Ask The Guru

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By Spiritual Guru

Dear Guru,


I believe in God’s Laws and that we are all created in His image. But there is one thing that seems very curious to me. Most people today have their very own personal view of God and what He expects and better yet what He forgives. Basically they have re-created God in their image and not the other way around. So, in essence they have created a “graven image” which defies a specific commandment. This type of thought very conveniently relieves them of God’s Laws. I am sure you will not agree with me and say it is my religious conditioning that is causing my train of thought but – What so you have to say about this curious type of behavior? Jonas, MA


Namasté Jonas!


In short, I really do not find that type of ‘behavior’ curious!  But you are right – it is their mental image however easily understood.  We have to start with the book of Genesis where it is, as you stated, “Created in His image”.  Keep in mind two major points, the people of those times were not highly intelligent nor had a high degree of spirituality; for the human mind to think, it can only do so in form.  Even the language spoken … word letters and words which had form.  My guess is, ask any grade school or high school student how they image God, (or see), and you will get a variety of answers all of which have a form.  This is the same reason why pagans created graven images.  The same reason why most Christians today still hold to the form Yeshua ben Joseph and refer to Him as God when in fact it was the Spirit within the man that was God.


Up until around 1950 there were but a few isolated individuals, from time to time, who wrote books trying to infer that God did not have a form.  Since 1950 more and more individuals are coming to the light and recognizing that God could not possibly have a form.  Many of these like to refer to Him as energy, (again the human mind grabs a form; in this case the word energy), to describe Him.


Having said that, I would call to your attention that the Aramaic word, (in its original form), which was interpreted many years later to be commandment, actually meant ‘guideline’.  You see God gave us free will!  Think about that, if I told you come over to my house and you have free will to do anything in it that you wish, but don’t do this, don’t do that and don’t do the other thing, that really would not be free will.  God gave us those ten guidelines, four up until then we were totally lost.  That is the reason why Cain was not punished for killing Abel.  Now if we advance to the New Testament we find the Jewish man, Yeshua ben Joseph, simplifying those guidelines by stating only two.  Love God above all things; love your neighbor as yourself!  You’ll find that if you follow those two you will not go against any one of the ten.


So in summary, I do not see modern man as breaking a specific commandment while he travels his path towards the Light, (enlightenment).  I see the human being continuing to evolve in and towards their understanding of their Creator—as the saying goes, “you gotta’ love them”.


Dear Guru:


I am having an experience that seems to defy explanation and would like your take on it. It is NOT unpleasant but it is strange. For a few months about every two weeks it seems I have this dream (for lack of a better description) where I leave my body, turn into a glowing light form (pale yellow in color) and go to a room where there is a long table and chairs. The room is also light filled. There I meet other light forms of varying colors and shapes and we discuss profound subjects about the Universe. I cannot remember the material but do “feel” strongly that it consists of discussion that is not very earthly in nature.


I have no adverse effects from this. Can you shed some light on this? If it is merely a recurring dream I cannot even imagine the psychology behind it! Thank you. Annalisa.


Namasté Annalisa,


Actually the explanation can be put in four words however, for the sake of more human clarity of mind; with your permission I will become somewhat verbose.


I will have to use some words which are not really accurate but rather the only words available for the human mind to somewhat understand.  There was a ‘point’ where we, (‘spirits’), were ‘given’ an individualized consciousness (awareness) of ourselves.  In that infinitesimal point in ‘time’, we created what we now consider, ‘separateness’ from all that is.  (We ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge.  This in turn, created what we call good and evil which in reality is nothing more than the awareness of ‘different’ and our judgment of it.) 


These things are nothing more than allusions, (‘dreams’) which in ‘reality’ do not exist.  What you call color is your awareness of the differences between yourself and others in ‘reality.’ When you speak of ’you’ having a ‘dream’ it is really the real you, stepping out of the dream and experiencing reality.  The color you see, pale yellow, explains what you are to others in reality but when you completely stepped out of the allusions, (which you call ‘you’ and the physical world you live in) the real you will become aware of all the colors you are rather than the primary color you express to others in reality.  (The pale yellow describes the beginning of aspiration.)


Look at the interesting choice of words you use, “we discuss profound subjects about the universe”, a discussion about “All That Is” = (God/Allah or any of over 100 different words used to explain that which the primal source of everything is).  “It consists of discussion that is not very earthly in nature” = completely unaware of your allusion and into reality… put another way, fully awake and out of your dream which you will be consistently once you do what is referred to on earth as ‘die.’  For in reality, or truth, we do not and cannot die … we simply change our experience.  Realize this and the real YOU (which is always, has been and will be), that has dreams or has the illusion of itself in the world you live in can have an experience or point of view so that the real ‘you’ can have these profound discussions with other parts of All That Is. Simply stated in four words, you are experiencing reality!


Allow yourself to feel the joy that is yours for you are blessed,

Spiritual Guru