Image by Gerd Altmann
Most people identify the lower components of their microcosmic being as the Self. This is a misconception that results in suffering and pain in everyday experiences. It also prolongs soul-bondage to matter, to Maya, to the wheel of birth and rebirth. Buddhism, for example, teaches that there is no self in that which is ephemeral, and although exoterically, they deny the existence of a self within man, teachers of Vajrayana Buddhism do assert the existence of what they call “the Clear Light of the Void” which is correlative with the concept of the Self in Hindu Philosophy. This Self is independent of the lower principles within the microcosmic being of man. In Western Esotericism, this Self is called “the Monad,” “the Virgin Spirit,” or “the Divine Spark” issued from the Universal Supreme Being. It is a “fragment” or a facet of the Divine Universal Self, the Universal Being; and as such, it has all the qualities and attributes of its “Parent-Flame.”
The One God is often described in Christian literature as omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. To the Buddhist It is Unborn, Unconditioned, Unlimited and Unformed. It is the Tao, with which Lao Tse knew to be nameless. The Real, Divine Being within is our True Being. It is “man” created in God’s image. In actuality, it is God individualized as man. Man’s Real Self is perpetually attuned with the Divine Mind of the Supreme being and through that attunement, partakes of divine nourishment. Awareness of, and the identification with the Real, with Reality and Truth lies the secret of the Ages related to illumination, life, and power. Conversely, ignorance of man’s true estate is the cause of spiritual death. It is a state of non-awareness of the verities of the Divine Self and Absolute Reality. Ignorance causes us to misapprehend the external world. We perceive it as solid and stable, whereas it is void and subjected to the Law of Change. In his book, The Inner Reality, Paul Brunton defines ignorance in this way:
“Ignorance means that you confuse the unreal with the Real, and that you take sense-impressions, thoughts, opinions, or visions to be the one permanent reality which is unchanging.” (1952:174)
In contrast to our Real Ego, that which we call our self is an illusion. It is our consciousness deeming itself to be a separate being, a created creature. Our waking consciousness is an integral part of the ocean but it believes itself to be an individual droplet. The Aquarian Gospel considers this concept of the self to be an illusion that should pass away if one aspires to illumination, enlightenment, or salvation–it is insufficient to simply call “Lord, Lord . . . ” (Matt. 7:22-23). The Aquarian Gospel, a manuscript derived from Akashic sources also claims that the lower nature of man, the carnal self is the devil within. It says that,
“The only devil from which men must be redeemed is self, the lower self. If man would find his devil he must look within; his name is self.” (8:21)
Understanding and being aware of our Real Self is essential if we are to live and function constructively and creatively in the lower worlds as a divine being. Self-reliance, self-confidence, and self-expression take on a deeper meaning when these attributes are realized to be dependent upon the True Self and not to the false ego. Self-confidence is in reality God-confidence. Reliance on the false ego for motivation and inspiration creates unpleasant circumstances as well as the grotesque, obnoxious and repulsive sights and sounds that we see about us. Let us take “self-expression,” for instance, as applied in the philosophy and cultivation of art. Every artist is more or less aware of this term. But the “self” they believe in and refer to is simply the content of their subconsciousness, which more often than not, is filled with psychedelic images, gruesome forms, phobias, neurosis, and unresolved energies. Most critics of the art world hold such “self-expressions,” so-called artistic works in high regard. The standard of divine beauty it would seem–the expression of the true uniqueness of the Monad, as a facet of the Supreme Being, as was known in ancient Greece–has practically been forgotten by modern man who is materialistically-oriented. We can see from this that the aesthetical sense of a large portion of humanity has been degraded by ignorance of the true Self coupled with an impure subconscious and conscious mind.
Putting off the old man, the false ego, and putting on the new, the Higher Self, becomes a necessity if a utopian-consciousness is to be made manifest in man’s mind and to appear as Heaven on earth. This is the Christian’s long awaited Kingdom of God in which the vigil and the waiting are observed but not the laying of the foundation. It is the fact of man’s dual nature that caused the Nazarene Master in the Aquarian Gospel to quip that,
“Man is the Truth and falsehood strangely mixed.” (22:12)
It is incumbent upon the metaphysician to point out to the seekers the manner in which this may be achieved, in which the synthetic image of man may be shed, for most if not all of our social ills are derived from ignorance–from man’s false identification with the unreal. Sacrifices of animals in ancient cultures and religions are outward, symbolical practices of the sacrificing of one’s carnal self upon the altar of truth. Consorting with the false, and mortal principles makes it difficult for it to be sacrificed and to identify with the true. In the Corona Class Lessons, “Kuthumi” comments on this:
“The frailty of human reason is ever in its identification with the finite self. A sense of being entangled in the process of identification with the objects and experiences hinders the revelation of man’s true spiritual nature.” (1986:259)
Our present world-dilemma is actually a manifestation of the identity-crisis in man. The only antidote to this problem is in the principle of being centered, and living in God-Consciousness rather in the lower consciousness of the mind. About two thousand years ago we were exhorted by the Christ to seek that we shall find. After looking here and there, many still do not know what they are seeking or why. That which is sought for lies within and not without, and it is Truth that we seek that discloses to us our Reality, our True self. The quest for the Holy Grail in the Authurian legends is simply the search for one’s immortal principle, for the Reality beyond the Veil of Isis. This truth emancipates us from mortal limitations, mortal conditions, mortal thoughts–mortality, in short. In teaching, healing and counseling the metaphysician has to stress the importance of this vital law. Most, if not all metaphysical techniques and principles depend on the right understanding of man’s Divine, immortal nature.
Lee Leonard
Copyright © 2006 Luxamore Leonard Lee aka Luxamore Metaphysical teacher, counseler, healer and merchant of occult/magickal items of Indonesia. Magickal Items from Indonesia: talismans, mustika pearls, kerises, etc. Magickal Bezoar Mustika Pearls from Indonesia.