Submitted by BRENCIS CYRUS -... on
Is Alchemy actually satanic or evil?
However imodern societies with a loose understanding of Satansm AND Alchemy found a way.
Opinion 1
Alchemy was, for the most part, conducted by Christians (and a few deists) in the Renaissance and Baroque eras. Many were Catholic, some had even taken Holy Orders.
It’s only in recent years that people have equated alchemy with some kind of unsavory wizardry. Part of this is the nature of the modern evangelical church, which, in its emphasis on the pulpit, not the altar, has, for the most part, left behind the idea that services should be oriented towards readings from Holy Writ and concerned itself more-or-less on personal development and current affairs. To this end, a great amount of their sermons used to be about sex, vice and Communism.
In the late Eighties and throughout the Nineties, however, things began to change. They needed new demons, new monsters in the closet, and found them in SF/fantasy and the New Age. After all, there were real people who called themselves witches, and kids were more likely to be wowed by a Jedi Knight than the adventures of Daniel and David. They were playing music by long-haired hip-wagging men who wore leather and makeup, and games with spooky themes. So, they decided to break up the party. It was all Satanic, from organic food and yoga to the most extreme Black Metal. Satanism was supposed to be thriving all over the place, according to various speakers who had invented High Priest backgrounds, elaborate backstories and blood-curdling tales of rape, murder, and babysnacking.
In the common mind, the whole Middle Ages has gotten the tabloid treatment: what was “good” was a corrupt, vengeful Church and greedy Nobles, conducting Gestapo-like raids on anything like free thought, and anything else, except for some gentle healing types are “Satanic” . (That Wiccan feminists have been busy painting anything they found “good” as “pagan”, or “pagan survivals” didn’t help, either.) That one of the seminal texts of modern fantasy was written by a rabid Catholic seems to be swept under the rug. Alchemists, being somewhat shady, and being used as a punch line for every science course in the past two centuries, would seem to fill the bill.
Alissa Mower Clough
Opinon 2
‘Alchemy’ is a very old term for people who attempted to transmute objects, and produce a philosophers stone, by using extremely rudimentary chemistry.
So, in this way, they were trying to achieve something supernatural through processes (now known as ‘science’) that were not well understood.
In many ways, the great deal of experimentation in regards to these goals set some of the groundwork for modern science by exposing the intellectuals of the time to physical and chemical phenomena that they could reproduce with ease, but had no explanation for. The scientific method (again in a rudimentary form) arose out of the need of these ‘alchemists’ to better understand what was going on.
None of these people, from my knowledge, had any kind of evil intent, and were not considered evil at the time. Whilst the idea that you could turn lead into gold with cat’s piss and wheat seems bonkers today, these people genuinely were trying to reconcile the physical world with their beliefs.
In any case, whilst these alchemists obviously had nothing to do with a quest of evil, or anything particularly malicious, I overall, don’t believe in evil people. I don’t honestly think that you could justifiably label anyone as evil. Not even the greatest monster, responsible for the murder of millions could be considered evil. I very strongly believe that people’s tendency to label things as evil represents a fundamental lack of understanding of that thing. But nothing is beyond understanding, and if you look at any person, they have 1 thing in common, they are all human. People can be indoctrinated, confused, mentally ill, or misguided, but they are never evil. I think you might label an action, or an idea as evil, but every person is complex, and totally simplifying whatever motive they might have for terrible actions, as them being ‘evil’ is childish at best. This isn’t the original trilogy of Star Wars, there’s no light side or dark side, everyone is grey.
In fact, returning to the topic of alchemy, these individuals, and this practice, was really just a quest to understand the universe objectively, to do science. In my opinion, to further the understanding of the human race, just as these alchemists did, setting the groundwork for modern science to be born, is one of the greatest, most positive things you could do.
Charles-Valentin Alkan
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