As part of the behavioral research connected to my Astrological practice, I will occasional seek out a variety of readings from practitioners at different levels of consciousness who are unknown to myself. The readings of course are as varied as the practitioners themselves. Some are strictly “by the book” while others are more “original” by nature. Over the course of time, I’ve noticed that certain “coined phrases” seem to infiltrate what is being relayed by these various practitioners. These phrases are generally delivered with great seriousness and arcane profundity. The most recent “coining” that is recited more often than not is, “There is no right or wrong … there just IS.” Really? If I am to accept this statement, that means it is perfectly fine for me to just go about doing whatever I want at any given time because everything “just IS” … right? OR is that wrong?
Since the precepts of right and wrong constitute what we understand as concepts pertaining to human morality, let’s approach this from a different angle. The basic common denominator of all Universal understanding be it human derived philosophy, theosophy, physical science, or even religion is that all in the Universe is perpetuated by BALANCE. Balance indicates that everything functions along the lines of equal yet opposite. This is known as POLARITY. Everything that we know works in polarity … light/dark, up/down, black/white, me/you, yin/yang and so on and so forth. The science of Astrology is polarity based and is founded on three Universal Laws that demonstrate the Universal workings of BALANCE well and for the purpose of this article I will use them to make my point. The three Universal Laws at the foundation of Astrology are the Law of Correspondences, the Law of Alchemy, and the Law of Beginnings.
The Law of Correspondences states:
“As above, so below
As within, so without
As the Universe, so the soul.”
This Law explains itself rather well and along with the concept of polarity speaks of high harmony between man and his place in the Universe. Balance via polarity is inherent in everything large and small and you can’t have one without the other.
The Law of Alchemy states:
“All of the energies that are inside of us must manifest on the outside of us.” With this Law comes the expression of “responsibility.” The topic of responsibility was remiss in every reading that mentioned the coined “no right or wrong” practitioner delivery. So, from this vantage point what does responsibility entail? Since all humans have freewill we ultimately “choose” how we learn the lessons of life. If we “choose” to be responsible for our actions and exhibit enough spiritual effort to overcome our fears we should be able to find balance both inside and outside of ourselves. This is known as positive manifestation. When we fail to do this, events will manifest on an external and disruptive scale. This is known as negative manifestation. According to our own conjecture, we have literally acted right or wrong. Another troublesome take on the “there is no right or wrong” dictum is another coined phrase, “You cannot do it wrong” which seems to be associated with Karma and Soul evolution. Soul growth is associated with and measured via Karma or how well an individual has been able to handle his/her own capacity for give and take in a given lifetime. If we are in full understanding of positive and negative manifestation, then we also understand that The Law of Alchemy says you most certainly can do it wrong and that you will suffer the consequences in your earthbound life and in your spiritual evolution. Can anyone who has acted negatively say that they didn’t suffer from the consequences of choosing to act negatively in one way or another? Further, as far as Karma goes – why would anyone with a degree of consciousness want to deny their own Soul advancement? We are all human and no one is capable of manifesting positively all the time but, we do have a responsibility to learn from our experiences and change our perceptions so we can find the balance. How is that possible if there is no right or wrong and there just IS?
The Law of Beginnings states:
“The beginning point of human life contains potential that will be fulfilled throughout the cycles of life and beyond life.” Astrologers and past life regressionists often talk about past life or Karmic residual behaviors that have bled through or been subconsciously stored and are influencing an individual’s current psychological and emotional status. These are negative behaviors that the astrologer or therapist helps the individual identify so they can understand them and seek out a more positive outlook. The source might have been a negative act perpetrated by the individual or negative act perpetrated upon the individual. No right or wrong huh? If everything in every lifetime “just IS” there would be no trauma or drama to address. No matter what we have done in the past or what we do in the present would matter. There would be no need to do better. There would be no need to grow.
In conclusion, I would advise you that the next time you decide to have a reading from any practitioner and something is said that you disagree with or don’t understand … speak your truth and ask for an explanation of what is vague or nebulous! You should come away from a reading with food for thought. You should not come away from a reading confused because you have been exposed to meaningless jargon. Don’t let any reader tell you that you are less spiritual or less evolved or in the Kindergarten of Earth School because you don’t agree with their perceptions or statements. NONE of us came equipped with a spiritual manual and the answers to the mysteries of the Universe. A reader or practitioner who is true to him or her Self and the work they are trying to do and are cognizant of that fact will act and speak appropriately. Readers, practitioners, and counselors need to realize that as spiritual consultants they have a duty to be responsible for what they say and how that might mislead rather than help. An empty phrase regardless of how much attempted and supposedly deep esotericism is wound around it is exactly that … EMPTY.
There is balance in the Universe and it is the foundation upon which it was created. There is a balance in all of humanity and each of us has the capacity for good or evil inherent within us and the ability to discern right and wrong. This is the balance of the human essence. Everyday, we all make decisions based upon what is personally correct or incorrect for us. Without polarity and balance we would be no more than impassionate pawns void of responsibility strewn about a gray landscape lost with no direction. I choose to live my life in accordance with the Universal foundation of BALANCE. I choose to deal with the “black” and “white” of life and I choose not to live in those “gray” areas full of empty concepts … how about you … am I right or wrong? I guess that depends on your perception of accountability.