Sooner or later those who are evolving spiritually come in contact with the lower astral plane.
"The Lower Astral is a magnetic continuum that attracts the lower thought forms of human beings. It collects human negativity the way a sewer collects wastes. Its energy is strangely fascinating and hypnotic; its methods are seductive, intimidating and ruthless. You will know these lower astral strategies by the following signs:"
(1) It evokes desire and craving in you by seduction and temptation, and plays upon your weaknesses until you give in, like the drug addict is compelled to return again and again for another shot of heroin.
(2) It turns people into obedient slaves by intimidation, blackmail, extortion and terror, like the way hostages will obey their captors for fear of being killed.
(3) It uses cruelty and pain to extract what it wants to know from you, and it does not value your human life, nor honor the rules of morality and decency, fairness or dignity—it seeks to obtain its ends by any means—like the terrorist group in all-out war against its enemies, or the criminal who will kill others in order to steal their possessions.
(4) It will strive for wealth through any illegal and criminal avenues, though it enslaves and destroys the both individuals those who buy its wares and their families and communities around them, like the drug dealer and the black market seller of automatic weapons.
(5) It promises strength and solidarity against fear, but bans together to do evil, like the terrorist group or the criminal gang.
(6) It promises you fame and immortality, but delivers degradation and misery to the multitudes, while feeding you megalomanic delusions of godhood. This has given us genocidal tyrants like Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, and Idi Amin, and cult leaders like the Reverend Jim Jones.
(7) It promises magical powers, and control of powerful spiritual forces, but more often than not, the one who summons these powers ends up being possessed and tormented by them. For there are some doors that should not be opened—and the Lower Astral is littered with souls who have gone insane tampering with occult forces.
"It is your challenge to cross this dangerous straight, or be blocked in your upward climb by your own terror. For it is by understanding the mystery of the ego and its vulnerabilities that you will gain the key to traversing this realm, knowing that the lower astral predator preys on weakness, but flees in cowardice at the appearance of strength."
"It is important to understand that acting on Lower Astral suggestions lead to ensnarement, addiction, and degradation of character. The intensity with which these visions will assail you, tempt you, and try to beat you into submission is very powerful indeed, but like Ulysses facing the Sirens or the Lord Buddha encountering the hosts of Mara's demons, you must resist them assiduously, with all your might and strength."
Meditation for Building the Armor of Light
Relax your body completely, and imagine that you have entered a beautiful forest in the Springtime…"You will enter into a quiet, natural place. In your inner vision, as you look around you, you will see the gentle forces of nature. Feel the wind blowing through the trees, hear the sounds of water in the stream, smell the scents of the plants around you, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. This is a place of beauty and safety. In this place you will build your armor of Light."
Invoke: "I call upon [the Master(s) or Spiritual Teacher(s) of your preference] to protect me as I journey across this sea of darkness."
Affirm: "I put on the whole armor of Light."
Visualization: visualize an ovoid of white and golden light surrounding your physical and psychic body that holds out all negative influences.
Recognize: the Lower Astral is a Plane of great danger
Affirm: "I shall not yield to the temptation of…
lust |
I maintain purity of heart and intention. |
drugs |
I keep my body pure. |
crime |
I earn my living honestly: I do not cause harm to others. |
cruelty |
I revere the life in each one: I do no harm. |
revenge |
I pursue justice, but I do so with compassion: I grant forgiveness, act with mercy and end the cycle of pain and tears. |
hatred |
I forgive and release those who have harmed me out of ignorance. |
ignorance |
I seek and live the Truth. I walk the Path of Light. |
vainglory |
I am the instrument of the Soul. I renounce my desire for recognition and fame so that I may serve selflessly and spread the Light to all. |
Affirm: "I put on the whole armor of Light, and walk in the Light of Divine Protection."
"After this initial exercise of building the armor of Light, you can summon it again when you begin your meditations by simply affirming, "I put on the whole armor of Light." Every few months, you may wish to renew your armor of Light by building it again with this meditation."
If you cross the Subtle Realm in meditation, you will benefit from building your armor of light to protect your self from the influences of the Lower Astral Plane."
Author: George A. Boyd ©
This coincides very well with a project I am working on with crystals. Thanks!
Nice meditation –
Thanks for this post.