist each to their full expression of their uniqueness. Consequently, the way through which divinity is revealed is as varied as each person's fingerprint. Each will have a different path and experience. Underneath that my conception is that of a benevolent creative and intelligent God that fixed the laws of nature to facilitate evolution and growth of both the spiritual and material.... “
“So you believe in that reincarnation nonsense” interrupts the priest
“To me the logic of reincarnation fits this presumption of an evolving universe well. In the Western context these are strange concepts but I have chosen to adopt it as an underlying assumption.“
“Is it not just all about philosophy and physics?” asked the scientist.
“As a mystic I appreciate the means with which you define your view in terms of philosophy and physics. Both are foundational to my brand and show that you have already a firm grasp of mysticism as a means of processing and filtering experience. The challenge is to expand consciousness to experience something more than just the ordinary world. Mysticism makes richly use of meditation, concentration, contemplation and visualization as tools to deepen the richness of our awareness. These processes allows one to over time become more aware of the patterns of eternity within which we immerse ourselves. It is almost like Tai Chi that conditions you to build up a unique awareness and sensitivity of your body posture and balance. I feel my body totally different now than when I was younger as a result of constant practice.”
...and the crowed was still and left the old man alone. Only few stayed behind to question him more. They were sincere and he was patient to continue to answer his questions.
The neophyte's questions the Sage...
Neophyte: How do you make people understand that a mystic is not just some irrational person trying to dilute himself with fairy tales to avoid the hard cold facts? That there is practical logic involved in the mystic's decisions as they endeavor to live the mystical life.
Master: It is complex to decide if something is rational of not. We can only assess whether there are a logical incongruence and/or the degree of underlying assumptions that supports an argument.
Neophyte: Absolutely! I think what I am steering at is the integrity of a life philosophy - how all the ideas work together in order for both the belief system to function as well as the person using them. I can't prove mysticism, but I can demonstrate those participating have integrity, are honest with themselves and have their feet planted firmly on the ground.
Master: Ah but there you already have a caveat! Any belief system is by default not rational. Mysticism does not require any particular belief but rather knowledge and awareness. You can challenge the interpretation of that knowledge and its factual foundation as well as the validity of the shift in awareness. The mystic first validate for himself not through faith but actual experience. There is no truth unless some experience collaborate the conclusions. One can then evaluate whether those experiences and conclusions are grounding the individual into a 'normal' perception of reality. However, how do you know which perception of reality is superior or more real? You cannot use an average mean because the mystic is an idealist working to the best expression of his concept of divinity. Nevertheless, that concept must be founded in actual experience and not belief. The mystic like the scientist cannot rely on a single experience but will strive towards validating the experience through repeating the experience and testing the logic behind the conclusion.
Neophyte:’s that kind of thinking which would be awesome to demonstrate... that is fantastic.
Master: You cannot proof the shift in awareness or consciousness, but you can judge the result by the outcomes. Is a person happier, more rounded and more productive? Does the person have healthy relationships with others and what impact does he has on relationships. If the result were an improvement in those things, would it not be logical to conclude that the system serves a practical purpose? Is an obsessed athlete that sacrifice everything to gain a win better than a mystic that seek with all his soul to live a full life? Is the average person who chases after illusive goals like money and fame more sane than the mystic that applies every possible technique to have a meaningful purpose? There is no easy measures to objectively evaluate can only evaluate for himself if something is worthwhile his pursuit or not and what is motivation is for a particular quest. No one should have the right to tell another man what his life path should be. One can only judge the consequence that a particular path produce.
Of the few, some left satisfied with the sage’s answers others left because they did not find any wisdom for themselves. However, one decided to follow the sage and learn even more....
The Disciple's discussion with the Sage...
Disciple: Why did Universal consciousness need to, or decide to create duality? What is the point?
Magnus: It is not a point but a experience! Without duality, there is no difference, and therefore no experience. From two comes a line, three a surface and four space....
Disciple: Does that mean we go through all this turmoil so that Universal Consciousness can experience and forever to move back towards perfection?
Magnus: I do not think it is moving back to perfection No, I see it as a step forward to transcend to an even higher level of being. Even Divine Consciousness is evolving.
Disciple: So why am I here?
Magnus: You are the bidirectional gateway between the material and the spiritual.
Disciple: Since Universal Consciousness wanted to experience, God extended as an entire creation and we just happen to be a little piece of it? I am looking for a deeper meaning but struggle to keep that focus. Am I then a small piece of God? It is amazing that Universal Consciousness never gives up with all these pieces that are so stuck and do not want to budge.
