In ancient Indian culture, fire ceremonies are common and they are still even practised to this day. Devotees, sadhus and spiritual seekers all gather around a fire, throw sacrifical offerings into it, chant mantras and offer their love to the divine through the medium of the flames. Even though this is a completely valid thing to do, the true sacrifical fire is something that arises deep within you, and it burns away all the illusion that lies dormant within your unconscious mind…
The art of living is to live your life effortlessly, spontanteously, in the present moment by performing actions that reinforce your joy, reinforce your love for existence and awaken apprecation within you for the life you have been given by God. It is a state of being of a perferct balance between the ego (physical mind) and the spirit (higher mind). In doing this, you just follow the breadcrumbs of synchronicity the higher mind manifests for you, and arrive exactly where you need to, exactly when you need to.
In living such a harmonious and balanced life style, many of the mechanisms that are within your mind that you have been programmed with since you were a baby will begin to come up into conscious awareness. This can be challenging, as many of the beliefs you have had hijacking your windows of perception for years can be really difficult to shake off, but the most important thing to do in this respect is to understand how illogical it is to believe in anyway that degrades your worth and creates any sort of division between you, your fellow human being and the divine.
The true fire is awakened within yourself, one can say living in the present moment dissolves all of the past within you. Scientists have discovered that many forms of meditation (actions that keep you in the present) cause neuroplasticity in the brain, which is to say it rewires the brain and untangles the old hardwirings that support the old self.
"He who is born of the flesh is flesh, but he who is born of the fire, is of the spirit." -Jesus Christ
It is important then for you to really follow that which brings you joy. Whether you like to meditate, study, read, write, paint, play the guitar or even poop, just perform those actions without any expectations of a desired outcome, because if you desire an outcome then you are not in the present and if you are not fully present then it is not really meditation…
We all have our unique hobbies, talents and actions we like to perform, and these are no accident, we are always given exactly what we need to live the life of ecstacy that our soul incarnated here for to experience! That joy is your birthright, that joy is who you really are, my friends that Joy is God Himself.
Thank you for reading