Balancing Your Chakras During A Global Outbreak

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By LI - Executor

Image by Okan Caliskan from

When fear is in the air. News media is bombarding us with live updates of the COVID19 global outbreak 24/7.

Who do we turn to in times of despair and distress? There are several do’s and don’ts including social distancing suggested by WHO and other government organisations across the world.

Reiki healers from around the globe have always built their spiritual stamina through distance healing. Now is the hour of need for us to serve the world that we live in with Reiki distance healing best practices for all living beings on the planet.

Let’s salute and thank The Universe, Reiki & Dr.Mikao Usui for their unconditional love for all beings.

Mooladhara Chakra

Let’s invoke HSZSN for Mooladhara chakra to balance our fear of the unknown, uncertainty and unfortunate incidents triggered in the past, present and future.

[[ Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. The symbol has a general meaning of: "No past, no present, no future" or it can have the meaning of "The Buddha in me contacts the Buddha in you". ]]

Let’s invoke SHK to embrace the chakra with unconditional love and support towards our physical, emotional, mental, ethereal and spiritual body.

[[ Sei He Ki has a general meaning of: "God and man become one".The Mental/Emotional symbol brings together the "brain and the body". It helps people to bring to the surface and release the mental/emotional causes of their problems. The sei hei ki symbolizes harmony. Its intention is purification, and it is used for mental and emotional healing. The symbol resembles a wave washing across a beach or the wing of a bird in flight, and it is drawn with a sweeping gesture. Practitioners may use this intention during treatments for addiction or depression in order to restore the body's spiritual equilibrium. It may also be used to help people recover from past physical or emotional trauma or to unblock creative energies]]

Let’s invoke CKR to strengthen our courage to tackle challenging situations with stability for the Self and security for others in society.

[[Cho Ku Rei, which is considered one of the first symbols used in Usui Reiki essentially means “Placing all the powers of the universe here”. The Reiki power symbol basically works as a “switch” that helps to instantly increase Reiki practitioner's ability to channel the energies.]]

Swadhisthana Chakra

Let’s invoke HZN for Swadhisthana chakra to balance our lack of productivity and absence of personal & social bonding with reasoning for a greater cause.

Let’s invoke SHK to embrace feelings of anxiety with unconditional love and support.

Let’s invoke CKR to strengthen our feelings of well-being, creativity, and productivity in times of uncertainty.

Manipura Chakra

Let’s invoke HZN for Manipura chakra to balance our lack of self-confidence and self-assurance with understanding and acceptance of the Divine plan.

Let’s invoke SHK to embrace feelings of helplessness and dependency with unconditional love and support.

Let’s invoke CKR to strengthen our traits of innovation, lateral thinking and problem-solving in times of uncertainty.

Anahata Chakra

Let’s invoke HZN for Anahata chakra to balance our fear of giving and receiving love and care with a sense of social responsibility and emotional maturity.

Let’s invoke SHK to embrace feelings of hurt and hate with unconditional love and support.

Let’s invoke CKR to strengthen our feelings of togetherness in times of uncertainty.

Vishuddha Chakra

Let’s invoke HZN for Vishuddha chakra to balance our inability to express ourselves and communicate with others with artistic pursuits or creative hobbies along with our family.

Let’s invoke SHK to embrace awkward silence and empty distances with unconditional love and support.

Let’s invoke CKR to strengthen our emotional and spiritual bonds with ourselves and others over distance in times of uncertainty.

Ajna Chakra

Let’s invoke HZN for Ajna chakra to balance our worldly wisdom with Divine guidance and vision.

Let’s invoke SHK to embrace feelings of information overload and anxiety with unconditional love and support.

Let’s invoke CKR to strengthen our knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in times of uncertainty.

Sahasrara Chakra

Let’s invoke HZN for Sahasrara chakra to balance our lack of connectivity to the Divine Power with spiritual stamina.

Let’s invoke SHK to shower us with unconditional love and support for emotional stamina.

Let’s invoke CKR to strengthen our connection with Divine Wisdom, Divine Love and Divine Power in times of uncertainty to serve and heal the world.

Reiki gives us the spiritual stamina to accept and ascend the practicality of global situations like an outbreak at both personal and social levels. It’s our responsibility as lightworkers to take care of ourselves, our loved ones and all beings of the earth in this time of need.

How are you doing?
How are you taking care of yourself in this hour of global unrest?

Durga Pillai

And remember:

The Five Reiki Principles are as follows:

Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings.
Just for today, I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing. – Courtesy