Magnus: Maybe Universal Consciousness see the progress we do not see; even if it is slow. The process of transformation sometimes require patience. We receive answers through attunement with the Universal consciousness so that we are experiencing a different state of being.
Disciple: Thank goodness it does! However, having said that, the spark of Universal Consciousness in everything is always pulling it up the spiral keyboard towards perfection. So that in the end all and the ALL will have changed in that direction.
Magnus: We can take an example from the old Egyptians ...we look at their work and we see intricate designs and lavished golden images but the Egyptians saw beyond it and saw the soul in eternity.
Disciple: True, the older civilization did seem "closer" to God. It is as if technology has removed us from the need to search for meaning within us and in the greater scheme of things.
Magnus: Perfection is not a static state in itself but a changing state of being. To change, freedom is needed and that is why free will is imparted to humans... and that is another reason for duality.
Disciple: Yes, the words we use are so limited...does that mean that if we did not had free will, then Universal consciousness will have less experience?
Magnus: You are very wise. There is much depth in your expression of yourself. I am fortunate to have you in my presence. Just open up and listen to the master within.
Disciple: I am just scratching my head to find answers and I normally get them from you! Don't you find that when you speak to someone who knows then somehow things fall in place for you? When I am struggling with a concept, I just need to talk to you.
Magnus: I do not have many opportunities to talk about the Divine in depth and always value our discussions. I learn much from them myself through your questions and pondering. That is how the duality between master and student evolve towards perfection...they are separate and yet ONE in purpose.
The disciple left the master for he understood that the Master is within and that he no longer need the teaching of the Sage but only to continue to listen to the Master within. With time, the disciple accumulated his own wisdom and his own disciples but he also pointed them away from himself so that they can learn to listen to the master within.
The Master returns to the Sage...
After many years the master began to wonder if the old Sage is still alive for now he know how much he was in his debt for the knowledge he gained. He decided to return to the place where he has left the sage. There he found the sage on his deathbed, but there was still a twinkle in the sage’s eyes as the he grasps the master’s hand with delight.
Sage: “My dear friend you had been on a long voyage and you have returned. Surely, you must have one last lesson for me to learn before I leave this world. Please tell me what you have learned for I know your learning would be the sweet nurturing my soul need to be set free.”
Master: I have indeed seen many wonders and learned from learned men but I learned most from the master within.
Sage: “Then tell me what you have learned from the Master within for we are all from the same Source”
Master: “I learned that man is a triune entity that is the doer, thinker and knower… and the knower is the Master within. I learned that desire and feeling drives action so I cultivated courage and temperance. I pondered the thinker and realized the thinker strives towards reason and rightness and I fostered within myself wisdom and justice. But these virtues so precious to me now could only be gained through the knower, the master within.
Sage: “Having gained these insights in life, have you discovered the purpose of life?”
Master: Men do through the body and function by thinking. The senses serves as the transmitters of impressions between the objects of nature and man. The lesser mysteries relates the doer while the greater mysteries related to the real Self, that greater Self which is not in the body , not in the world of birth and death, but which is consciously immortal in the all-pervading Realm of Permanence, is a presence with you through all lifetimes. Feeling and desire are two aspects of the doer the first passive and the latter active and should always be considered together. Feeling-desire is the intelligent power by which nature and the senses are moved. Feeling feels the impression that are transmitted to the body by the senses as sensation. Desire is the conscious power that moves the body in the accomplishment of the doer's purpose. Every desire arises from a feeling and every feeling gives rise to a desire. Through thinking man sets destiny. Right thinking shows the way and leads on the way to the Light of the Intelligence, the Conscious Light within. Thoughts are real things, created by man through his thinking. The thoughts of man are the potentials, blueprints, designs or modes from which he builds out the tangible material things. Mind is the functioning of intelligent matter and cannot function independently from the doer. Man is made up of body, soul and spirit. The soul continues to build a body for the doer for as long as the doer may require. The spirit consists of the breath form where the active part of it is life and the passive part is the pattern or mould, according to which the physical structure of man is built. The body is the exteriorization of the thoughts of many life times. Consciousness is the ultimate final Reality and without it nothing and no-one can be conscious yet consciousness itself has no function. Consciousness is a presence everywhere. There are degrees of being conscious but there are no degrees of Consciousness. The path of progression for man is to bring harmony and balanced union between the doer and the thinker and knower. The law of thought states: "Everything existing on the physical plane is an exteriorization of a thought, which must be balanced through the one who issued the thought, and in accordance with that one's responsibility, at the conjunction of time, condition and place." Thinking shapes human destiny. The thinker is the mental part and the knower the noetic part of man. The universe consists of nature-matter, intelligent-matter and Consciousness, and is a system of development by progression, not evolution. The purpose of the Universe is to make all units of matter conscious in progressively higher degrees, so that nature matter shall become intelligent matter; and, so that intelligent-matter shall increase in being conscious until ultimately it becomes.
