Are Modern Witches/Pagans Living Under A Rock?

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By Gravedigger

Well, its been a while since I've posted anything on here, but I think I've found something worthy of saying.


I've started to notice something about North American Pagans/Witches. We're living in a vaccuum of our own creation. We are so proud of the Freedom we have to worship in our own way, that we don't see our Spiritual Brothers, Sisters, Cousins, still suffering. Nor do we seem to care.


Since 2008, Human Rights Groups have been posting articles and videos online showing the torturing, burnings, and murdering of Pagans/Witches in countries such as Kenya, Africa, and Papua, New Guinea. In Africa, the Human Rights Groups have been setting up armed camps for Witches to run to….things have gotten that bad there. These killings are recent. This year, 2013, some of them have happened. And most of us in North America don't know. I find this frustrating. If you're reading this, you obviously have the internet. How is it most of us don't know?


Are we so content with our own Freedoms that we can't see the suffering of others? Does it only count if our own lives are inconveinenced in some way? Does it only matter if a Christian dares to try to discuss their own beliefs with us personally? Or are we afraid of our own claims of Empathy? Are we too afraid to 'feel'? Or should we feel the shame of our own ignorance? Or am I just being misguided in my own dislike of "slavery" issues? You decide. 


But at least please have the courtesy of checking out the links below before deciding.


3 thoughts on “Are Modern Witches/Pagans Living Under A Rock?”

  1. Murder is

    far worse than witchcraft…and who the hell is such a flimsy, without will or backboned, idiot so as to let some church condemn your child for witchcraft, or any other damned thing? SMH…

  2. Not Here

    I see it everyday,and suffer from being a Pagan/Witch everyday in the area that I live.It Remains the reason why Iam usually angry at the typical christians around me most often,Because they are the cause of usually the only problems i have daily.I also realize that while what I consider sufferring here,nothing compared to those in the other countries you have mentioned above.
    Iam an activist for Pagan/Wiccan and all others rights and have always been appalled and disgusted by what i continue to see happening in other countries and I CONSTANTLY am writing letters and emails( to our government to put pressure on these countries and of course our own representatives themselves) and participating in marches,etc whenever possible.

    Anyone who thinks that Pagns/Witches do not still suffer from hatred,discrimination and constant harrassment need to live in Florida for awhile(particularly, polk county).
    I know you would typically say well move,and i would except that Iam taking care of my father who is ill from cancer so Iam stuck here away from my home where they are even more of a bible belt community but far more excepting and welcoming-living here is like having stepped into some 1600's time warp.

    So no I have never been complacent with my freedoms and i never forget those who gave their lives to make my beliefs possible or those who today are still giving and sufferring.

    Good article my friend and thanks for sharing.

  3. BTW

    my comment wasnt meant to show any disrespect for witches, wiccans, pagans or anyone else, just for the prejudice against them…wasnt sure that was clear after i read it again…

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