Ego Is Unique Expression Of Infinite Being
Submitted by Kyra on
By Enoch Tan
Submitted by Kyra on
By Enoch Tan
Submitted by Mr. Mike on
Thought experiments (Gedankenexperimenten) are "facts" in the sense that they have a "real life" correlate in the form of electrochemical activity in the brain.
Submitted by Dream On on
Submitted by Baal Shem on
A good explanation by Aaron Askanasae …
Submitted by Reii on
In ancient Indian culture, fire ceremonies are common and they are still even practised to this day.
Submitted by Mahaji on
Do the stars impel or compel?
If I only had a nickel for every time someone asks me this question... well, I'd have a lot of nickels! You would think this would be a "no brainer" for an astrologer to answer, and it is; but as usual the question is an onion best peeled gently, so as not to tear the eyes.
Submitted by Matt on
“So, an argument is sound when it is valid and actually has all true premises. Any of that stuff about deduction need any clarification or are there any questions or stuff?”
“Professor, it is too warm in the room. Can you turn up the AC?”
Submitted by Dalia Wren on
By Adam J. Pearson
Submitted by Reii on
You can never stop growing, expanding and discovering more and more of whom and what you are.
Submitted by Reii on
It seems as if the more aware we become, the more and more truth begins to contradict itself, yet again it doesn't, this is just one of the great paradoxes we discover on the journey inwards....