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Let there be lights in the heaven and let them be for Signs. Genesis 1:14
Things run in cycles as does human interest in things. So it goes with the Art of Astrology – interest waxes and wanes over the years and over the generations according to what is accepted as “in” or “out” of social vogue and the influence of religion and in some cases even politics.
Licensed clinical social worker Author Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW says the following:
“I will never forget sitting in Sunday school while the preacher taught us about the three wise men. I wondered how they could have known that Jesus would be born just by following the special shining star in the sky that was guiding them. It was years later when I realized that the three wise men were astrologers. This information brought me peace as I began my astrological counseling journey. I once worked for a devout Christian who was a little leery of me because she had heard of my interest in astrology. She knew I was notorious for incorporating it into my counseling sessions with teens and families. One day she approached me and said, “I was teaching Sunday school for the first time this weekend and I was shocked when I found out that the three wise men were astrologers.” I remember smiling as she asked me if I would look at her natal chart. After our counseling session she told me, “Everything you said just validated all of my life experiences and how my personality is.” Her mind was opened up for the first time simply by allowing me to interpret her birth chart and life experiences. Many Christians are opening up their minds to things that they have never dreamed of before. According to a recent study, nearly 30 percent of Catholics stated that they believed in astrology. Among white evangelicals there was 13 percent that professed a belief in astrology. From my personal experiences working as a licensed clinical social worker, I find that many of my clients are becoming more interested in astrology as a tool for self-awareness.” – read more at
Point taken.
A Biblical Celebrity who often comes up in the astrology gossip is Daniel. He most known for being thrown in the lion’s den but Daniel the Astrologer is what the Babylonians called him. He was honored in Babylon and Persia above all his contemporary Astrologers, Magicians, and Dream-interpreters. The Book of Daniel 1-7 is loaded with his imagery showing he had full understanding of the stars and constellations. Take a look yourself in your time off or check this website for a quickie analysis: .
Of course they are an equal amount of naysayers who will argue Daniel was absolutely not an astrologer (BUZZER: he was trained as one). There are many, what appear to be clever arguments and of course individuals are free to state their opinions and ideas but unfortuanatley they cannot seem to do so without slings and digs and nasty name-calling. Astrologers, they say are ‘Godless intelligentsia” or “New Age” deceivers. To them I say you cannot make a viable argument that way folks – a little too left wing for aware people to accept it. And btw, naysayers you might start your arguments by ceasing to associate Astrology with the term “New Age.” It has nothing to do with “New Age” and shows a lack of, well, intelligence on your part. Try to do your research better before you hit the keyboard.
Back to the thick of the fray…
The naysayers are basically trying to attempt to dismantle the beauty and mysticism of all God’s creations and one could venture to guess, they have absolutely no understanding of the Art and Science of Astrology. They post their proof from Biblical sources and throw out convenient wordage as though it were gospel (pun intended) with absolutely NO awareness that they are motivated by their childhood conditioning and personal psychology to which, oddly enough, astrology could lend a helping hand. Why? Because ALL astrology is really about understanding the Self better. To understand how to be better and function better and EVOLVE. Now hold onto your hats, when you evolve, you are led to what? The Higher Power which is God, the Ultimate Source of All Creation. So, it all seems to come down to personal psychology doesn’t it? What you believe shapes what you do and how you act – even how evolved you are as a human being. God created us to be able to think and hopefully learn to discern as we grow in wisdom. Heaven knows there are plenty of dark forces at work today trying distort reality and dupe us into believing the new and glittering version of they have created. That perversion is all around us. Even Daniel knew it and he predicted it.
If you are an astute well-read person you will notice that ALL the biblical arguments are highly dependent upon future/fortune-telling and diving. Before the human race wised up Astrology had its day in that as well – it was misused. In today’s age it is a tool for human evolvement. So if you didn’t get that, I suggest you go back and read the previous passages because it is a deal clincher.
Daniel served under five kings: Nebuchadnezzar, Evil-merodach, Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus and there was plenty of razzle-dazzle. Daniel was eventually made the chief of the magicians, enchanters, astrologers and diviners. They all answered to Daniel or Belteshazzar as he was renamed by the Babylonians but they did not all share his dedication to God. So one might say that Daniel was attempting to exist in a Godless societal environment as we are fast creating ourselves today. Anyone who was accepted into that society was indoctrinated to the ways of that society. Starting to sound familiar?
If nothing else Daniel was a psychologist not a prophet. Or maybe he was just an astrologist.
Be Blessed – LOGOS
I’ve noticed …
These so called experts or opionion-givers always go with the divination argument. They must like the Dark Ages of Mankind.
Right up my alley-
Saving this to read to my astrology students. It will be a good source for debate.
Nicely done!
It is a common and well known historical fact that despite any personal religious leanings, Daniel would have been trained as an astrologer in Babylonian courts. To deny it is moot. The argument then becomes if he employed it or not. So what then?
Absolutely true…
This gives me a chuckle. People have forgotten how to open their minds – too busy being deranged.