The Art Of Containment

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By In The Box

The Art Of Containment


One of the primary principles of purification has to do with containment. To ‘contain’ means to hold back, to hold within, or to carry something within a vessel, enclosure, or organism. In relation to purification, what we contain are energies of darkness that we do not wish to go out into the world. We hold them within our bodies until they pass from our consciousness. The principle of containment relies on two more fundamental principles that are at its foundation: that of energy, and that of identity. ~ Julie (

Being careful with causality. 

Life is full of paradoxes. In fact the more we walk the path, we may realise each stone we tread, is in itself a grey area of multiple truths, yet for us, with a distinct Right Action. Take for example expressing ones truth: many know how important this can be. If we don’t express who we truly are and if we’re not being authentic, then we’re certainly going to limit our unfolding. Yet what if we feel frustration inside, anger, rage or at times even hatred? I’ve observed all such colours are painted in life’s karmic artistry. Is it right to suppress such feelings or deny them if they are bubbling away within? Yet if we let this causality out, does that not then draw to us their reflective effects? Here’s where we need to master the art of ‘containment’. What exactly do I mean by this…

Ancient light of the soul.

 There are many spiritual teachings that speak of spreading love and peace. It risks becoming an indoctrinated mantra in spiritual circles. What if you don’t feel like spreading love and peace? What if at times you feel plain angry? Is it then right to override these feelings as many do? What impact do you imagine that has internally?

I can tell you that from observational direct experience, it builds a reality of illusion and denial. It constructs concealed frustration. And the more we heap upon it layers of false pleasantries, the further away from absolute truth and our true path we slide.

Our purpose here is to find an authentic expression and let it sing. And at the heart of any impulse, including anger, there is an ancient light of the soul at its core. Anger so often conceals passion for example – the commitment to a cause and the yearning to overcome embedded resistance in the flow. It sometimes takes a huge amount of expressed energy to break down the dam.

Flushing away the flotsam.

 So it’s healthy to express, to stir up what is truly inside and to let it out. For only then will we see in the external mirror the internal layers of compacted silt and the soul gold buried within them. Only then can we stir up the sediment of life, flush away the flotsam and reintegrate these nuggets of beingness into our golden flow.

There is nothing more painful then watching the wrythings  of someone who is not being true to themselves, for they are not being true to you either. It is only by being truly honest, truly authentic about how we’re feeling in the moment,  whether good, bad or ugly, that the mirror reflects the possibility of a new unfolding.

But of course this leads to a dilemma. We all know that what we put out into our environment the universe reflects back. And surely have we not had enough anger and hatred already in this world? This is where mastering the art of containment is of profound value.

So what exactly is ‘containment’? 

Here are some important facets to mastering its art…

  • The most important thing is not to deny what’s bubbling under the surface, but rather to bring light to it by an honest exploration of what we’re truly feeling.
  • If we’re feeling anger, rage or even hatred, of course there must be the recognition of the impact this could have when outwardly expressed.
  • So recognise the building energy, honour it, but then hold it within your consciousness field. Don’t be tempted to deny or suppress.
  • Watch and feel the energy, but most importantly, know that it is not you. It does not define who you are at your core, which is pure presence, unperturbed by it all. This helps hold the energy.
  • If things are getting too hot and beginning to bubble over, find an outlet through which to express. It could be shouting, screaming, strong physical exercise, beating a pillow or punch bag.
  • Be careful not to direct the energy at people or other sentient life (unless invited as facilitation). It risks embedding judgment, negative feedback loops and karma which can be hard to remove.
  • Watch for an empathic ear with whom to share and express.

A smoother ride.

 I’ve found that steps like these truly help people master the art of containment. It becomes possible to hold and experience all manner of potentially destructive expression, yet process in a positively productive way. The world on the outside is not negatively imprinted with unwelcome consequence.

Furthermore, when we hold the energy, but without simply dumping it, then what I’ve so often found, is that the situation we’re confronting can shift in a favourable way. A degree of internal agitation can dislodge the dam resisting our flow.

So next time you find your life suddenly wanting to bubble up with frustrated tension, explore holding the energy before immediately unleashing it on the world. Contain it, but look for positive channels of expression. Mastering the art of containment leads to a smoother ride through the frequently frothy turbulence of the flow.

Chris Bourne –