Black Magic Government

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By Kane

“I don’t care if you think I am Satan reincarnated.” – Joe Biden, 07-22-2021 regarding the underplaying of the Capitol Riot.

Point taken yet kind of an odd way of making said point – aye?

Is the government under Satan’s grip?

According to the survey from the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), 15 per cent of all Americans agree with the statement that “the government, media, and financial worlds in the US are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child sex trafficking operation” – a central tenet of the QAnon conspiracy theory ideology.

Democrats are always being accused of being satanic and engaging in satanic activities of one sort or another and Republicans are always being accused of being the nutbags doing the accusing. You’ll decide what you believe but know this – EVIL exists and it does underlie government.



Government lives on Black Magic. Government produces Black Magic. But government is not Black Magic. More precisely, the Principle of Government is the main instance of Black Magic; however the body of people and activities known as “government” is not. Though they are historically, emotionally and semantically related, these two meanings of the word “government” must be distinguished, if we are to apply White Magic rational thinking to the underlying concepts, instead of merely Black Magic emotional feeling of them.  

On the one hand government – its Authoritarian Principle – will monopolize, absorb and corrupt the production or delivery of goods and services actually produced through White Magic, and now made part of government – the Administrative Body. Government – the principle embraced by the rulers of the administration – will later use these monopolies as justifications for its existence: “public goods” that only It (the Body) provides, because It prohibits competition or regulates it away. However, the goods and services being monopolized by government, the productive parts of the administration, are in fact creations of White Magic. Hence, these parts of government – the Administrative Body – we do not seek to destroy, but verily to free and regenerate: we wish to remove the chains that subject these services, their producers and their consumers to the Authoritarian Principle of government.  
Now not only is government (the Body) not made of pure Black Magic (since it absorbs White Magic components), but Black Magic is also very much present outside government (the Body) and even to some degree outside of government (the openly claimed Principle). There are plenty of accomplices to the activities of governments as such, who albeit having a status of “private” people and organizations, end up benefitting from public privileges; these accomplices serve to “privatize” the rent captured by those who hold power. There are also plenty of candidates who wish to replace current governments with new governments of their own, based on even more retrograde forms of Black Magic than currently rule: this includes all the religious fundamentalist movements, the worst among them being the socialist revolutionaries, etc. Then there are plenty of frauds who feed on the credulity and superstition of other people, though on a much pettier scale than instituted governments. Finally, Black Magic exists as part of the activities of many people who otherwise live through White Magic: political activists who do their best to get some party elected, trade unionists who demonstrate in the streets for their corporate interests, businessmen who pay lobbyists to court politicians, all these people have both this Black Magic activity of political manipulation, and (usually) a main White Magic activity of production. The latter kind of people constitute the major body of black magicians; though most of them are victims of Black Magic, they serve to propagate the mental illness.  
Thus, government, as an instituted body, is not the main enemy, it is but the manifestation of the enemy. Should we manage to destroy the current government, evil as it may be, if we didn’t dispel the belief in Black Magic, then Black Magic will spin off a new government, just as evil as the preceding one; and any violent means we used to destroy the previous government will only have resulted in pain and destruction. Our main enemy is more elusive, it resides in people’s minds; it is the very belief in Black Magic, it is a disease from which we want to cure people. It is not government as a body, it is government as an idea; it is not the state, it is statism; it is not the political militants, it is politics. Our enemy is a mental illness, not the victims it infects. Our enemy is a view of the world where the interests of people are antagonistic instead of harmonic. Our enemy is the principle behind Enmity itself.  

Black Magic is a cult that must be kept alive by constantly occupying the minds of people. And the best way to occupy their minds is to also occupy their bodies. The Godvernment will seek to intervene in any and every aspect of social life. It will even intervene in so very personal things as intimate relations between people in love, by regulating marriage, giving it an important place in fiscal and civil regulations, etc. Any domain that is not subject to heavy regulations is disconsidered as lawless savagery, a wild anarchy, to be promptly remedied by new legislation. At the same time, all this intervention must be accompanied by constant rhetorics, by appeal to the citizens’ spirits, and ultimately by the actual concern of anxious citizens, so that the Godvernment will appear positively rather than negatively. This is why black magicians will resort to a series of tricks so as to stage the public worship of Black Magic.  

