Image by Ray Shrewsberry from Pixabay
When the ancient astrologers looked up at the magnificent night sky they noticed that some astro entities moved in a course of time and others didn’t. The astro-lights that did not move became known as Fixed Stars and when they were connected to an individuals’ nativity they had a profound effect on the life of that individual. As they were believed to “cast no rays” they are only used in prognostication (ancient) and by analysis (modern) by a conjunction to a planet by one degree or less. While mainly used in Natal Astrology, they are also used in Mundane, Horary and Electional Astrology.
The medieval astrologers relied heavily on the seven known ancient planets (Sun and Moon which are viewed as planets in astrology because astrology is geocentric or Earth centered and Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) and the Fixed Stars for divination. Magical virtues and influences were attributed to those seven planets and the stars and the ancients believed that they foretold the fate of all men. These entities heralded the fall of kingdoms and the rise of great leaders. Stones, crystals, herbs, and magic seals were also associated with the planets and the stars. Magic consisted mainly of the construction of talismans which were imbued with power and consecrated during a ceremony that was conducted under the appropriate stellar influences.
While there are many Fixed Stars, the most prominent Fixed Stars used then and today are listed below. Do note that some astrologers uses any and all Fixed Stars that apply to a Natal Chart with uncanny results when revealing the nature of the individual and his/her fate.
Take a moment to go back in time into the minds of the ancient astrologers and read about the fifteen prominent Fixed Stars that featured prominently in the destiny of all men …
The Fixed Stars
ALDEBARAN: Bestows riches and honor. The image is that of a flying man. Rules ruby, carbuncle and the thistle.
ALOGL: Preserves the body and protects against witchcraft by reflecting spells. The image is a decapitated human head. Rules the diamond and mugwort. Contemporary astrologers consider the influence of this star to be dangerous.
ALGORAB: Produces anger and back-biting as well as bad dreams. It was thought to house the power of summoning or driving away evil spirits. The image is a raven or snake. Rules black onyx and henbane.
ALPHECCA: Promotes chastity and the goodwill of men. The image is a crowned man or a hen. Rules topaz and rosemary.
ANTARES: Promotes understanding and memory and houses the power of bonding evil spirits. The image is a scorpion or a man dressed in a coat of mail. Rules amethyst, sardonyx, and saffron.
ARCTURUS: Cures fevers and acts as an astringent. The image is a wolf or a horse or a dancing man. Rules jasper and plantain.
CAPELLA: Bestows honor and nobility and cures the toothache. The image is a musician. Rules sapphire and mandrake.
DENEB ALGEDI: Grants prosperity but promotes wrath. The image is a goat or an angry man. Rules chalcedony and marjoram.
PLEIADES: Strengthens eyesight, reveals hidden things, and raises spirits. The image is a lamp or a virgin. Rules crystals and frankincense.
POLARIS: Protects against evil spells and renders an individual secure when traveling. The image is a bull or calf or a pensive man. Rules lodestone and periwinkle.
PROCYON: Preserves health, brings favor from the gods, and dispels witchcraft. The image is a cock or three young maidens. Rules Achates and marigold.
REGULUS: Grants temperance and honor. The image is a lion or cat or an honorable person. Rules granite and sallendine.
SIRIUS: Promotes goodwill among men and the airy spirits and grants honor. The image is a hound or a virgin. Rules beryl and dragonwort.
SPICA: Removes scarcity, grants riches, and prevents mischief. The image is a bird or a merchant. Rules emerald and sage.
WEGA: Grants pride and magnanimity and power over beasts and devils. The image is a vulture or a traveler. Rules chrysolite and succory.
Another similar listing also used is that of the Behnian Fixed Stars*:
The choice of usage is up to the astrologer but do note that there are rules and regulations regarding their usage and qualification.
ALGOL (26º26’ Taurus Zodiac Sign) – This is an unfortunate ”demon” star associated with the losing of one’s head, representing the myth of Medusa. It’s in the constellation of Perseus. Its assigned Planets are as of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter, which can also bring a dignity and piousness. Its gemstone is diamond and its plant is black hellebore/mugwort.
ALCYONE (00º18’ Gemini Zodiac Sign) – It’s in the constellation of Tarus, the brightest in the Pleiades star cluster of the Bull. The Pleiades, or Seven Sisters, are located in the Shoulder of the Bull. The traditional name Alcyone comes the mythological daughter of Atlas. She is the “central one” of the Pleiades sisters who was seduced by Poseidon. Its nature is of the Moon and Mars, and symbolises both love and turbulence. Its gemstone is rock crystal, and its plant is fennel.