Sage: “You have seen the goal to which every mystic strives. But tell me what have you learned about life?”
Master: Ether emanates from Divine intelligence beyond time and space. From Ether emanates the polarity of Nouse (Negative) and Universal Soul (positive). Nouse although negative is still positive relative to the further emanations of which it is the source. Nouse emanates as Will. Nouse is the source of the polarity of Spirit (negative) and Life Force (positive).Within the human domain spirit emanates from earth and Vital Life Force from the sun. From the earth emanates the polarity principles Earth (positive) and water (negative) and from the Sun Life Force results in the polarity principles Air (positive) and Fire (negative). Life emerges where the spirit principles Earth and Water intermix with the Vital Life Force principles Air and Fire intermingles or meets e.g. "Life manifest as the result of the combined action of the four principles". Soul results from where positive air from the Vital Life Force touches Water the negative of Spirit. In a similar manner, the psychic body comes to existence when earth the positive of Spirit touches fire the negative of Vital Life Force. The soul results from Vital Life Force as positive and Spirit as negative polarities. However, the psychic body results between the physical body and the soul and the psychic body relates closely with the Vital Life Force. This is the relationship between Vital Life Force and the Psychic body: Now we can understand breath connects with the soul. Air is negative and fire is positive and in the same earth is negative and water is positive. After all air is receptive while fire is active and earth is passive while water can be seen as active. Air is a breath in the body to create the soul but rather to create the psychic body in order to unite the soul and the body. Then soul is long lasting consisting of an earth negative polarity and a fire positive polarity. Fire is then the positive principle that maintains the soul..., which is light that is preceding life. First, there was light and then life followed. As the positive force, it explains why soul can be maintained. This is why we stimulate the psychic body through vowel sounds and breathing if we see the psychic body as being the connection between water and air. It explain why the soul must reconnect to the earth to remain stable. At death the link with earth is broken and the soul is maintained only by the positive force of fire. However that is not sustainable and the link with earth must be re-established for the soul to continue to evolve until it becomes a complete entity of light and do not need the connection of earth to maintain itself. When the soul is complete light it will move onto the realm of permanence. Objective consciousness, which link the body through the senses with its environment, is linked to the psychic body, which will explain why the psychic impression are often translated into physical sense perceptions. The subjective consciousness forms a connection between the psychic body and the soul. This is a rather surprising conclusion! It explains that the soul governs the unconscious activities of the body in its totality. The Spirit of physical body of man relates to the Doer part of man, the psychic body to the thinker part of man and the knower part of man relates to the soul or the Master within. Which remains its direct connection with the Vital Life Force. Brain is therefore part of the physical body but mind part of the psychic body. The knower or Master within is beyond both of these. The human body is part of the human physical world and is the doer on the earth plane. The thinker or psychic body is part of the Earth world, develops in and out of the realm of permanence, and is part of the form world for the doer. The soul belongs to the earth sphere and evolves towards the realm of intelligence. However before the Realm of intelligence can be entered the psychic body must have evolved to a sustainable entity in order for it to replace the physical body as the doer.
The last words of the Sage...
Sage: Your insights is indeed my delight, and it will liberate my soul. I can depart now in peace but you must still be ready to face Abraxas, the god beyond all duality. Abraxas is more indefinite than god and the devil. Abraxas is effect. Nothing stand opposed to it but the ineffective; hence its effective nature freely unfold itself. Abraxas stand above the sun and above the devil. It is the improbable probability and the unreal reality. Hard to know is the deity of Abraxas. Its power is the greatest, because man perceives it not. From the sun he draweth the summum bonum and from the devil the infimum malum. Abraxas transcended the sun in power, who is himself the radiant source of all the force of life. Abraxas is the sun, and at the same time, the eternally sucking darkness of the void. The power of Abraxas is twofold; but you see it not, because for your eyes, the warring opposites of this power are extinguished. Abraxas speak both the hallowed and accursed words which is life and death at the same time.
With those words the sage gave his last breath. As the master stood up the wind blew across the sage’s body onto the sage’s grim pondering face.
Posted with explicit permission of Jurgens Pieterse
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