“Black Magic is essentially the promise that a friendly superior force will solve your problems if you abandon your fate in its hands. It is the faithful abandonment of responsibility. It is the sweet bliss of ignorance. “

War is the grandest way in which the Godvernment is presented as the savior of the People. War may be an actual war against a foreign country, if possible led by an obvious tyrant. It may also be war against unofficial governments reigning over areas abandonned by official legal governments: the mafia, drug trafficking organizations, terrorists, guerillas, etc. In a more rhetorical way, it may be war against some official vice: drug consumption, smoking, prostitution, drinking, unofficial religions, etc. Politicians will resort to the vocabulary of war even as they claim to fight poverty, fight unemployment, fight any “social disease” or misery. All these wars serve as a justification to the State impersonating the role of Good in a cosmic struggle between Good and Evil. Their ultimate goal is not external, it is internal: the important effect and strong incentive for black magicians to wage war is not to fight the claimed enemy, but to tighten the subjection of the allegedly protected citizens. The “exceptional” situation of war will serve as an excuse for whatever crimes and attempts to subvert the rule of law that godvernmental forces may commit, as well as a diversion from whatever misachievements they may make on “secondary” fronts. This situation of exception is so beneficial to black magicians that they will make it become permanent: indeed, once they have spread the idea that they are the solution rather than the problem, they will use the very failures of their policies as a pretense for ever increasing their interventions. An initially small temporary intervention will thus eventually turn into a permanent war to struggle against the permanent fiasco caused by the very intervention of the State.  

Throughout all their staging of life as a cosmic struggle, black magicians will cultivate among their followers a feeling of righteousness. According to black magicians, the world is “us” against “them,” it is friends versus foes – and you better be among friends. Friends are to be identified by their intents, their community of interests, their belonging to a nation or a race or a social class or any other category proposed by the black magicians’ ideology. Black magicians thus propose an easy, undemanding, relaxing, and false grid to understand the universe. This simple grid offers followers the immediate benefit of saving the need for sustained enquiry, indulging their intellectual sloth. Thus, bad guys can be equated with people with bad intents, and the other way round, while similarly good guys can be equated both ways with people with good intents. Enemies who claim to have good intents will be classified as hypocrits, or as deeply misguided pawns manipulated by a greater Evil. Friends who have bad intents are to be justified, pardonned, or excommunicated. This polarization of life in its extreme forms can lead to Conspiracy Theory, where some people want to see a common intent, a common will, concerted interests, a central organization behind any Great Evil in the world. Anything wrong must have been meant as wrongdoing. The dual form of Conspiracy Theory is much scarier: Totalitarianism. It is the belief that, at some scale, there can be any Good in the world only if behind it there is a common intent, a common will, concerted interests, a central organization. All in all, this Black Magic polarization of people’s vision of the world is akin to Animism: the want to see willful intent everywhere.  

Black Magic spreads based on faith and fear and other basic emotions, on animal reflexes, on intellectual sloth, on a primitive way of thinking through emotional associations, symmetrical binary relations. It appeals to the primitive parts of man’s mind and develops the pride of keeping one’s mind in a primitive state. Indeed, Black Magic consists precisely of withholding rational thinking, and letting someone else – the Authority – decide on one’s behalf. This Authority may be a past tradition, a present ruler, or a future power accepted in advance as a ruler (as with political elections). Black Magic is essentially the promise that a friendly superior force will solve your problems if you abandon your fate in its hands. It is the faithful abandonment of responsibility. It is the sweet bliss of ignorance. The ignorance that it spreads is itself the protection against the realization of the misery that the same ignorance causes. As with all kinds of faith, people believe because “it would be so nice if it were true.” Those who deny the value of the promise are seen as enemies who try to destroy this value, assumed to exist.  

 Black magicians hate the free market, because it is not a personal god that they can bribe. But at the same time, they find it easy to blame the free market because it has no authoritative spokesman that can defend it: the common interest incarnate in free market is not any particular lobby’s interest, and will find few people to actually defend it (as opposed to claiming to defend it while demanding protectionist measures for a special interest group). So Black Magic can survive through the distortion between the special interest of a focused group of organized predators unilaterally exploiting a widespread group of disorganized preys. People are born ignorant, and black magicians will cultivate this ignorance among people as long as they can, so as to victimize them.

  Now, ignorance is not a stable state. Once someone is taught the principles of White Magic, and shown the nocivity of Black Magic, it becomes much more difficult to attract one’s active support in the cult of Black Magic, helping to victimize oneself and other people. And knowledge is irreversible: once someone knows such a simple principle as White Magic, one knows it until one dies. That is why black magicians must expend a lot of efforts in trying to prevent people from thinking, and from ever being put in tight contact with the paradigm of White Magic. But these efforts will increase as methods are developed for spreading knowledge of the reality behind Black Magic. Ultimately, it will become so hard to remain ignorant, and so expensive to maintain other people in ignorance, that investing in Black Magic will be no more marginally profitable.  

This article may sound melodramatic. It is meant to. I plead guilty as charged of trying to raise emotion about the Evil that lies beneath government. Actually, I would have failed in my attempt, if I didn’t sound melodramatic enough. Yet, there is hope. And hope is very important for raising emotion, too. Without hope, there is no need to worry; whereas with a great hope, the greatest difficulties will be happily faced.  

François-René Rideau