Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from
The Phenomena of High Energy People Causing Electronics to Go Haywire –
Despite the name, Sliders phenomena are not limited to street lights only. Often folks who share your “ability” can’t wear watches; they will stop working within a couple of days, regardless of how many new batteries are put in them.
They also affect other electrical appliances such as headlights and alternators in automotive vehicles, lights/light bulbs and computers. Light bulbs may blow every time a “SLIder” touches a lamp or a light switch.
Computers may freeze up or experience other problems. CD players may change tracks suddenly whenever a SLIder is near. Magnetic phenomena may also manifest. For example, SLIders may be unable to use credit cards because the cards become unreadable after they’ve been carried on their person. Your irregular EKG is probably your energy causing the equipment to malfunction.
Those who share these experiences are usually relieved to hear that they are not alone. Most spent years questioning what was happening, until eventually they were convinced that something unusual was going on. Like you, all independently report that high emotion plays a key role in such experiences. When they are upset, angry or simply very excited, the phenomena really kick in.
Super-charged bioenergy fields (auras) seem to be the cause. The human nervous system is chemical and electrical in nature. (Neurotransmitters are electrical impulses). When we are emotionally wound up, our nervous systems light up like a busy switchboard. While in most people this does not affect street lights, etc., in people who already have very high energy, getting revved up can boost them to a level where they actually affect electrical systems around them in noticeable ways. Many electrical appliances are easily affected or damaged by sparks of high voltage electricity. We might say that high energy people who are revved up send off “sparks” that trip or blow fuses.
As for what causes this, the theories vary. On the down to earth side of the spectrum, theorists suggest that these phenomena are entirely explainable in bioenergetic terms, though why some people seem to have higher energy than others, no one knows. As I see it, everything is related, so it’s impossible to explain anything on a purely physical level.
Everything in the universe is energy. Everything that appears to be solid is in fact almost entirely empty space with patterns of energy running through it. Our bodies vibrate at a frequency of approximately 8 cycles per second, which is the same frequency as the Earth’s electromagnetic field. Should our frequency become abnormally high or low, unusual things might begin to happen such as what you describe.
This shift in frequency could have a number of different causes. Many who have had near death experiences report SLIder phenomena ever after. Other SLIders have been struck by lightning or suffered a major electrical shock at some point in the past. Still others claim to have had UFO or alien experiences. Some theorists claim that humans who have lived on other planets in previous lives will be born on Earth with different energy and abilities, including what you’re describing here. For more information, search the ‘net for “star seed,” “Indigo children,” or “Indigo adults.” In any case, it appears that something alters SLIders’ energetic frequencies, thus causing unusual electrical phenomena.
It’s important to note that electrical phenomena following the death of a loved one or following attempts at communication with loved ones in Spirit are often efforts by spirits to get our attention. Just as our own energy can affect electrical systems, so can the energy of spirits. In fact, working with non-physical energy/electricity is the easiest way for them to affect physical reality. Not all anomalous electrical manifestations are SLIder situations.
At the same time, many “electric people” also report a high degree of psychic ability or related experiences. This only makes sense, since “high energy” means “high vibration,” which is the foundation of psychic development. These people not only “transmit” their own energy to other electrical systems, they also “receive” energy from them. They are very sensitive to high energy environments and situations, often painfully so. For example, they may “feel” discomfort if a fluorescent light is on anywhere in the house. As Vick Noble explains it in Shakti Woman, “Whereas it seems that the skin is the boundary of the person in ‘normal’ reality, when that same person opens psychically, the boundary expands. The person feels herself extending out beyond the body, taking up more space, feeling things in an extrasensory way. What we took for granted as a kind of density in the physical realm is suddenly called into question on every level.”
I believe that spiritual “awakening” is the development of heightened awareness of all that is already there. Most people are sleepwalking through life, filtering out all but the most obvious stimuli. When we awaken, we become more aware not only of dense physical reality, but also the subtler energetic reality underlying (and creating) the physical. As we begin to move into this higher level of awareness, we become energetically supercharged and sensitive. In traditional spiritual terms, this might be called a “kundalini experience.” (There’s another good search term for you). Many who experience a surge in kundalini include electrical phenomena in their list of “symptoms.”
As we are ever evolving on an upward spiral, it’s a good idea to learn how to work with your high energy. Since this phenomenon is closely tied to high emotion, one way to try to control it is to simply be calm. Before you go to the chiropractor, spend some time in meditation or yoga cultivating inner peace. If you worry that the machine won’t work again, you’ll only get emotionally revved up and produce the same experience again.
There are many gifts in having a high vibration. I encourage you to research further, and to explore how you might use your “electric personality” in helpful, positive ways.
This is the type of energy I use to bend metals!