The Angel Painter

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The Angel Painter

Artist and humanitarian Andy Lakey (1959-2012) became a painter of angels following a miraculous near death experience in 1986. Divinely inspired, Lakey, who had no prior knowledge of artwork or painting, believed he was given the insight to his purpose on earth. Subsequently he vowed to create 2000 original angel paintings between the years 1990 and 2000.

Lakey's unique style involves a complex painting process that produces high levels of thickness on wood, which he creates raised lines that are them washed with shimmering colors to create a highly luminous intricately woven surface. This innovative style is called "Sensualism." Beyond the apparent visual quality, Lakey's work is especially designed to be tactily enjoyed, especially by those who are visually impaired.

All of Lakey's peices, which are numbered, share a universal, spiritual quality. His angelic beings embody rounded, soft shapes that exist in fields of circular energy. Some have interpreted the orbs of light as suns, however the artist was loathe to specifically attribute a particular meaning. Whatever the definitive interpretation it is clear that the message invoked is one of love, peace and hope. The divine sense is summed up by Lakey who explains, "When I began painting, I could feel that the inspiration came from deep within my heart and soul, from the angles themselves. It's still the same today – I feel a power come out of me. It's as though I am tapping into the universe."

Along with the healing powers that his paintings offer to the world, Lakey also gave of himself to charitable contributions. Some of the charities he benifitted were those that helped the visually impaired, children and battered women.

~ Angels A-Z


3 thoughts on “The Angel Painter”

  1. Lovely

    I never heard of this gentleman and found this story very heartwarming. I am especially impressed with the first painting. All of his work engages such depth and texture!


  2. (No subject)


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