An Appearance Of Truth

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By Holmes

“Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many.” – Phaedrus

First, some basic ponderings well-crafted by Mr. Joseph Panek:

1. Why is it that we are so ready to unconditionally judge the inner, and unseen, contents of a box or package based solely upon its outer gift wrapping?

2. Why is it that we so readily accept the words of some "expert" or "authority" simply because these words are presented to us by someone who is stylishly groomed, impeccably dressed, and is in possession of some "recognized credentials"?

3. Why is it that we trust in, and unquestionably believe, the many arguments, dogmas, and indoctrinations which are served to us by way of attractive "packaging" which is designed by, and delivered to us by way of, self-serving individuals, groups, and organizations?

Add them together and what do we get …

Over time, society has created a materialistic measuring scale for us to use when making decisions. This measuring scale has conditioned us to perceive that the more attractive a person, a cause, or thing appears, the more we should unquestionably rely upon it as being trustworthy, desirable, and true. In other words, we have been indoctrinated into believing that illusion should be accepted as Truth, and that Truth, which is seldom, if ever, presented to us by way of sparkle and glitter, should be ridiculed, discredited, and ignored.

Thank you Joe … well done.

Are we finished? Nah.

There are influences all around us. We are influenced by what we see and judge it via our enayim* and the assumptions that it evokes. When people use a false appearance they use assumptions to their advantage in order to promote a fake image of some kind. Although they never speak the lie, the fact that they purposefully went through the trouble so that people would make assumptions in order to create a facade is what completes the lie. Ah yes! Pretense at its best!

Let’s consider some types and remember everyone is a hypocrite to some degree …

Radiant Rager

“Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.” – Jane Austin

Sparkle, sparkle … step into my parlor …

The Radiant Rager shows up with aplomb in the metaphysical community – the sweet, loving epitome of goodness and virtue complete with an impeccable credentials from a number of online organizations, brilliant smile, humble to a fault and a snake charmers skill.  Gonna’ take you higher and out of the box. Underneath there is a raging being who would just as easily remove your head as look at you. They fill our heads with junk and their own veins with ice. The old term street angel, house devil comes to mind as does Ted Bundy. Simply dastardly Virginia.

Jung’s Johnny Jump Up

“… a kind of mask designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual."– Carl Jung

These are the maskers who get our greatest respect and admiration because they have us psychologically duped they are working for us. They live to aggrandize themselves but the coat of many colors blinds us into thinking they are saving the world for today and tomorrow and FOREVER! The superb rhetoric is potent but useless and destructive. Hey, we all want to be heroes right?  La politique fashinable. Blah, blah, blah – the loudest people are most often the weakest people but who knew ?

Gewgaw Of The Gods

"Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." —1 Samuel 16:7

But if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck right? … And he’s coming to a town near you soon!

We won’t get all “churchy” or “guru” here but the Gewgaw loves to twist teachings into anything else but their original intent. This one comes packaged in two different wrappers – either downplayed pseudo wisdom or show-time outrageousness. The look is the same – either a Gandhi wrap or a helium head hair coiffure with an expensive suit; and finger pointed up to the heavens or book of rapture tucked under the arm. What’s not to trust here? Have some Kool-Aid. No worries it won’t poison your mind. They’ll show you black and white but they are standing over there in the grey area.


“Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.” – George Carlin

And the Oscar goes to …

Fascinating and captivating the Dramapheliac will drain you when you are not looking – problem is you can’t help but look and listen. Amplifying worldliness, this denizen of the dark knows everything about anything and expresses it with flair and panache. They are also cynical and vitriolic and of course over-reactive but you’ll be drawn with and loyal like lap dog because their rhetoric resounds with upliftment. What will you do after the ball Cinderella?

There's a face that we hide till the nighttime appears,
And what's hiding inside, behind all of our fears,
Is our true self, locked inside the façade!

Jekyll and Hyde,The Musical

Tippin’ my hat to ya!




*Enayim: For purposes of this post – eyes, ears, senses, past experiences



The Bible

Jekyll and Hyde, The Musical