Archangels (YAY!) And Archdemons (OUCH!)

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By Syd Alrruhi

The Damned cast into Hell by Michaelangelo

Even the Devil was once an Angel.

With the current descent of the public mind into anger and madness over politics and world matters, what better time and atmosphere to discuss angels and demons? After all they have scared the bejesus out of all us throughout our Earth term here on the planet via religious teachings, books, movies and the friendly neighborhood preacher. Maybe it’s a good time to inform oneself and see what other influences are at work in the world … in other words get with the program because make no mistake – there is a war going on being played out on the planet and we’re all a part of it. Don’t you want to know what is influencing you? Get your self-righteous ego out of the way and learn.

If you read enough texts and scour the internet you find mass coverage on the subject but also discrepancies as to what is what about these glorious creatures. As always with the fickle human temperament and ever changing intellect there have been ‘promotions’, ‘reassignments’ and ‘reassessments of status’ regarding Archangels and Archdemons depending upon who is writing the who’s who analysis.

Let’s start with Archangels.

The concept of Seven Archangels is found in some works of early Jewish literature.

The undisputed head of the ranks is MICHAEL. He is the Commander of the Forces of Heaven, Seraph, Archangel of Protection.

In some interpretations such as the Catholic Canon of Scripture, only three Archangels are mentioned and accepted as such. So we can add GABRIEL, Archangel of Purity and RAPHAEL, Archangel of Healing to the top three. In other Christian writings, URIEL, the Archangel of Peace, Wisdom and Teaching is added to the mix.

Note: Michael and Gabriel are recognized as archangels in Judaism, Islam, and by most Christians. Some Protestants consider Michael to be the only archangel. Raphael, mentioned in the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit is also recognized as an archangel in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Added later are Jehudiel, Archangel of Salvation; Chamuel, Archangel of Love; Jophiel, Archangel of Illumination; Zadkiel, Archangel of Forgiveness.

In Zoroastrianism, Amesha Spentas are likened to Archangels. They are:

  1. Spenta Mainyu (Phl. Spenamino): lit. "Bountiful Spirit"
  2. Asha Vahishta (Phl. Ardwahisht): lit. "Highest Truth"
  3. Vohu Mano (Phl. Vohuman): lit. "Righteous Mind"
  4. Khshathra Vairya (Phl. Shahrewar): lit. "Desirable Dominion"
  5. Spenta Armaiti (Phl. Spandarmad): lit. "Holy Devotion"
  6. Haurvatat (Phl. Hordad): lit. "Perfection or Health"
  7. Ameretat (Phl. Amurdad): lit. "Immortality"

You get the idea. These are the good guys. The White Hats.

And now for the Darkside.

In case you didn’t know … An Archdemon, is a high-ranking demon and spiritual entity as it is a physical one, prominent in the infernal hierarchy as a leader of the infernal host. Essentially, the Archdemons are the demonic counterparts of the Archangels. Archdemons are described as the leaders of demonic hosts, just as archangels lead choirs of angels.

As stated previously, with the advent of time many demons were promoted or reinterpreted to Archdemon status. They consider themselves royalty and enjoy titles. (Let’s face it vanity is a favorite sin amongst them.) These are the bad guys or Black Hats. They defy God AND the Natural Law and Order of the Universe.

The Archdemons are:

  1. Lucifer – Emperor of Hell, Fallen Seraph, Archdemon of Pride
  2. Mammon – King of Hell, Archdemon of Greed
  3. Berith – King of Hell Archdemon of Wrath
  4. Asmodeus – King of Hell, Archdemon of Lust
  5. Leviathan – King of Hell, Archdemon of Envy
  6. Beelzebub – King of Hell, Archdemon of Gluttony
  7. Baal – King of Hell, Archdemon of Ignorance
  8. Belphegor – King of Hell, Archdemon of Sloth

Most spiritual traditions recognize some form of demon or evil spirit. For example – The Japanese have “oni,” who attend the gods of their underworld. The Jains have hell creatures called “narakas.” The Zoroastrians paid homage both to gods of light and darkness, each surrounded by seven spirits or seven Archdemons, respectively. These Zoroastrian Archdemons may overlap with those of Christianity. Some scholars have designated a particular deadly sin for each Archdemon.

While Archangels and Archdemons rule Heaven and Hell respectively they also jointly rule what is commonly known as Limbo or the holding place for Souls in question. This is not something they like to do but engage in it never-the-less every now and then. As a realm walker myself, I have seen astrally what goes on with these entities. The Limboites or undead don’t recognize them upon first arrival but get a clue in time.  I’ve seen some of this wheat and chaff sorting. After all the sheep and goats have to be upgraded and downgraded eventually.

And what about you? Think you don't need this reminder? Think again.