Derivative Images
“Already at 16 or 17 years of age, in spite of the priests, he had introduced Stellar Art. At 19 the king decided the time was ripe to make his convictions clear to all. He therefore renounced the name Amenhotep, with its implication of obedience to Amen. And in choosing a name to take the place of the one discarded, he joined the words which expressed his religion of Life, Light and Love. Aten means light. To indicate to his subjects that he was a Brother of the Light, he called himself Akhenaten, meaning Living in the Light.” ~ Elbert Benjamine aka C.C. Zain, Hermetic Scientist, Occultist, Astrologer, Naturalist
Defying the Priests of Shadow …
The priests of Amen had grown to be the strongest group in Egypt. They had vast holdings from levying tremendous financial tributes and with this stockpile they built magnificent temples at Luxor and Karnak. They were dark by nature and said to be influenced by the Lower-Plutonian or Lower Astral forces. Cunning and inversive, they easily compelled the people to do their bidding which including loyalty to perverse doctrines and religious ceremonies, prostitution and murder.
Akhenaten, originally known as Amenhotep IV ascended the throne at the age of 13 following the death of his father in 1375 BC. He realized from the start how totally dominated his people were with the Shadow Priests of Amen and their corrupt magical rites and rituals. The Sun God Ra was universally venerated by the public, and the dark priests ever mindful of political power cleverly joined the name of Ra to Amen so they would be sole representatives of the newly created deity Amen Ra. The young king, surrounded and guided by these priests, remained orthodox in his faith to Amen Ra until he turned 19 years old.
Spies and assassins pervaded the huge temples at Karnak and the young king knowing he could not combat the dark forces that so permeated the area decided to move the capital and take with him those who he felt were willing to learn the true power of Nature, live constructively and defy the power of the Shadow Priests. With his entourage, he sailed down from the River Thebes to a point he felt would best serve his needs about 160 miles above Cairo. There he founded the City of the Horizon. Many joined him in his quest for new spiritualism, the suppression of corruption and freedom from ignorance Akhenaten had no use for war, vengeance or fear. Egypt would be revolutionized.
“He has given to us an example three thousand years ago which might be followed at the present day; an example of what a husband and father should be, of what an honest man should do, of what a poet should feel, of what a preacher should teach, of what an artist should strive for, of what a scientist should believe, of what a philosopher should think.” ~ Arthur Weigall, Former Inspector General of Antiquities in Egypt
The Brethren of Light …
The symbol of Ra that was worshipped in the time of Akhenaten was a gold disc representing the Sun. Akhenaten perceived something more behind the physical symbol – he perceived an all-pervading intelligence. From his studies of the rolls in the Library Tahuti, he learned and taught the constructive use of astrological knowledge. He also taught the use of art and beauty and any ennobling activity that he felt the mind could channel advantageously. Spiritually, the doctrine of hell and eternal punishment were no part of his teachings, rather, he focused on happiness during and after a given lifetime. He built a superior culture whose religion was the Religion of the Stars also known as the Devotion to Light.
Stellar Healing …
“Among other things, he created a new art, Stellar Art, and developed a method of treatment, Stellar Healing. All the essentials of this Stellar Healing are set forth in sufficient detail in the language of symbolic pictograph in his Stellar Art, so that were there no other source of information available to us on this subject it would be possible to learn it from the many pictures he has left.” ~ C.C. Zain
Star Logic Astrodynamics
The general idea or premise of Akhenaten’s Stellar Healing via Zane can be summed up thus:
- Planetary energies reaching man not only map his character at birth, but exert definite influences over him, at times which can be predetermined, throughout the whole of his life. This is pictured by the rays descending to certain parts of the bodies of human beings.
- The physical environment by which he is surrounded, each item of which is also influenced by planetary energies, also exerts an influence upon man. To what extent his physical influence opposes or cooperates with the planetary energies operative at a given time must be ascertained by observation of the physical environment. This is pictured by the various objects by which human beings in the pictures are surrounded.
- The events and conditions which are present at any given time in an individual’s life are the offspring of his character as it exists at the time, energized by such planetary energies as then reach it, and acting upon the available physical environment, which influences both the trend and the importance of what occurs. This is pictured by both rays and objects adjacent to human beings.
- The amount of control which an individual can exercise over what takes place in this life at a given time depends upon two factors whose relative importance constantly varies, but which on average are about of equal power: Upon his ability to energize and modify in the desired direction the factors of his character which respond to planetary energy; and upon his ability to select physical environmental conditions which offer little resistance to the events he desires.
A true Renaissance Man of Healing and Mental Alchemy…
Akhenaten was ever mindful that a diagnosis in of itself no matter how well realized, offered no help to humanity… it merely was just an indicator that a condition existed and was present. He knew that for an individual to benefit from diagnosis he must know what to do to change the condition and then do the thing which would make the indicated change. The Light or “Aten” to Akhenaten and his followers not only represented an all pervading deity but also the whole inner plane environment. All those thousands of years ago, he grasped that the inner plane and its forces can only contact the physical plane through energies travelling at the velocity of light. So, Akhenaten basically devised the system whereby the electromagnetic energies of the “healer” could be used to gather up and transmit to a patient the planetary energies as were necessary to temporarily change character or the thought structure of a patient. In essence, it was a form of mental alchemy… thought structure to enable the overcoming of afflictions.
In both diagnosis and in healing, Akhenaten gave equal weight to the influence of planets and the influence of the physical environment. He did not feel that a condition of the physical body, for example, coincident with lack of proper diet could be corrected merely by proper thinking. Nor did he believe that proper diet without a change of thinking would bring health. He did not believe that attention should only be given to the factors of one plane; but that the power of inner plane energies, such as those of thoughts and the planets, and the resistances of the physical plane, such as those exercised by people and objects should be given equal consideration. His Stellar Healing methodology modified the desires of thought cells and the resistance of the physical environment to bring about a desired outcome as well as alterations to the Soul.
Stellar Healers combine mental healing with the use of planetary energies which are permitted to flow through their bodies as a conduit to the astral form of the patient. Stellar Healers are natural healers who develop the ability through which planetary energies flow in large volume. Actual touch is not necessary because the energy flows at will. Akhenaten understood astrology and was able to discern the inner factors of disease from the horoscope of an individual and knew that energy healing could be administered specifically to cure disease and health crisis. The pictures he left us included use of color, music and thought to enable the Stellar Healer to tune in on the particular planetary energy needed.
According to Zane’s interpretation:
- The electromagnetic energy of the healer which passes from his hands to the patient.
- The astral vibrations of a planet or planet, which the healer is tuned in on and which pass from his hands with the electro-magnetic energy to the thought cells of the patient.
- The thoughts and mental images in the healer’s mind which direct the electromagnetic energy and planetary energy to the accomplishment of the specific healing job to be done according to disposition in the patient’s chart.
- The electromagnetic energy must be guided by the astral energy.
- The healer must visualize the color of the planetary energy (ies) and saturate the body of the patient. When viewed from the Astral Plane this color is vivid and intense.
- The tonal vibrations of the planet (s) are used as musical accompaniment.
Akhenaten believed that man should control his life and destiny to the end of contributing his utmost to “Universal Welfare.” The degree of success depended upon the degree of which man could energize and modify the cells within his Soul in the desired direction and the degree to which he was able to select a physical environment that would facilitate the modification of these cells to bring about desired conditions and good health.
“The highest function of the healing art is not to cure the sick, but to keep people well. We need those who can cure disease but even more we need those who can keep disease from manifesting.” ~ C.C. Zane