Burning Heart and the Dragon (dream 8/29/2015)

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By Sisomsoc Seletsyc

Burning Heart and the Dragon (dream 8/29/2015)

I am a forest ranger and I am living off the land.

I am gearing up for war as the king of the land has been abusing the peasants.

Dressed in green cloth and green chain armor, bow and arrow I lead the attack against the fortification of the king.

I end up capturing the kind who is a red headed boy and drag him towards the castle.

In the castle I tear out his heart which is glowing as if burning and hand it to dragon.

The dragon puts it between his two fingers rolls it around then smashes it between his thumb and pointer finger.

I look at him and say now do as you wish.

I close the door and run out of the castle as the dragon proceeds to burn the castle down from the inside out.

2 thoughts on “Burning Heart and the Dragon (dream 8/29/2015)”

  1. Interpretation?

    The abusive king is your old self, he whom you are abandoning and leaving behind….the dragon represents your higher self, so the actions taken are very much literal, but there is an emphasis on doing what is right for you and to not get burned by a choice you might make, thus the burning heart. You surrendered the matter to your higher self, who is able to see it clearly and choose what is ultimately the best for you and the others concerned in your choices.

    The dragon then burns the remnants of your old scenario, i.e. the castle of the abusive king, turning into ashes that fly away in the wind so to speak. This indicates that you did the best thing with it, being willing to surrender the matter to your own higer self. Well done!

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