ALDEBARAN (10º05’ Gemini Zodiac Sign) – This is considered a very potent star, it’s also in the constellation of Taurus, and said to gives honor, intelligence, eloquence, steadfastness, integrity, popularity, courage. Its Planetary nature is of Mars (and sometimes Venus), its gemstone is ruby/garnet/carbuncle, and its plant is milk thistle.
CAPELLA (22º10’ Gemini Zodiac Sign) – It is said to bestow honour, wealth, eminence, renown, a public position of trust, and makes its natives careful, inquisitive, very fond of knowledge and particularly of novelties. It’s in the constellation of Auriga, and its Planets are Mars and Mercury (sometimes Jupiter and Saturn), its gemstone is sapphire, and its plant is thyme/horehound.
SIRIUS (14º23’ Cancer Zodiac Sign) – The so-called Dog Star, the brightest in the Canis Major constellation, it is said that its heliacal rising coincided with the flooding of the Nile and the start of the Ancient Egyptian Astrological New Year. It gives honour, wealth, devotion, passion and resentment. Its Planets are Jupiter and Mars (sometimes Venus), its gemstone is beryl, and its plant is juniper/savine.
PROCYON (26º05’ Cancer Zodiac Sign) – This is in the constellation of Canis Minor and was considered a very fortunate star, portending fame and wealth for some while symbolising destruction and destitution for others. Its Planets are Mercury and Mars, its crystal is agate, and its plant is water buttercup/heliotrope.
REGULUS (00º06’ Virgo Zodiac Sign) – The heart of the lion, this is the regal star in the constellation of Leo, said to convey royal properties, noble mind, frankness, courage, and be a “kingmaker”, in this can be an element of pompousness. Its is of the nature of Jupiter and Mars, its mineral is granite and its plant is mugwort/celandine
ALKAID (27º14’ Virgo Zodiac Sign) – It’s in the constellation of Ursa Major, and despite its Planetary associations, Venus and the Moon, it was known in ancient times as “the destroyer of nations” by Islamic Astrologers as it can mark instability. Its “gemstone” is magnet and its plant is succory/chicory.
ALGORAB (13º45’ Libra Zodiac Sign) – This is another infamous dark star, in the constellation of Corvus. Its Planets are the two malefics Saturn and Mars, its gemstone is onyx and its plant is burdock.
SPICA (24º08’ Libra Zodiac Sign) – One of the most auspicious stars, its in the constellation of Virgo and is said to bestow riches, sweetness, success, and a love of art and science. Its Planets are Venus and Mars/Mercury, its gemstone is emerald and its plant is sage.
ARCTURUS (24º32’ Libra Zodiac Sign) – Also in Libra, it is closely linked with Spica but tends towards more grandiosity as its Planets are Mars and Jupiter. Its gemstone is jasper and its plant is plantain. It’s in the constellation of Bootes.
ALPHECCA (12º35’ Scorpio Zodiac Sign) – It is said to bestow honour, dignity, poetical and artistic ability, and make natives idealistic, psychic, neat, lovable, refined, genteel, and intelligent. Its Planets are Venus and Mercury/Mars, its gemstone is topaz and its plant is rosemary. It’s in the constellation of Corona Borealis.
ANTARES (10º03’ Sagittarius Zodiac Sign) – Known as antithetical to Mars (anti-Ares, God of War), and is said to cause destructiveness, rashness, and be overly headstrong. Its Planets are Venus/Mars and Jupiter, its gemstone is sardonyx/amethyst and its plant is birthwort. It’s in the constellation of Scorpius.
VEGA (15º36’ Capricorn Zodiac Sign) – Its Planets are Mercury and Venus, and gives beneficence, ideality, hopefulness, refinement, and changeability, as well as pretentiousness. Its gemstone is chrysolite and its plant is winter savoury. It’s in the constellation of Lyra.
DENEB ALGEDI (23º50’ Aquarius Zodiac Sign) – As its Planets are Saturn and Jupiter, the greater malefic and benefic (sometimes Mercury instead), it is said to cause both beneficence and destructiveness, sorrow and happiness. In a talisman can be seen as a protective and purifying energy. its gemstone is chalcedony and its plant is marjoram. It’s in the constellation of Capricornus.
Information courtesy of the classic “Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology” by Vivian Robson B.Sc.
You can more information about Fixed Stars listings here –