The Asteroid America

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By Skywriter

starlogic astrodynamics

Did you know that there are literally thousands upon thousands of asteroids or “minor planets” on record? All of them can be identified by number and most of them can also be identified by name. To date, the IAU (International Astronomical Union) has “officially” named over 11,963 of these celestial entities whose monikers range from everything to cities to celebrities. There are some astrologers who cannot incorporate enough asteroids into their client readings particularly if there is an asteroid that bears the client’s name or one that correlates with the client’s current situation.


The asteroids used in astrological analysis have individual sigils and meanings. The asteroid AMERICA uses a pyramid which encloses a highlighted eye with an arched brow. The pyramid has been thought of by many as a symbol of regeneration. This is why the pyramid was used by the ancients to bury their pharaohs and the pharaohs’ vast treasures. The highlighted eye generally represents ‘watchfulness.’ The arched brow above the eye suggests ‘attention’ and ‘concern.’ The pyramidal eye appears on American money and accordingly, the asteroid AMERICA is often related to issues of money and all associated subjects such as investments and other monetary propositions.


Like everything else in astrology the asteroids have a polarity meaning and its chart status by placement and aspect will better determine if money issues are handled in a conservative manner laced by responsibility and a need for structure and a firm financial foundation OR if issues are handled via risk taking, lack of care, and a feeling that instances of lack are only temporary. Some astrologers will also view AMERICA in the charts of world leaders to see how their personalities will relate to the USA in general and to our government and economic system. For example, when Fidel Castro established the first Marxist government in the Americas, the asteroid KARL MARX was conjunct the asteroid AMERICA.