The photo is a metaphor for knowing that you are worth your weight in gold.
The Solar Plexux Chakra is the center for personal empowerment. It an only be mastered when we know our worth and connect to the world through an abiding sense of self.
When the ego has a healthy link to the self, it negotiates with the world in a balanced and considerate way. It is neither inflated with and overdeveloped sense of importance nor manipulative or exploitative. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, the ego is strong and effective and confirmed in its worthiness. It is not constantly depending on external stimulation to prove or affirm itself.
When our personal identity is intact we know who we are. We know we are worthy of love, kindness, and respect, and that the world mirrors this sense of of worth back to us in relationships, jobs and what we do in our daily lives. People who don't know who they are act out of a deep need of recognition and attention. Instead of generating peace and harmony, they often create drama and chaos in their lives and the lives of those around them.
When we know our worth we also know our boundaries. We will not tolerate abuse, harm or destruction. We avoid negativity and stay on the positive, uplifting track to the best of our ability. If fear does surface in our lives, we honor who we are and respect our limits. We look for what is wholesome, good, and healing in life and we appreciate a sense of oneness with all life.
The nature of the Solar Plexus Chakra is power itself. If power is too strong, this chakra becomes manipulative, exploitative and dangerous. When it is deflated we see people lose their center, and want for the grit to to get through challenging situations. In accessing this chakra we learn to deal with issues of power and tur them into loving and positive situations for oursleves. Learning right use of power is essential for this chakra to develop in a healthy way.
This chakra supports psychological growth and development. We all deserve to know how good we truly are and we all deserve support, kindness and respect for the simple reason that we exist. Our worth comes with the territory of our humanity because we are innately worthy as human beings to experience our light and enjoy life. Learning this is one of the essential lessons of life. It can bring great healing from abuse and the freedom to be who we truly are.
Healing this chakra involves strengthening and confirming our sense of self. It takes a deep awareness to know that who we are is not conditional on what we have or what we do. Too many people link their sense of personal identity with being accepted by others. When we know who we are we are less likely to renounce our individuality. We work to cultivate a sense of worth and to make healthy choices that help us to express our truth in our own unique ways.
RESOURCE: The Book of Chakras by Ambika Wauters
Confidence should always be put in the proper persepective. The way a person dislays it says it all about that person.
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” ~ Mahatma Ghandi
Solar Plexus
What I like best about this piece is that it addresses the possible negative manifestations of power. The Solar PlexusChakra has always been an area that I have grappled with to put into balance so it was good to see this brought to attention.